Just outta curiousity

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HGB said:
Tiss madness to pay for a weed:eek: I got some dandylions for sale :rolleyes:

Dubbaman, the only reason the black market thrives out of control is because no one has any passion left.....

this is the easiest plant i know of to grow and it will grow in the wild just fine with no help from man:)

time to overgrow the gov. and the black market and spread the greens to all in need for free.... what will this plant be worth once we win the war???? zip....

feel sorry to those do have to resort to the black market and hope they can break away from it and grow for them selfs

peace :48:

There you go, Spread the SEEDS and make some green !!

I have alot of Street weed SEEDS and I am thinking of pass them seed around town and see what will become of it !!!
I think about Big Coffee can FULL will do... LOL
Yeah, honestly ya'll are right the art of culitvation is more rewarding than buying it..

heh.. if i had a place to grow atm i would.. but i don't.. haha.. i gotta wait till just before spring to start my babies for outdoor... but anyway

Here a lb. of decent tree goes anywhere from like 800-1500
My New Years resolution is to go 3rd party free by the end of the year. Working my best to be fully self sufficient by summer.

I would not put a price on any surplus, but I know a few people who would be surprized with a small gift now and then ;)
HGB said:
pretty much what hick said....

once we get our med card we are on our own so to speak.... we do have clinics like AMOP to help tho... this is our trading post so to speak where the ones that can grow donate clones and or meds that then are given at NO cost to other card holders that need help....

I try to give at least an oz a week as well as clones.... some peeps wont live long enough to grow meds so they need access to bud now and us that can grow give to make sure they get what they need....

I allso care take for 2 who cant physically grow for them selfs so I do one outdoor crop a year for them....this year they each got 8 pounds from that grow as well as 3 pounds dontated to the clinic and took a pound for myself... thats 20 pounds of FREE meds out there from just one person:hubba:

I really believe the key is to take away the money value put on the plant as it really isn't worth anything...

If I had to buy on the street I wouldn't have any meds my self as I would have no clue where to look let along the money to buy.....but i could make a phone call and have a free pound here in an hour if need be to tied me over until my crop was ready....

other med states and those look'n to vote in MMJ really should take the time to see how it is done in oregon.... It's about compassion and not money here..... only cost involved is what it cost to grow


Wow your One Nice Guy HGB !!!

Around here if your in need then, there a front, Pay later and just get some for free is out of the question here. Although there are what we call taster though for a price..
Ca. needs to wake up and let us grow and the Black market wouldn't be around anymore and the cops can focus on REAL Criminal like the harder User of Drugs...

Although Your doing a great Job on helpping the Meds Shops and I would do the same... I have given a lot of friends weed with out charging them but it wouldn't be alot just enough to tie them over for a few days..
My wife can get upset on this Give Away but to me it well worth the friendship and what comes around goes around is the way I looked at it and I have never went and asked if they had any when I am Out ! I always have weed with in a phone call..
Flyinghigh said:
My wife can get upset on this Give Away

other way around here with my miss's.... If I ever did sell any she would leave for good:eek:

Pranic sorry I didn't mean to go off topic in your thread :eek: and I know I look at it in a diff way then non med states or even users do but still a lb from me will cost zero as well as if i need meds a lb would be free to me

I do have one question tho..... why would one pay more for hydro bud? it's NO diff then soil bud except it will finish 3-4 days faster than soil.... so is like "nike" and you pay for a name? I have no clue

I do have one question tho..... why would one pay more for hydro bud? it's NO diff then soil bud except it will finish 3-4 days faster than soil.... so is like "nike" and you pay for a name? I have no clue

Where I'm from, 'Hydro bud' isn't necessarily just that. It just means it's fairly dense, good potency, and whoever sold it decided to label it as hydro-grown.

'Outdoor' isn't even always grown outdoors, it just means lower quality, lots of leaf/stem, less smell.

It's all easier to understand if you expect the dealer to lie, which is the standard around here.

Dealer is in bold there, because buying from a dealer, is a much different relationship than buying from a buddy/friend who happens to have bud.

Edit: Oh, and we don't get 'cheeba' here, but a LB goes for $2k give or take a few hundred.

I am so happy to not have to resort to dealers anymore :)
'Outdoor' isn't even always grown outdoors, it just means lower quality, lots of leaf/stem, less smell.
..another one for the "MYTHBUSTER" thread.
..but then, I always drive a spike nail through the stalk, trim off all of the huge fan leaves that are blocking the sunlight, feed them birth control pills(human fem' hormones) and use only grape or orange juice for the final few weeks, for the fruity flavor...
............. :p ;)

HGB said:
I do have one question tho..... why would one pay more for hydro bud? it's NO diff then soil bud except it will finish 3-4 days faster than soil.... so is like "nike" and you pay for a name? I have no clue

It's a bit more complicated than that, HGB.

You are right in saying there can be no difference in the quality of the bud from soil grown and Hydroponically grown weed.

There are several factors that influence the quality of bud, as you know.

1. Air quality. Both Oxygen and CO2 need to be as near to maximized in regards to what the plant is capable of using. This is a problem with both soil and Hydroponically grown weed. In soil and some types of Hydroponics, the proper amount of oxygen is reduced because the grower doesn't allow the oxygen to go where it's needed due to ignorance of proper growing methods.

CO2 is rarely supplied in the amounts that a plant can use. Most growers aren't even aware of how much CO2 a plant can use and how to supply it.

2. Soil quality can cause a lessening of the plants ability to grow as well as possible. Even some Hydroponic growers don't supply the proper types and quantity of nutrients to their reservoirs or hybrid soil/hydro media.

3. Light quantity and type is a large factor in a plants capability to produce its maximum growth. Outside soil plants are susceptible to this problem as well if planted in a secluded/overgrown area with inadequate sunlight. Indoors, both soil and Hydro growers often have less than perfect lighting.

Providing the proper amounts of everything that a plant needs to grow to its full, maximized capability is easier in a Hydroponics system because of the ease of delivery and maximized mixing which supplies all parts of the root system equally. Doing this in soil takes much more knowledge than the average soil grower possesses and is seldom arrived at. The ease of simply opening a package, measuring a concentrated powder or liquid and mixing it into water makes arriving at a more perfect environment for plants a simple process for most growers who choose this method. This is only because most growers don't take the time to learn how to do this in soil.

Simply put, on an average, Hydroponically grown weed has been grown with a more balanced supply of the elements needed to provide the most perfect growth and thus, the plants are at a more perfect end result when harvested.

Please, before you soil growers jump down my throat for saying this, read it very closely and discover that I've worded it to be as fair as can be.

I've grown weed in both soil and hydroponically for many decades. I've had hundreds of crops both inside and out. The knowledge it takes to properly grow Marijuana to it's full potential is just harder for a soil grow than for a Hydro grow. The human characteristic to be lazy makes hydroponics an easier way to do this than with soil.

I firmly believe that the average weed that is REALLY grown in hydroponics is of better quality than the average weed that is grown in soil. This is AVERAGES, not absolute. If the proper care and knowledge is brought to a soil grow, then HGB, you're right. There can be a point where soil grown weed can be as good as the best hydroponic weed.

And, to stay on topic, I have no idea what a pound of weed sells for on the street. I haven't purchased any in so long that I'm out of touch with that side of the issue. I do know it's WAY more than my cost of growing it.
I've been reading this thread since it started and have hesitated to respond. But I am moved by HGB's comments. I quit growing 10 years ago or so. While growing I gave away 1/2 of everything I grew, to people in need. I stopped giving away when everyone resold it for profit. I was really upset by what they did. But I have since understood that the need for the money to cover chemo drugs and other necessities were just too great for them, and the demand for the cannabis was so great. I plan on giving a portion away again. When my mother was dying of cancer, smoking and eating cannabis was her only relief. She lived with me for the last 3 months, and thanked me every day for my support.

When I quit growing, I had more than 100,000 seeds. I took them and spread them at public parks, the flower beds of the police department. The police cheif's backyard, every place that they could grow. Passive/agressive I guess. My thoughts at the time were that if it's every where, it will be impossible to stop.
HGB it's cool u went off topic.. infact the more off topic u go... the deeper into a subject you get...

I think it's cool u give to peeps who need it... as well as the rest of u guys who grow that do the same.. Ur generous natures move me...

So... to move this topic a little further off subject....

I got into a car accident yesterday... What kinda bud is good for pain relief???
The Vicodine and morphine just ain't doin the trick.. any suggestions??
as for my thoughts on the Hydro/Soil thing...

I personally see no differance... They both get u high... they both have their pros and cons.. and I won't pay extra just cos it was hydro grown.. and those that do... are just stupid.. cos they don't know the differance... mainly cos they don't grow.. and realize it's the same as what they would get if it was soil grown... but thats just me... ya know..

my opinion
Agree with you 100% Pranic. I take onboard everything Potus said and he does make a valid point, but at the end of the day you're probably talking about 1 or 2 % difference in THC content, maximum.

I grow organically in soil and have grown hydro in the past. IMHO organic is a much earthier, deeper, fuller taste. If my weed is a % or two lower in thc content it sure makes up for it in taste.

Guess I'll just have to smoke more of it.
Pranic said:
I got into a car accident yesterday... What kinda bud is good for pain relief???

for me I use plants that are related to the white pheno and not part of mainly, or cross's of....

K2 and white Russian are my main breeder's and I keep about 40 strains/cross's made from them....

I target lower back nerve damage :)

hope that made since as it is 4:30 am wake-n-bake time here:D
yup made sense.... So more into the white strains for pain relief...

right now i need to target head/neck pain.. and somethin to help me walk.. i messed up my knees pretty bad.... they aren't busted but.. damn are they swelled up like 4 sizes to big...

Hugging Trees with your car isn't a good idea.. haha
Marijuana is the #1 us cash crop. #2 corn and if i remember corectly #3 is wheat or somthin.

crazy but true. now thats some passion from the people to the plant, considering this stupid opressive law making it illegal.
A pound hear of regular weed not good weed but not bad nither just regular comercial weed goes for about 700 a pound now u get into the good stuff ur talkin thousands,,and id also like to coment on the hydro verse soil coments ,,now i no im kind of still in learning mode hear but i thought it was a proven fact that hydro is more powerfull and beter quality than the same strain grown in soil ,,i thought that this had been proven ???
tom-tom said:
i thought it was a proven fact that hydro is more powerful and better quality than the same strain grown in soil ,,i thought that this had been proven ???

No, my friend, it isn't true, so how could it have been proven?

IF hydro for weed is done in a manner that maximizes the entire spectrum of variables involved then yes, the strain will be as good as it's capable of being. This is true for dirt as well, as I said in my previous post.

I'm speaking from many decades of experience growing in both hydroponics and in other media, including dirt.
HGB ; I was moved be your post . You live a great philosophy,very few of us out here do.
When I grow tomatos in my backyard I end up giving bags of them away to anyone who'll take them just so they won't go to waste.
Allow me to have 5 hemp plants along side my 5 tomato plants.
I would't have room to store my surplus.
The weed would be selling for next to nothing ,if you could find someone willing to pay for it.
As far as the cost of weed .You don't pay much for the plant ,you pay for the fact that it's illegal.
Legalization would destroy the "criminal " factor in the viper community.
But there's to much money at risk to do that.
here I'm payin 475 a QP so like 1400-1800 for an lb...really makes me anxious for next year cause if everything works well, me and a buddy will be movin in together and starting our own little grow :)
its $1200 for a really nice Qp. Like you can sell grams for $25. wish is were cheaper like some of you, but im sure the quality is shjt.

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