Help! first problem first grow! 9 weeks in!

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Dogtown Toker

Nov 24, 2009
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Would like your input please! Is this Nute Burn?
Growin AfghanKush! Growing from seed 9 weeks in 16 qrt buckets. My girls are 36" tall from top of soil and flowering for 3weeks or so! Doing Foxfarm OF with FF nutes. I am running about 1700 ppm nutes in RO water with a PH of about 6.7. I use a Oakton PH11 meter and a Hana ppm. I am about 20" from my 400W HPS light with an ocsollatting fan on them . I feed every three days and have not had any problems for 9 weeks. My RH is running about 45-50% Running a 700 cfm grotek exhaust fan with free intake from other rooms in house. Temps run from 70° PM and a 80° AM. I mixed a batch of feeding a week ago that seems to have yeast in my 5 gal water barrell! It was bubbling in the container 2 days after I feed them. I have never had this before! Can U help?



u feed nutes every 3 days??? well 1700 can kinda be a lill on the high side, depending on wat strain and how much nutes they really want and can handle! wats the run off????? i would give they some plain phed water and see how the leafs are
I agree, it sounds like you're feeding those too much. Also, make sure that your pH meter is accurate in its reading. What I do when I'm not quite sure about what the problem is; that is to say, when my plants start looking like yours, I flush, using water of pH of about 6.5 (A midrange value for proper soil pH). I pour a gallon of this pH adjusted water into the medium until I get a good gallon of runoff. Then, I mix the runoff water well, in order to achieve a homogeneous pH throughout. I strain a cup of stirred up runoff through a coffee filter as I pour it through a funnel into a test container. I then test the runoff pH. If it needs to be raised or lowered some more, then I simply run pH'd water, one gallon at a time through the soil until the soil pH is withing the 6.3-6.8 range, 6.5 being preferable (In my opinion, anyway). I try to avoid tossing copious amounts of water on the plants, because it amounts to back-breaking work. Some recommend three times the water per each gallon of soil. So, if you have a five gallon pot, then you need to run 15 gallons of water through the dirt in order to eliminate all nutrients. If you choose this method, then some say that the first 13 gallons of water can be tap water, while the last couple of gallons must be pH'd first. The last gallon must also contain light fertilizer, because 15 gallons of water (in this example) will deplete the soil of all nutrients. Actually, your problem is starting to look bad, perhaps a good, thorough flush might be in order.

As I said, I will often times flush when I don''t know what the problem is, and it seems to help.


Why are you dosing the FF fertilizers in ppms? Why not use the FF feeding schedule that gives recommended doses in teaspoons and tablespoons for the liquid trio, and the 1/4-1/2 teaspoon doses for the granular high octane Open Sesame, etc., ferts? Try using light feedings and gradually build up to what seems to be good for the plants. My tendency lately, has been to go real light on the three FF granular nutes; they are potent! The liquid FF ferts are more gentle on the plants, and more forgiving if you give a bit too much.
Thanks for the help guys! I moved them to the bathtub for a good PH'd flush last night. Looks like the damage has leveled out and I am going to back off. I was feeding at this schedule only because I had fantastic results with my other plants with this same grow, White Dwarf. I harvested them Sunday so these girls are going to see much less. I Also forgot to mention that I was using FF Beasttie Bloom in with this ppm mix.
Once again thanks for looking out for my girls. Included a pic from my harvest on Sunday.

Happy Holidays:hubba:


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