first indoor grow

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i think it is 5-6 inches away and they r on 18/6 light
hi all sry i havent been on a little busy around the house

so i checked on the little one earlyer and she (hope a she) is working on the
3rd node and is geting like a redish color on the nodes. going o try to get pics up in a bit. she is still in that small pot going to c if i can transplant her to the cup if it is time.

and going to toke up before i do so dont like to work with mi plants inless i am buzzed up be back soon
ok all her r the pic i just took wild i was working on transplant and the five seeds

the seeds are three weeks in the dirt and they r growing but slowly
and the the baby just got transplant in to a 3inch pot
:watchplant: :joint:



just looked today knoi the one broke the soil today and a other one did to kow i am going to have three going knoi out of the 6 i planted
ok all the two that broke th soil didnt make it. found them week, and brown with holes in the leafs.

knoi for the veging plant
just took pics of her (hope).
the rh is at 35% anf the temp is at about 75F
on the steams and colin is truning purple never seen one trun purple have seen trun red at this young but never purple, i counldnt get a pick of the color of it. she is ownly 3 weeks old. :watchplant:
and there r twisting and like bending down on the leafs. what can i do to help this if there is anything.

give any avidce u would like to. all the little bit could help out.


ok all she is still the same way as the last pics showing anything new
dose anyone knoi how car i fix this
Yo Ho potman,

I just finished looking over your posts, and I see some areas where I think your going to get bit in the butt.

1. Your using miracle grow potting mix, ( this usually comes pre-ferted. ( NOT good for babies.)

2. I see a couple other ferts that you got, and hopefully you have not blended them into the potting soil also.

3. Take a careful look at the dirt along the edge of your small containers, See how the soil is pulling away from the side of the container ? This is dry potting soil friend, and you can lose what little moisture that small amount of soil can hold from having the babies in to small of a container.

4. Need more light friend, those babies will need a bit more than what your giving them.

I like to recommend that folks start their sprouts in a peat plug, and then when they are the size that yours are transplant them each into a container that is at minimum a 3 gallon container, stop all the excessive transplanting as it only stresses your babies, and you can risk a hermie due to the stress.

I like to also recommend that you learn to make your own soil mix, or go with a neutral Fox Farms. I make my own mixes as the different strains call for different set ups.

I mix in these ratios as a base, though I do alter it sometimes a lot depending on what my goal is, here is a good basic mix;

In one 3 gallon container I blend

1. 1/2 rich soil chemically clean (no ferts)
2. 1/4 perlite for the airation
3. 1/4 coarse sand
4. 1/4 cup bone meal

You must put some broken chunks of clay pots down at the bottom before you put the soil in the container, this will allow for better drainage.

For lighting puposes, CFL's work great for the vegging and I like to have a 90 watt LED in there also. You might consider running the lights during the veg at 24/7 until you are ready to flip your ladies over to 12/12.

Just my $0.02 Good luck and good growing

smoke in peace
ok all going on the 4 week still looks the same in size and hight
just in the leafs r turn a little yellowing and dieing off just on the baby leafs
and a little yellowing on the veg leafs
could this be cused by lack of nuts i will put pics up if u need

all avidce is welcome

ok all she is knoi 4 weeks old and cents she is still the same hight
i put a higher watts and more heat bulb in and going to c if the is going to get her to grow taller

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