Medical usage poll

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If the med effects of mj could be captured in a pill without getting you stoned

  • would you take this over smoking weed

  • or would you prefer to smoke weed still and get stoned

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the widowmaker

Exactly what it says above.

If marijuana is continued along the medical path eventually it will fall into one of the big medical corps for legality.

This will come in a tablet form from maybe someone like glaxo smith or whatever.

If they could get all the good stuff out of mj without any of the bad and it came in tablet form and acted without getting you stoned would you prefer it.
Hey widow-

I am not a med user, but I voted anyways.

I would still smoke for sure! I like the highness. And its the highness that gives med patients their relief, isn't it?
I like to get stoned, i'm not ashamed i'm not one for taking pills either, i just think its inevitable that the pharamaceutical companies are aiming at making this pill to replace legal home growing for med purposes.

I'd even bet that its government backed.
They've tried. It's called marinol ... Synthetic THC.

They still have a long way to go yet.

The psych active properties and therapeutic properties go hand in hand. Ya know them tablets that you have at home for pain that says "may cause drowsiness, do not drive or operate heavy machinery" .... exactly the same thing.

Why havn't the government been able to remove the drowsiness with painkillers. Because the drug targets the brain. Same with MJ.

I don't think we need to worry about that
What will happen when they get it right in their minds?
then people will have a choice!! admittadly i smoked to get stoned to start with, as did 99% of smokers (probably) but stopped for years. i only started again after a VERY painful leg injury. painkillers the doctor supplied DID work, it was the side effects that got me down (depression, physical symptoms) to smoking for the pain. yes, i enjoyed being stoned again, but it DID take away the pain just as good as the meds the doc prescribed.

ive even been smoking during a chest infection because MJ is knkown to open the airways of 80% of asthma suffers. and guess what?..... it was better than any of my inhalors ive used. ill be smoking as long as i need to, even if there is a pill. coz like RBH is saying, "common side efects are GENERALLY the same as MJ" (ei. drowsiness)

helps me sleep easy. see you around bro

If they made the pills like these then no problem:hubba:

decrim is the way to go, NOT legalization IMO

I like going through the motions of prepairing my medicine to be smoked.

Besides...I hate taking pills, thats why I smoke weed in the first place!

Too bad on that joint rolling contest....I am very competitive and take pride in my rolled products.
well the stoned relaxed effecdt is what defers my mind from the diesnt hide it completely as an oxycotten would but to take pain meds is to cover up and dull pain.....doing MORE damage to the area of pain if it an injury because u cant feel the pain you overexhert yourself in the process making that injury your trying to dull worse in the end.

if your poll had said...if MJ was in a pillform and the exact effects were in the capsule would you consume it, id still say no. only because the funky tasting dank and phenotype variation is what i seek when smoking anyway. the aftereffect is a bigger benifit- but to have one medicine in so many variations, thats what hooks me.

ive had marinol (orangish colored liquid filled pills), and it doesnt compare to smoking homegrown.
I voted the later of the two. If I could choose the consumption of my meds...with weed unlike many other script drugs...can be smoked, or cooked into food, or extracted into hash. I would have to say allow me the freedom to which i prefer.
And yes widow....if not for weed I would be a LEGALLY pill poppin fool. with weed I remove over 30 side effects to just 1 I get high. :p

BTW....weed has been attempted to put into pill form (marinol think it is) it was a flop....many many side effects and barely any benefits.
Some strains will work with some med patients while not others...tells me that it hasn't been tested nearly enough to see what CBNs will do much less the THC.
I have to vote no for multiple reasons. The biggest NO is that the world is already a slave to the pharmaceutical companies. People are completely dependent on pills for the most ridiculous things these days. Second, I smoke for two reasons; to alieviate lower back pain caused by deteriorating vertabrae and slipped discs and TO GET HIGH. I'm sure many people would be more than willing to take the medical pill w/o the euphoria, I'm just not one of them. So give me a big old recliner, a doobie, an 18-pack, and the stereo and tv remotes and you can keep whatever pill they come up with. Thank you .... :fly:
Nah, I'm sure there are medical patients who would rather just take a pill for whatever symptoms and not get high. I mean especially depending on the job description too. Who would rather see they're employee get stoned and try to operate a maintenance crane then see them take an all-natural painkiller and still have an unclouded mind. Like I said i'm sure there are people who would rather just have the medicinal effects than being stoned. I mean I love the high but let's face it, it's not for everybody.
I'll go out on a limb and call a spade a spade... I say the majority of med users are bullcrap about their med reasons. They say and do whatever it takes to get MJ legally and many hide behind that MJ med card. I would be willing to guess that 95%+ of them smoked pot before they had med reasons. If you have real pain...REAL PAIN, as I do, MJ just takes a nick off of it... but sometimes it even amplifies it depending on the pain level and type of MJ. Nothing beats opiates when it comes to pain. I know, been on them for 10 years and have real pain and have tried every drug imaginable... some may get nauseous from them but if you have real pain that's better than the pain. There are plenty of other drugs that work better than MJ for aliments that most complain they need MJ for. I think the true med people who benefit are cancer, glaucoma, and aids patients, most others have taken advantage of the system. That's OK, you got your MJ, I just hate the arrogance that some have acquired now that they are med users with their card to justify why they smoke and are not just "pot smokers". I'm a pot smoker, period....with a med release. :D
I smoke/grow cannabis and use other related cannabis products for these reasons:

1. I just plain LIKE painkillers way too much. They are hard on your liver and even harder to kick. Doctors just trow them at you like candy at a parade.

2. It levels out my unstable mind. It keeps me from acting out on the constant anger I have to my fellow man, for all his ignorance and greed.

3. It helps my pain a little. I have used cannabis for a long time, so the pain effect is mild. Still better than painkillers. It gives me the ability to "forget" about the pain, if I think about's still there.

4. Adult ADD is VERY real. Cannabis helps.

5. No more street weed. Now I can cultivate for myself and other patients...ONLY. My bud's never hit the streets. EVER. I know what I am smoking, and what's in it. No more rip-off's. No more sketchy paranoid highschool kid know-it-all ***hole drug dealers. Last but most important, NO COP'S. I respect law enforcement, I just don't always agree with policies.

6. The taste, look , smell.

7. Cultivation. A true art.

can you cram all that into a pill, that has;



doubt it.
The door swings both ways there buddy. How many people can you count everyday on the street who say and do whatever it takes to get PRESCRIPTION OPIATES and then hide behind it saying they need it for their pain. No sense in calling the neighbors grass brown if yours is a swamp, right? Personally I do everything I can to keep people off of HIGHLY ADDICTIVE prescribed opiates. I've had my share of painkillers and find none that can compare with an evening of smoking a very heavy indica. Not to mention, scientists have found that the tar that clings to your lungs after smoking a joint is broken down and metabolized in your body, while the prescribed opiates doctors throw around like candy, shuts down roughly 70 livers everyday due to the toxins in pills that can not be broken down in the body. And if one form of real pain doesn't come from deteriorating vertabrae and slipped discs, than what is real pain? I mean I'm a pot-smoker first and foremost whether I am in pain or not but there are many who did not smoke before being diagnosed with deadly or debilitating illnesses.

I'ma Joker Midnight Toker said:
I'll go out on a limb and call a spade a spade... I say the majority of med users are bullcrap about their med reasons. They say and do whatever it takes to get MJ legally and many hide behind that MJ med card. I would be willing to guess that 95%+ of them smoked pot before they had med reasons. If you have real pain...REAL PAIN, as I do, MJ just takes a nick off of it... but sometimes it even amplifies it depending on the pain level and type of MJ. Nothing beats opiates when it comes to pain. I know, been on them for 10 years and have real pain and have tried every drug imaginable... some may get nauseous from them but if you have real pain that's better than the pain. There are plenty of other drugs that work better than MJ for aliments that most complain they need MJ for. I think the true med people who benefit are cancer, glaucoma, and aids patients, most others have taken advantage of the system. That's OK, you got your MJ, I just hate the arrogance that some have acquired now that they are med users with their card to justify why they smoke and are not just "pot smokers". I'm a pot smoker, period....with a med release. :D
mal_crane said:
The door swings both ways there buddy. How many people can you count everyday on the street who say and do whatever it takes to get PRESCRIPTION OPIATES and then hide behind it saying they need it for their pain. No sense in calling the neighbors grass brown if yours is a swamp, right? Personally I do everything I can to keep people off of HIGHLY ADDICTIVE prescribed opiates. I've had my share of painkillers and find none that can compare with an evening of smoking a very heavy indica. Not to mention, scientists have found that the tar that clings to your lungs after smoking a joint is broken down and metabolized in your body, while the prescribed opiates doctors throw around like candy, shuts down roughly 70 livers everyday due to the toxins in pills that can not be broken down in the body. And if one form of real pain doesn't come from deteriorating vertabrae and slipped discs, than what is real pain? I mean I'm a pot-smoker first and foremost whether I am in pain or not but there are many who did not smoke before being diagnosed with deadly or debilitating illnesses.

Dude, oh I mean Buddy , Opiates are legal..period, Federal and State. Yes there are a lot of addicts for those too and those who abuse them to get arguement there. But... for real pain relief and legitimate patients who need it...... Pot does not kill pain the way opiates do, plain and simple, right or wrong. I have pain that would make you crumble like a mouse my friend so don't give me the "grass brown swamp thing". My doctors don't throw my pills at me or anyone else.

What do you do to keep people off opiates I would like to know? What is your crusade and how do you do it? You brought it up. Where did you get your stats for 70 livers a day? Were they medical stats, drug abuse stats? If you are going to throw numbers, what is your research?

Yep, they are highly addictive, I've got a handle on it as many do...and many don't...but again, let's call a spade a spade. If your pain is so bad you certainly must have documentation. I'm considered disabled by the government and a team of doctors, but that's not why I do oxy's...I need them to survive and to keep sanity from the pain...if I make one step walking, I feel pain...severe nerve damage, severed spine...pot doesn't do crap for it except relax me. Does it help? A little, but the drugs help ten point. No swamp, brown grass my friend, just real pain. If you have real pain there isn't enough pot to smoke to get rid of it so you're only fooling yourself...which was my point on MJ....
The Effen Gee said:
I smoke/grow cannabis and use other related cannabis products for these reasons:

1. I just plain LIKE painkillers way too much. They are hard on your liver and even harder to kick. Doctors just trow them at you like candy at a parade.

2. It levels out my unstable mind. It keeps me from acting out on the constant anger I have to my fellow man, for all his ignorance and greed.

3. It helps my pain a little. I have used cannabis for a long time, so the pain effect is mild. Still better than painkillers. It gives me the ability to "forget" about the pain, if I think about's still there.

4. Adult ADD is VERY real. Cannabis helps.

5. No more street weed. Now I can cultivate for myself and other patients...ONLY. My bud's never hit the streets. EVER. I know what I am smoking, and what's in it. No more rip-off's. No more sketchy paranoid highschool kid know-it-all ***hole drug dealers. Last but most important, NO COP'S. I respect law enforcement, I just don't always agree with policies.

6. The taste, look , smell.

7. Cultivation. A true art.

can you cram all that into a pill, that has;



doubt it.

Effen, I like a guy who can at least admit to his limitations. If you know you will abuse pain killers, and have some instability and pot works for you...great. I never said it doesn't help or please people, it's just that some of the med users make it to be more than it is for them, and hence get a med card. Again, that's OK, my point is the born again arrogant ones that hide behind that med card that irritate me, they put themselves above the every day pot smoker who does it for enjoyment yet they do it cause they "have to". I love pot, smoke it, and most likely always will. Thanks for being honest dude. :D

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