Help me!!!

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Mar 12, 2007
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Okay. I got some plants that are about two weeks old. I had to translplant them into a bigger container and they haven't grown much since I've transplanted them. Actually two of the four have, but the other two are really small. I don't know what kind of seeds I used, but I was wondering if they might be dwarf plants. I actually believe two of the four are an indica breed, because their leaves are fatter than than the other two that are smaller. I need some information on what I need to do to these babies of mine. Like how long I should let them stay in the veg state before I put them into bloom. I also need to know about fert. My mom told me that I can't use a 10-10-10 fert. That it will blister the leaves. I heard that a 12-12-12 is a good fert, but shouldn't that mean that 10-10-10 is okay too? Give me some insight, please.:confused:
I'll post some pics tomorrow. That may aid in you guys helping out.
I germinated the seeds for 1 week in a paper towel. Then I planted the 5 seeds that germinated. Four of the five lived and sprouted. They were all planted in a coffee can with drain holes added. 3 days ago I had to transplant them into a bigger container. They have had natural sunlight during the day, and at night I have them under an 80 watt incandescent bulb. Don't fuss please. I haven't had the time to go buy any lights for the babies. They get watered once a day by surface. I'm really careful not to get any water on the leaves. When should I start using fert? Can I use the 10-10-10 that I mentioned earlier? The pic that I have attached is from Mar 29 at 6:20 pm

..seperate them into individual pots NOW. No better time.
They're still tiny, no nutes just yet..IMO.
That soil looks like it needs some perlite. MJ likes her roots to breathe.
10-10-10 will.."suffice" if administered spareingly/properly, but "I" prefer organic nutrients to those chemical types.
How long should I leave them in Veg state, from what you've seen? How big should the pots that I seperate them into be? When can I start with ferts? I was also wondering if you could possibly detect what kind of plants they are...I think 2 of them are indicas. The two biggest ones. I really hate to ask you so many questions, but I really want this to be a successful grow.
..they're pot plants..but other than that, waaay too early for any diagnosis of type.
"I" would use 1 gal pots for now, some folks like t place them right into the pot they will flower them in. I prefer to transplant to fresh medium and larger containers, just prior to flowering.
Get them seperated, then do your reading. You'll have a li'l time to become educated/informed on the basics.

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