How do i keep humididy at the right level???

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what is your current humidity at?
well... i spray water on top of the pots as often as i can... but it dries soon... so i would say that the level goes from 25 to 65%... thanks!!
I have successfully grown @ 15% before. Foilar spraying the leaves is not the way to water it. The roots is what needs the water.
I would not worry about your humidity levels if its in that range. To water just pour a 1/2 a liter of water in every 2-3 days depending on the size of your pot. get a feel for it's weight when you just water it. then when its light you know its time to water again which is only every few days. Over-watering is a NEWB's biggest mistake.
Well its my first time growing and i found that adding a dish of water in the room( maybe more pending on the size of the room) helps alot
Dude, i have a hydo system that absorves the watter+nutrients from underneath, it runs by itself. I spray on top of the containers that hold the plants so i can keep a better humidity level. That is the best that i came out with... but it just doesn't last long... dries
I use a humidifier against an air conditioning unit - the AC pulls Humidity out and the Humidifier puts it back in - keeps my Temp down where it needs to be( 1000 Watt HPS ) and keep my Humidity between 40 and 60% or higher if I need.

Hope this helps

whereismymind69 said:
Dude, i have a hydo system that absorves the watter+nutrients from underneath, it runs by itself.

I'm going to move this thread over to the Hydro section.
The general indoor section is typically 1st timer and dirt growers.
You have a different beast.
Sorry I didn't help much...I got dirty finger nails and play with DWC thats about it for me. :doh:
Low humidity during flowering helps get stronger trichome growth...

When my plants are small my room is around 5% RH and they don't die off on me one bit.... as they get bigger and **** up ~5 gallons a day my RH goes up to about 40% and stays there....

Low humidity will help with keepin the mould away too!

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