How high before i die?

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Jun 14, 2007
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how high can your temperature get before it's fatal??

right now i'm running a 102 temp
this eveing around 8 it was 101
around 5 it was @ 100 with a pulse of 100...

kinda worried it hasn't dropped and it keeps going up... but seriously does anyone know..
Pranic those temps gotta come way down. Those nasty bugs will come marching in and set up shop!

Is there any way to exhaust to the outside and intake from the outside?

If yer already venting, maybe an A/C would be in order.

I think Pranic is talking about his/her own Body temperature.


Fevers are side effect of some kind of bacteria infection.
you can run high fevers for a while, and it may or may not kill you.
The problem is that when you run high fever, it can cause brain damage
and bad for your internal organs. Your body is working over time fighting

YOU NEED TO run to the store and at least get yourself some fever reducer.
Like Extra Strength Tylenol, Motrin or something.
Take some.. and if the fever persists.

Go to the ER.

Dont try to tough it out, this isn't about paid..
Its about Germs.

I think he is talking fever? You get to 103 go to the doctor, hell you probably should even now.
ROLMFAO Oscar. :rofl: Great answer for a grow room though. ;)
Oscar said:
Pranic those temps gotta come way down. Those nasty bugs will come marching in and set up shop!

Is there any way to exhaust to the outside and intake from the outside?

If yer already venting, maybe an A/C would be in order.

Her's me with my mind in the dumpster again.

Holy smackeroos that's a high temperature...........get checked in ASAP.
Swelling of the brain can occur during high fevers.........
Pulse is too high too....the heart is forcing to pump blood.

Just think of those sponge baths they give.
Hey Pranic....anything over 104 is serious. You must go to the hospital or brain damage can happen.
If running 103- just alternate motrin/tylonal every 4 hrs. Least thats what I have to do when my kid gets sick. ;)
If the fever lasts more than 2 days go to the doctor might be bacterial instead of viral.
I've had to drop a temp. on my kid fast before. Cold wash clothes under armpits and top of head brought it down quick to give us time to get him to the dr.. ;) (hate them midnight suprises)
Fevers can be a good thing sometimes too. It's your bodies way of fighting those boogers off.

Maybe try a cool shower. Or sleeping it off for a bit. Then try Tylenol.

Hope you feel better. :D
thers-flu helps alot makes you sweet the cold out and rest better i mix mine up with orange juice
definably take a shower, start it a little warm, and slowly work your way down to where its absolutly freezing. do it as long as you can stand, dry completely off, then go lay down, and sleeeeep.

showers also help whenever you have me there..the reefer helps also.
For adults our temperature tolerence is not as good as the kids. Brain damage can occur at lower temps. Something to keep in mind.
does living in a place like death valley in the summer make u tougher to fevers? ER: this boy has a fever of 130f, keep an eye on em
after 110 i think your dead um tylenol always reduces your fever down 2 degrees and its a virus your body is fighting not bacteria... So all the docter is gonna give you is some over the counter medicine this might sound weird but you actually need too stay warm not cold... When you get to hot take off the sheets... And cool down your perceptation should cool you down quite quick... Only reason you would need to take a cool shower is if you needed to take your temperature immediatly down... Fluxing your temp could seriously make you sicker... Try too make sure you take vitamens and drink warm broths or soups... Anything else may prolong the virus time inside your body...:rolleyes:
Yo bro, take vitamins, people act like they hate to take vitamins once a day, but look at it this way, you are much healthier in so many ways if you take them. I have been taking vitamins everyday for about 2 years now, and i have came up with a one day stomach virus and that is it, (knock on wood) so it definately pays off in the end, oh yeah if your throat hurts have someone get this vitamin/herb called echinacea and yes that is the correct spelling, echinacea is a natural herb that fights off the strep infection (i.e. Strep throat) it also boosts your immune system in general, alternate a week taking, two weeks off(not taking), to strengthen your immune system, I used it once with strep throat, taking 3 to 4 a day and in 2 or 3 days it was gone. Best of luck man. A trip to the DR. is your best bet though right now.
well this is day three, temp holding steady at 99.8 - 102 thats with the tylenol cold **** i've been forcing myself to take, and trust me it isn't an easy one to stomach, thank you all for the replys, if it presists to go on, ihave no choice but the see a dr. considering if i'm not sitting infront of a fan, my temp peaks, but at the same time i have to have a blanket on me cos i'm cold... that makes no sense.. but i'm sure it does.

again thank you for the replys to this thread, btw. i've been increasingly tired is that normal, yesterday i slept till 12 noon, got something to eat with my mom, then when i came back @ 1 i slept till 6, went to class, then ended up crashing until noon today..... humm weird.
Sounds like full blown Flu. Influenza flu, not the ** version.

The reason why you feel like your freezing is really quite simple. Think about it like this. When your skin temp is 98.6 and the temp inside your house is say 75. Ok that is a temp spread of 23.6. OK, now if you temp is 102 well now you are at 27 degree's. 4 degree's don't sound liek much, but it is amplified because it is an extreme body temperature. I hope that make sense to you all.
Here's some cyber chicken noodle soup for ya Pranic. You get well soon....hang in there. :)
saweet, i like soup :) but all they have been serving on campus is chedder onion and some potato soup. yuck

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