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It is indeed very small for 20 days, you should check the lights. I always keep the lights 1 inch close to the top.
Oh boy, I did something bad. I thought maybe my plant was too far away from my CFL's........... and that's why it wasn't growing much, so I stacked up some more dvd cases and a book last night to move it closer... i can't tell how close it is/was because of how my grow box is..... but I went to check it this morning, and it was pretty much all shrivled up like it had been completely dried out, so I immediately took it out, took out the extra DVD's/book, gave it a good watering, and it's sitting on my kitchen counter. I don't know if there's any chance of it coming back. I'm going to start germing another seed anyway, hopefully seed #2 will grow faster than this current one.
Wow, too bad man, I think the dvd might have burned it. I usually keep the plant a couple of inches from the cfl and thats enough. too bad.
ya i duno, i'm pretty sure there was still room between it and the lights... i mean i've read numerous times that the plants can grow right in to the cfl's if for a short time... apparantly not in my case lol

I've got 4 more seeds germing right now, this way I'll have a little more options.. 3 bag seeds and 1 snowberry again. One of the bagseeds is growin a taproot already... has been just over 24 hours since I paper toweled them.

I'm gonna make a new journal for Round 2. I'll keep u posted.
It really depends on what the cfl is. If its warm it needs to be like 2 to 3 inches away. If its a blue ray one that is cool like my shop lights are I let the plants grow until they touch the bulbs and then leave it like that for a day and then move the lights the next day.
they were ALL cool blue's :). i just checked my seeds again, 2 of the bagseeds have nice little taproots, i'll probably put them in soil toinght, or tomorrow morning. My snowberry hasn't popped anything yet.. might be a dud :/ not all of the ones I got looked too promising, but just incase that one doesn't take, I put another one in the freezer for tonight, then i'll cup of water it for an hour or two tomorrow, then pop that in the paper towels... i'm hard core at germing :) lol
I really have no idea here I'm just using my logic and one possibility is your intake to outake. Like you said your intake is twice as big and I really have a passion for cars as much as I do this and I know that if you do anything to intake there must be an equal modification done to the exhaust and vice versa. So maybe what's happening is all this fresh air is coming in and is unable to find its way out. Again I have no idea, I am not an experienced grower nor have I ever (looking to give it a shot tho after some heavy reading). You aslo mentioned there's no nutrients in the soil yet... how long does MG feed your plant?

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