Happy Birthday Hamster Lewis

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pcduck said:
and may you have many more:)

I will smoke 44 :bong1: in your honor:D

Have a great B-Day:)

Don't smoke up your whole stash pc...:hubba:

Thanks for the well wishes.
Happy Birthday Mr. Hamster von Dank Lewis.

Seems like just yesterday I was saying that to you and Umbra. My time flies when your having fun!
i bring you sunflower seeds for your b-day hammy---do hamsters eat meat and drink beer---got a great bbq and you are invited---save a spot for ya at the table---there will be cake---just be careful of the guy with the big spatula---happy birthday

Thanks tc and orange...orange I love meat and beer. :) Wife made me some pulled pork last night. Was delish. Thanks for the invite.
Happy birthday Hamster hope you have a great day fella.
Happy birfday Hamster! Too bad we can't all goto an actual party together in RL, that would be a trip! literally and figuratively...

ENjoy your day man

Jeeze, no wonder you CRS...

lol, happy B-day bro ;)
Happy belated BIRTHDAY, my friend, was on vaca when your day came! Many more, my friend!!
Many happy returns, Hamster -- grow green and stay clean :)

:woohoo: Happy Birthday Hammy:woohoo:
..............:bong2: :bong2: :bong2: ..........
Thanks everyone...had a great day. I appreciate all the well wishes and kind words.
:yay:Happy happy birthday, Hamster Lewis. :yay:

p.s love the new avi :)
Roddy said:
Much better avi, too...


Thanks 7...yeah my other avi was making me feel ill every time I logged in. :)
Hope you had a great day dude! Happy day late bday!
Right on! Birthdays with a good wife are the best. Happy be-lated Bday Hammy!