Okay...Believe it or not, my little sample of bud was dry enough to try today!! Mmmmm...very nice stuff.
No harshness in the 1 1/2 hits I got from it. I smoked it in an old corn cob pipe I have, was afraid it would get lost in anything else. :bongin:
And the effects were a very mellow, cerebral high, which seemed to envelope my whole body...there was with just a touch of some couch lock, ...LOL! Just the way I like it! Very enjoyable... :fly:
I may have to experiment with the other little bud tomorrow, it's a little bigger. All in the name of research, of course!
Granted it was only a very small amount but I started at 1:00 pm and it lasted til about 3:00, then started tapering off....it's 5:00 now and I am able to finish the pot of soup I was going to start just before the experiment began...
I think I've got some gooood stuff!! :clap: :yay: