need help with a Ph/tds meter

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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so i was given an offer i couldnt refuse by my ferts supplier today he convinced me to buy a hanna combo TDS/PH/temp meter and his price was significantly lower than market price took it for $125 and is priced 150 everywhere, i bought it from him directly not online check it out>>>hxxp://
i only have the option to return it with refund but cannot replace it if it's not good since it's his last one. i did get a bit worried and this is why i come here to ask about it.
.the buttons on the meter seem to be hard need pressure to press them, i .dunno if it's normal it's working well in measuring.
. it is autocalibrating so i wondering about thaat so if it memorized the calibrstion buffer point t will autocalibrate without the need of a buffer calibration solution?
i didnt get any storage or cleaning solutions specifically for the meter, can i use a safe substitute for the same purpose to keep the meter well maintained? do you think i sould go without the special cleaning and storing solution??
I know for my meter, there is a calibartion check ( I have a Hanna Pen)..

I don't rely on that stuff and would recommend that you get some calibration solution when you can and calibrate it yourself...

that way, you know what you're working with...
MindzEye said:
The hanna meter I have is different the buttons are very hard to push on it also, the two meters look like they have the same style buttons just different styles.. I thought it was strange also my meter costs $550 but it works like a champ.

look at this one

MindzEye Is that a type-o $550?

Is this the same thing?

:holysheep: i need a calibratin solution i hate this, it seems the ph is off already ppm seems right matchig with my old meter but ph im tryin it out on drinkin water ph 7.1 it's reading like 6.96 sheeesh! i asked the guy if it needs calibration he said it's auto no need for it he uses a fancy constant dip type i guess he didnt even know i read the manual it said i need solution and read the link from hanna website just a copy of the manual, i will call him tomorro im not satisfied with this, he's not a shop he's just a GH supplier happens to have some meters sells me ferts at good prices i'll ask him for calibration solution if he cant provide me i'm givin it back to him and if ge does i'm gona try it hope it's just off and needs calibration, its not reaplacable his only ne left IMO its a good deal
i gave it back, the guy has no accessories available and the meter was off i didnt like it, i was always unlucky with meters, i have a cheapo TDS and PH test drops, i got a milwaukee PH tester before and its probe broke in no time i dunno but i think that these things are overpriced and inaccurate. i'm actually considering buying a digital weight scale for ppm measurement, anyone ever try that?
hey there Mindz, if i can get a super accurate weight scale wich measures to the 0.001 accuracy and a lab measuring syringe i could get the g/L accurately, g/L=ppm thats what i read everywhere, i know i will have a formula to apply but at least i will have a durable instrument to work with that is much cheaper than an accurate TDS cuz i've come to believe that if you want accuracy you will need to pay $400+ for a meter and then it will need replacing in 2years max, im sure many will disagree but when i get a meter i try it out it always frustrates me, i get different readings on the same sample it makes me feel bad, if theres one thing i hate is the feeling of gettin ripped off, i like to get a meter that will give me exactly the same reading that is labled on the sample im testing every time i test it and IME i never saw something like that.
the drops, i get the Sera PH drops, and i swear by them, they are really good, there are many sorts and kinds of drops that dont work, but i tell ya up till now ive never seen some Ph meter in the 100$ range that would work better than the Sera drops. i have disagreed with many on this one but i tried these drops on drinking water time and time again, tried them along my milwaukee tester, with my tap water and every single time they matched, you just need to trust your eyes. mine, (the Sera drops) change color PERFECTLY with ph swings, 6ph is yellow and 5.5 is light orange, so when i read yellow just changing to orange i guess i'm in between and i always got it right, when i guess im at 5.8 range it read 5.7-5.9 on the digital meter. i cant stress enough on Sera Ph drops since there are too many drops that just dont work, some are intended to only show you if its cidic or basic, otherdrops test only at 1 ph point like say from ph6 to ph7 on the scale those also dont work, i'm not a Sera marketing agent, ctually these drops are only 5$ maybe the cheapest thing sera makes but i only come to trust them after i tried them time and time again.
MindzEye said:
Nope no typo, $550 it isnt the same thing but it has similar types of buttons..My meter measures in ppt (parts per thousand) it has a range of 0-10000 ppm only it reads out 10.0 and you multiply by 1000 to get ppm.. It has an accuracy on PH of +/- .01 and +/- 1% on tds.


What is the model number of your meter?

The one in the link is only an ec/tds/temp
MindzEye said:
Ive got a $30 TDS pen that still works great after 3 years and is pretty accurate even expensive meters usually have +/- 2% for tds.. I also have a $30 PH pen that Ive had for over 2 years that works great also.

I hate those color charts with PH drops, but if you can use them then go for it... I dont like the cheap Milwaukee meters I do agree there. The meter you just bought was probably fine you just needed some calibration solution. The hanna meters usually come with them when they are new. But you will never find a digital meter that doesnt require calibration solution.
30$ and they work fine for years? do you have a link for them? i only use the drops cuz i never had luck with meters found drops to be consistent, fool proof and simple, if i could get a meter with these characteristics i surely would. wat i need most for now is a ppm and not a ph meter but hey if i can get a 30$ reliable ph pen sure i would. that meter i bought im more than happy to have gotten full refund on it, i think the guy just had it as extra equipment for years unused. the probe would be very deactivated and he had no accessories for it i just didnt want it after i tried it. the PH reading was very inconsistent the EC was probably ok i thought id rather pay the extra 25$ and get it brand new...
HI Zem,

Happy Holidays, bud... I really like your contributions to MP...:) I have a Hanna 9813-0 meter. They are really accurate, reliable and work for years although I manage to kill one off every 5 yrs or so... :p The Hanna 9813-0 is a combo PH/TDS (total dissolved solids) meter and it has a remote electrode that can be replaced if it gets flaky. It can read TDS in either PPM (parts per million) or EC (electrical conductivity). The 9813-0 calibration knobs are right on the face of the unit so they are really easy to calibrate and despite being easy to access the cal knobs don't change or get bumped easily. Like with any meter you'll need to pick up some PH 7.0 reference cal solution, and 1500ppm tds reference solution but one bottle of each lasts me for years. I tend to keep a few inches of PH 7.0 in a separate plastic bottle and I'll use that for months or longer to cal my meter with, always rinsing off my electrode before and after putting it in the solution. Every once in a while I'll use the original bottle of 7.0 cal solution to verify that the smaller bottle is still accurate but I've used the same cal solution for a couple years and I'll usually spill it and have to buy some and have never seen the ref solution drift in value... It only takes a second to dip the electrode into the test solution to confirm the calibration too... Mine is usually spot on when I check it and rarely off more than .1 and never more than .2 if off at all. Also, the buttons are really easy to push on this model.

My local hydro shop and many online sources sell the Hanna 9813-0 for $259... OUCH! :hubba: But I found this website that carries the same meter for $168.30 and FREE shipping and I bought my meter there. The meter does come with small packages of Cal solution but they are easy to spill and I suggest that you also pick up one bottle of 7.0 ph reference cal solution and a bottle of 1500 ppm TDS ref too... and you'll be set!


Thanks for the web site dos.
Been looking for a new meter, got separate meters at the moment, been combo searching.
:tup: great site DOS it does intl. shipping too :D MP is full of valuable info

Glad to help, guys... The only thing I'd add is I killed my last 9813 by spilling one good 'slosh' of calibration solution that seeped down in the calibration pots. Overall it's pretty moisture resistant and with the remote electrode there's little danger of dropping the meter in the nutes.... But I've gone to taping a ziploc baggie over my current 9813... I can still calibrate it and read it thru the baggie and it's got another layer of protection from ME...:p

Good read Thanks everyone...I am looking into a new meter..I use that cheap Millwaukee and keep in cal solution..I hope it works still..:doh: not sure if they can be callibrated...and $550 is way to much for my broke ***
Ditto on the $550 and broke 4u2sm0ke
Sure be nice tho
where are my lucky lottery ##?
Nice Meter Mindzeye!

That looks like the industrial version of my meter... an waterproof to boot! I'll bet the temp reading comes in really handy for hydro especially... Have a great Christmas, bud...

hey mindz, thats the same type like my TDS meter i wana change, it did its job but i thinkthat if you used it more often it wouldve been already screwed, mine is always off, lately i had to calibrate it before every reading and now its totally dead, i need something reliable
Merry Christmas! :)
Hey bud, I have the hanna 98129 and love it. The calibration solutions would have ran you $31 us dollars.
31 bucks??? I got mine for $7 made by General Hydro, granted I only use the 7.0, and don't bother with the other...but still 31 bucks seems awfully high.
If you are serious about growing and you like to fool around with the numbers (ferts,ph,tds,etc etc) you need a pen or meter of some sort. If you are just growing to smoke and have fun drops and paper are fine they will keep you close enough to grow, These are weesa after all and believe it or not they will practically grow themselves with the exception of some strains that are very personal. By that I mean they have been genetically played with to create a strain some of these are very tempermental and need to be watched etc.

But With paper and drops the color can resemble anywhere from 6 to 6.8 etc in wgat it reveals ( I use those nuimbers as examples of the range of test with paper any numbers go in I mean it can be off by up to 1 whole ph point either way, And this will also be different depending in what type of light you are looking at the water, Under the grow lights it will seem lighter than what it will be under your normal house lights etc (try it youll see it is slight but can reflect a difference of a couple of points)

ANyways for accuracy you need meters ..For smoke you need water and a little fert not much else In fact unless your water is brutally high or low you dont ever need to test just grow.
when i want to use something, i normally read instructions, same thing with drops. i wont look at them under hps behind green plants and do a reading like a retard, i look at them infront of a white wall with white fluros and it reads very close i believe to 0.1 points using the right drops. check this out, instructions on how to correctly use the drops >>>hxxp:// ;)