General Indoor Growing Seeds

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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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I would like to be pointed in the right direction on my seeds. I have germinated them and planted them in little pots with top soil. I basically want to know what I need to do light wise heat wise... what they should like in so many days etc. Thanks
Ummm, basically keep a light on it 24/7 until its about 6-7 inches. For the beginning use some HPS or flourescent lights.
You gotta have alot of lumens, it should say how many lumens a lightbulb puts out on its box. When you get to the Veg stage you should switch light hours to 18/6 (18 on 6 off). You should stay in the Veg stage for a minimum if 6 weeks before moving onto the budding/flowering stage. Keep in mind the longer you stay in veg stage the bigger your plant will be.
IF you can afford them I'd use MH lights for budding stage, if not then just get alot of flouro, HPS, or LED lights on there.
When plant is like 5 or 6 in. you should transplant to a 3 gallon bucket, some people say 5 gallons... dunno. :D
I check most of those links and doesn't tell me what I need
...??? "EVERYTHING" anyone needs to know about growing is in there somewhere..

"HPS" for flowering...MH for veg...5,000 lumens p/sq/ft...
24/0 has always produced the most compact plants and the optimal growth, in my experience. Plants don't require a "resting" period, they will use as many hours of light as they are alloted. "Stretching" for the light during the lights off period, is often "concieved" as faster growth, but "I" have foound 24/0 lighting to produce the same amount of growth,(or more) just more compact, nodes closer together.
If/when a HID is used for vegging, I'll run 20/4 to give the bulb and ballast a cooling break.
THANK you Hick for helping us out, I guess I mixed up my lights :D (HPS/MH)...
I got two flourescent lights plant and aquarmium from canadian tire light output 1900 lumens each ..

What does it take to make the root grow better? Heat, Water, Light?
I know an incandescent light works good for early root/stem and foliage developement. Get one of those, theyre cheap... and try and get more fluoros if you can for later. THE MORE LUMENS THE BETTER. Don't over water your plants either, feel the soil if it feels like mud then its too wet. Keep the plants area between like 70-85 degrees.
What if I just through like 2 incandescent lights in
the info you just got was bogus bro.
Incadescent is the wrong spectrum for growin anything.
Florous are perfect for starting seeds ;)
I was planning to drop in a couple of those 40w light bulbs that are like twists when my plants get bigger not much bigger though

My setup is like a 3 foot tuberware container and a 4 foot flourescent shield with 4' flours. i got about 8 germed seeds in soil under 24 hour light... i just let them sit there an do there thing like that with the soil damp - I have access to a heat lamp if it will help me at all
nope no heat lamp dude. Just run the flos and they should grow fine. Do not overwater. better to under water a little than over water.
Ok thanks ill have picture in like half hour when sis gets home.
Here are some pictures.




I moved them outta the tubaware and set them on the board so i could get light closer anybody? help with increasing my set up for the better

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