Im losing them all, last resort

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May 28, 2008
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All my plants are seeming to die, and I have no idea why. I tried figuring it out with the troubleshooting guide but I stil have no idea. Can someone please take a look at these and let me know what is a matter, i dont wanna lose em. Their in miracle grow moisture control soil, and were outside, but its been really cloudy here for the past week and they havent been getting to much sun. Ive been feeding them with a 24 8 16 nutes every few days. Please take a look, thanks

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I think you have nutrient burn, what you should do is flush the soil with PH-ed water only (PH @ 6.3-6.5). Then give them PH-ed water for a few days and then start giving them some nutrients not loads tho a bit at a time and gradually increase to the proper dose.

Hope this helps but I am a beginner myself and that is what I would do.
Like the people said above MG soil is a little hot to put your babies in but poeple have done it before with great results. But see you also got that moisture control crap in there which means your roots prolly never getting air to them. You may have a root rot issue. I cannot say for sure, we need a little more info from ya. How often you water? PH of your water? How big of pot is it in? This will help us narrow down your problem.
bigbudsbruddah said:
Like the people said above MG soil is a little hot to put your babies in but poeple have done it before with great results. .

Agreed, but 1000 plants wither and have serious issues with it to the 1 plant that can tolerate it, MG is not for MJ plants, get your plant out of that before flowering starts in 3 weeks.
I agree. Or at east flush and give plain water until it recuperates.
I use MG for my outside girls, they love it in this california sun!!
The stems fatten up real big and the leaves get fat and healthy and all i am requierd to do for the first 3 months is only add ph'd water. This helps me out and saves me time since my indoor requiers more daily maintanance. After about the 3rd month of veg i transplant into ocean's forrest and feed organic nutes untill finish. So my advice would be to only use p.h'd water and lay off the nutes, you dont even need them like i said for about 3 months so save some money and your plants:). If your forced to bloom within that time period use bloom nutes at 1/2 strengh to avoid toxicity to the plants. Hope this helps out bro, Peace and Love!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the help guys, but the plants are in those little biodegradeable cups, that you just bury in the ground and the roots can grow through. That was the whole idea was to let them get tall enough and strong enough so i can just put them in the ground. Last time I started them in the ground, they got ate within the first week of sprouting so. Also I still got a good while for flowering to begin, its not even the end of june, flowering aint gonna start til late august, early september where im at. Im not sure of PH of the soil, they got completely saturated with rain water, which is why they look over watered. The weather hasnt been to sunny lately, also, someone had said something about that moisture control probably aint letting air to the roots, I noticed i had to poke alot of hole in that soil just to get it to absorb water so that could be it as well. Thanks for everyones helps, it really is appreciated. I know alot about what I have to do now, thank you.:D
hey betterman
i have a couple of plants in miracle grow/mushroom compost/ perlite and my plants love it, but, i didnt add any nutes for the first 4 weeks, when they started to look a little sad then i went with fox farms 1/4 strength i think flushing them sounds like good advise also, fyi i wont be using miracle grow any more, i think its better to start out with a good soil mix and then add nutes that you can control better
good luck
I also use MG too and it been alright and I wouldn't go back to Moister control agian or the 3 months feeding I think having a little control over watering and Nutes is always a good thing.

I would flush and then won't feed them for at least 4 weeks in less they need it..
i had alot of problems with MG in my first couple of grows but finaly got it worked out before i changed soil. as long as you don't use nutes for the first two months MG is ok. i would flush them really good and lay off nutes for a while just like everyone else already said.
betterman029 said:
Their in miracle grow moisture control soil, Ive been feeding them with a 24 8 16 nutes every few days.

IMO heres the problem, IM a MG user but the moisture control stuff has water absorbing crystals in it that hold onto water till the palnt needs it and makes it harder to tell for certain when you need to water, when using the MG MC give your plants a few extra dry days inbetween waterings. 2nd part is the key to why your plants are not holding on your over ferting the crap out of them they cant use up all the food your giving them till your feeding them more, IMO give them a flush, use 3 times MORE water than your potter is in size(e.g. 3 gal potter 9 gal of water) then let it dry out totaly before you water again. you should see an improvement with in a couple of weeks. USe this as a learning lesson too, MG can grow good smoke but the trick is to not use any nutes until they are at least 3 months old, this is because there is enough in the mix already to feed your plants for that long, and for those of us who use it when its to the 3 month mark and time to flower all we have to use is some bloom ferts to get huge results. MOJO for the plants mang may they recover fully and become the beautiful monsters they deserve to be.
The nutrients are way too much! You gotta just lay off.
Give them lots of fresh water. Also the dirt is junk.

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