Leaves around buds drying up and blackening

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
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Help, if you can, please. I am just starting the 9th week of flowering on this plant and I opened up the plant room this morning when the lights came on and found the leaves around some of my buds dried up and curling and blackish looking. My grow room has been getting a little warmer than I would like because it has been quite hot here the last few days, so I think it might be heat damage, but I can't be sure. I am using Fox Farms Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom with a small amount of Carboload when I water, which is about every other days these days.


There are more pics here, but they are a little blurry.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer.
just mix some water with some lime juice(but not too much) and water them with it thats what i did when my plant did the exact same thing and it cleared right up.
it looks like a ph problem however if they are in the ninth week of flower they are getting close i am sure and leaf death at this stage is normal but it normally yellows first. the leaf krinkle coule be from P lockout and the black spots can be cause by that also.

also a defficiency of P Can cause that too.
I think it might be the ph of the water. I got a little lazy and didn't check it as diligently as I should have. When I checked it today. it was in the 7.2+ range. I corrected the ph and also bought some distilled water and flushed copiously. I hope that will help the problem.
doobiedo... How's your plants? Mine is doing the same thing but I'm not to sure if it's the PH or just simply me overwatering it?

It is the pH locking out the phosphorous. Once you level out your pH, you should see results in a few day bamboo.
vineger to lower it limon juice to raise it

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