is that a reason?

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Jan 5, 2010
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Im in 6 week after changing lights to 12/12.
Water is cut off and we got emargency supply in the house. With lets col it yellow water i water the plants twice, 2 of them turn to hermie.
Big bang plant had about 10 male flowers and shaman 2 in the middle of head. Male flowers remowed strait away.
I can see some seeds forming in in few plants. Some say that all the plants want produce nice head, but i will hold on a bit and see what happend(only few more weeks to go).
Now tell me if water could be a reason couse nothing else was changed.
no light leaks, for sure
1.2-1.2m area 18 females, 600watt hps, blowing fan, sucking fan, temp and humidity how recomendet, hesi nutritients.
Any idea if seeds will be hermi?
What strain, where did you get your seeds from?
From what I understand if the seeds came from a plant that went hermi on you then it does have the hermi gene in it. It is possible that you could grow it out and be fine but it is generally recommended to destroy all seeds from a hermi plant so as not to pollute the gene pool.
Seems like a lot of plants in that small space. That works out to less than a square foot per plant. I'm too new at the game to know if over-crowding causes enough stress to hermie, but it seems feasible.

Good luck.
I don't think it was the water either. What was the source of your seeds?

The seeds WILL have hermie genetics. Will they be hermie? Probably, since your plants hermied with no apparent light stress. Maybe not, but WHY take the chance--the genetics are there.
Yellow water? If I am reading this correctly you watered your plants with urine?
(I guess this is a new version of FLUSH :eek: )

Actually you can use urine as fertiliser but it needs to be diluted first . . .

As the others said - you've got hermie plants. What strain were these please so we can make a note in the hermie report thread?
thats funny leafminer. lol...Pencilhead, i just did a huge multi grow, and they were real crowded. not one hermi...

could it be you had male pollen in your room b4 you began this grow?...
IRISH said:
thats funny leafminer. lol...Pencilhead, i just did a huge multi grow, and they were real crowded. not one hermi...

could it be you had male pollen in your room b4 you began this grow?...

This has bitten me more than once now. I clean the tent and then mist everything with water...just to make sure.:rolleyes:
Thanks a lot for all replys!
i got 10 eupforia from dutch passion, 2 shamans(i cut one hermi) 2 big bangs and rest are mixes( blubery with amnesia).
will wait a week or two and see what happend,
water got yellowish colour coz is not filtered and comming from the hills( cold got a bit of Ca).
grow room was not in use for about 4 months, so should be cleen.
weel i supose if i get some seeds could be worth to try them outside and see what happend
hehe leafminer!!!!! i flush them with my urine only after 0,7 of zubrowka hahaha just to give them extra kick!


IRISH said:
could it be you had male pollen in your room b4 you began this grow?...

He has male flowers on his girls, so I am thinking that that is the source of the seeds...
Wow you have better eyes than I do. I see them now, but didn't the first time. Good catch ;).
cant a light stresser make a plant hermie? could sumthing have happend to the elecrical supply for the lights and not have noticed?
yes i know that the seeds are comming from hermie pollon, good eyes to see the male flowers! its funny coz they not forming on the stamps just in the middle of head.anyway shaman is cut down, big bang seems to not produce any more male flowers. if it will he will join the shaman. hope not all is polinated.
thanks for replyes!
well u right that power cut could happend in the middle of night when grow room have day, and im sleeping by my bird.didnt notice any but even if, will happend ones in blue moon and that one time shouldnt coz that.
thanks and take care!
polish said:
well u right that power cut could happend in the middle of night when grow room have day, and im sleeping by my bird.didnt notice any but even if, will happend ones in blue moon and that one time shouldnt coz that.
thanks and take care!

I would think that you should know if you have had a power outage in the middle of the night. I have numerous things with digital clocks that need to be reset--my microwave, my coffeemaker, the clock/timer on my stove. I also have numerous things that have to be turned back on after an interruption in the power--my desktop computer, my satellite TV. Also, in general, you generally need to interrupt the dark several times to induce "light stress" hermies.
The Hemp Goddess said:
I would think that you should know if you have had a power outage in the middle of the night. I have numerous things with digital clocks that need to be reset--my microwave, my coffeemaker, the clock/timer on my stove. I also have numerous things that have to be turned back on after an interruption in the power--my desktop computer, my satellite TV. Also, in general, you generally need to interrupt the dark several times to induce "light stress" hermies.
wery nicely said!!!
it seems that the reason could be either genetics either ph of water(be honest never in my life did check ph),will see in a week or two and let u now know how much was polinated
some leafs turn brownich a bit. hope due to flowering period.
thanks for adwise hemp goddess