first time growin

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
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This is my first time growing, I have 16 generation #2 plants that were taken from the 8 week old from sprout, and mature mother. The 16 gen. #2 plants have been under 18/6 light hours since being taken 4 and half weeks ago, making them 3 weeks old from rooting. The 16 generation #2 plants are 10 to 14 inchs tall, with 6 to 11 internodes each, and showing preflowers. Those same plants are in 2 gallon bags, with organic soil and light perlite mix. They are feed once a week, with advanced nutrients organic iguana juice, and when going into flower, they will get advanced nutrients bud candy, and big bud with the organic iguana juice bloom ratio. I will be starting flower tommorrow, outside, under direct sun for 11.5 hours a day in temps around 70 to 80 degrees. The strain is blue cheese, does anyone have suggestions?
Are you using the Iguana juice to obtain an organic grow? I have not used nor am I familiar with Iguana Juice, I am using the Sensi line in soil as well. I do however use Big Bud and Bud Candy. You should definitely think about adding Carb Load (liquid) and Sensizym with your mix.
bud candy is just sugar based, from sugar cane, which is organic, but the big bud is diffenently mineral based and not organic. I like organic pot, but if you can throw some steroids in the mix, who cares!
I love u
and so does KORN
IMO carbo load is a load of crap.. if your looking for a "steroid" get a "root juice" and you can find them in organic as well.. that will do alot more for you then carbo load will..
IMO carbo load is a load of crap.. if your looking for a "steroid" get a "root juice" and you can find them in organic as well.. that will do alot more for you then carbo load will..

I tried carbo load a year or so ago. I did not see any difference at all between the plants I used the carbo load on and the ones I did not (clones from the same mom). I'm with LH.
Me to...carbo load is just another way for Big Mike to take your can buy molasses at kroger for 4 bucks!