Marijuana Passion Gutar!!! Check Out

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Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
East Coast
Hey whats up guys I play gutar like some of yall know i just got this one from a buddy for a quarter bag lol its a 150 dollar gutar lol dumb people and yeah well cu to the topic im refurbishing it meaning new strings boards and probly new tunners and im going to do something to this one not like the other ones i have hehehe im going to sand it down trying not to mess up the sunburst finsh of the wood maple if any of yall our wondering but yeah but im going to take four leaves from one of my plants when they get bigger not to big tho and aline the leaves around then hand paint of air brust Marijuana Passion on it only if marspassion will allow it then on the head im puting Kindbud if this is all right with yall anyone who wants me to paint or air brush their name on the back of the gutar im only doing 10 names i know im doing Mutt, Stoney Bud, and Ak if they say its alright peace out send me a pm or post hear if you want me to do your name peace
yeah who wants their user name on it its free only 8 people can be on it tho peace
oh yeah im probly going to start working on putting kindbud on probly tommarow then ill start on the back later when i get the stuff i need and the plants get bigger
alright man your in so the list is stoney bud, ak, mutt, hick, who eles guys??? i sent a pm to a few people like tbg waitin for them to get back at me

Well, I don't know if you want to put my name on it or not. But I'll jam with ya. Been playing the axe for 19 years now.
thats cool if you dont want you name on it and i dont mean you real name just user name like Useless
good luck on ur new peace brother jam on hope u put some pics up of it after peace
i will put some pic of it when im finshed probly be a while tho you want your name on it?? Sticky Bud??
yeah their is i got Stoney Bud, Ak, Mutt, Hick, TBG, Eman, and Sticky Bud (if they all say its all right some of them havent pmed back to me yet) and im only going to put probly 1 or 2 more names on it + i got to wait for the plants to get bigger so i can take a few leaves from them i can get a pic of the plane gutar if you want but like i said i havent started workin on it yet got to get a few things then i will
that looks hot but i wold had shrunk the leaves and raised the strings' end a little.
Hey brother,you want to put me down on that sweet looking ax?:D
Names: Stoney Bud, Ak, Mutt, Hick, TBG, Eman, Sticky Budz, Drift07, and Berserker are the final names waitin for some to ok it tho
Guys i started working on it the other day and im done for right now im going to start on the back later on i did the head KB check it out




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