friend wants me to buid a cusom grow box

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A few toke's a day.
Sep 1, 2007
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Hey gang pull up a chair on this one and heres a :bong1: for each of us cause were gonna need it. i have a friend that whants me to build them a grow box and they want it with plexiglass inplace of plywood (so they can see through it) now i know that none of us can see through mylar or any of the other normal reflective materials that most all of us have used to grow with. but i found this mirror reflective home window tinting that you can see out and it reflects from the out side my ??s are does anyone know the % of reflected light by these materials because its not listed in the product specs
Your link says the product isn't available.

I would be skeptical. If you can see in, that means light would be able to get in as well...???

If you try it you gotta let me know how it works.
and that takes me right to the first point i made to my friend about the cabinet they said they were going to keep it in a dark part of the house and only have a 13W CFl for the light in the room so very low light on the outside of the box if it were to be on for a short period of time in the dark period they just want to be able to see in to it during the grow instead of opening the doors every time they want to watch the plants grow lol

and i didn't find the picture of the product in that link too till i used the search local store it said it wasn't on line but its in almost all stores id see if they have it at yours (local) if your interested in the product heres the name of it (im going to edit out that link) Gila Privacy Mirror Window Film i found it at the local home cheepo so im sure its acommon item
Sounds like a lot of effort for something that's only for aesthetic appeal. Plexi is rather expensive.. why not just make a door that'll open?
i agree too with you that plesi is expensive and willonly add an aesthetic appeal but as i said this isnt my box and i have no real concern for the plants that may be grown in it (other than the point that they will most likely be MJ and im always interested in her) i think the point of it being see through is so that the door can stay closed and can be sat and watched to grow with out haveing to disrupt the reflected light for any ammount of time (hence the question does anyone know the % of reflected light by said material) but thanks for you guys input on it too if this cabinet is still to be built ( told the friend that wants it they have to get the materials for it in whole and ill build it then they can pay me for labor) but i think that part has been missed somehow
You might just try talking plain old common sense to them. For the plants to grow properly, they need reflected light from the walls of their grow area. Those walls need to be either nice bright flat while paint or Mylar.

Tell them neither one of those are transparent, so if they want to see the plants while they're growing, they need big old double doors that they can open for awhile.

Let them know that they won't be able to open those doors at all during the darkness time of the flowering cycle.

Explain how it needs to be vented and a fan blowing in it.

To have a proper grow, the walls simply can't be transparent. It makes no sense.

Once you explain all of that to them, perhaps they'll decide if they want a toy or a serious grow room.

If all they want is a toy that won't really ever be capable of flowering properly, then explain to them how to prune it like a bush and leave the light on 24/7 forever.

It sounds like they have no idea of what it takes to grow weed.

As their friend, you need to explain all that to them.

Good luck man. Once people get silly ideas in their head, it's sometimes difficult to get them to see the problem.
believe me guys i have tried to talk some sence into them on this i have said many times that i didnt think it would grow MJ properly and Mutt now that you mention the name of that Phototron i know where he got the idea from theyare insistant that this is how they want it built for them ( i doubt if the plants will grow and flower too) but who am i to say it wont work for them and since im not the one who is going to use it for the grow (im just building it) i have no concern for the plants in it and while i do value all the input on this my question still isnt being answered (not sure if it can anymore) but hte inital question is if anyone knows about the reflective quality of the one way window tint called Gila Privacy Mirror Window Film (sorry if that sounds snippy i didnt mean for it too) and once again thanks for the input but ive tried to talk them out of this bad box idea from every angle and it just hasnt worked so far and i doubt if it will like Stony Bud said," Once people get silly ideas in their head, it's sometimes difficult to get them to see the problem."
Here is a link to the Gila Website with the specs.

For the Gila Privacy Mirror Window Film, it has a Visible Light Reflectivity of 65%. That means, you are losing 35% of your light if you use it instead of Mylar.

I would not use it.

If your friend wants to watch his plants grow without opening the door, he could mount a computer camera inside. If he uses one that can see IR, he can watch his plant while it sleeps. :hubba: Don't forget to cover the LED power indicator with a strip of black electrical tape.

Hope that helps.
thanks very much i dont know why i couldnt get that site ive been trying it for 2 days now and it always seems to not load for me i think with this info i can now make my selling point that the cabinet WILL NOT GROW to this person FINALLY

Thanks Ab for that oh and btw thats once sweet micro under the cold caths

Tried to use that link and it still wont connect me to that site but the info i needed you did have in the post thanks a huge ammount again

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