New MJ test KILLS lab rats

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Its al good aplaisia ! No ones gettin crazy, just havin a lil friday afternoon conversation ... nothin but luv 4 ya
I find it interesting and you didn't make me crazy. My kids beat you to that!
aplaisia said:
I was hopin everyone wouldn't get all crazy over my comments... I primarily smoke because I grow. I grow primarily because it smells sooo freakin good...

The buzz is cool too... As long as I'm not trying to be productive. I hate going in circles.


Oh... btw... I only take IQ tests because the V.A. is always trying to make sure you don't have PTSD (IQ tests are kinda stressful and challenging which will easily precipitate evidencve of PTSD which I don't freakin have!) or problems due to frontal lobe contusions... It's not by choice... That's the only reason I know.

*i don't mean this offensively at all
you sound as though you're just becoming (or have just recently become) enlightened of our beloved plant.. i recommend you to check out some (pro)marijuana documentarys. i think you'll be amazed at how good this plant actually is. :)
i'm sure youtube has a few good ones.
Too funny, good stuff. I was wondering by the title what the heck kind of herb would ever kill someone... :confused:

Then again dirty brick dope has probably been known to send a few people to the hospital a few times I'm sure :rofl:

And yea, I agree with degenerative....nice avatar/profile pic New Girl. I don't think you were too forward DD, that is why she is using it!!! And I thank her for that... :D Thanks New Girl :aok:
kaotik said:
aplaisia, have you seen 'super high me'?
he actually did a few tests while stoned, and while sober.. and actually scored better on most while stoned.

i think it really depends what you are doing, and how much you've smoked.. obviously if you're completely wasted on some couchlock stuff, you may be a little slower at things.
but to say you'll do worse at everything while stoned, is flawed IMO.

I agree Kaotik...remember that snowboard who tested positive for buds and they said it was performance enhancing....

And don't even get me started on music....
I know that using weed makes me smarter . ok I'am extreme hyperactive
my brain is running at a thousand miles an hour, and can't get much done because, I can't seem to hold just one thought for very long .Ok on the other hand, when I smoke weed my brain slows down just enough for me to complete what I was doing . it also makes me read a lot when stoned. I can spend hours on the net just reading . I never could do that before , weed . I was never very good in school because I would lose interest to quick . they may call adhd or what ever. the point is , with pot I can slow down and smell the roses , not just run by them . Now I know a government study may try to prove me wrong. But as I see it you can have a report say anything you want it to say as long as you are willing to pay extra for it . so who do you believe the Government or your self ?and personal testing ? If I get stoned I can figure out any problem I may have been facing . but on the other hand to remember what I did ,I have to get stoned again to remember what it was . weird but true all a study says it what the person paying for it wants it to say . with crime the way it is today and so many dishonest people out there
you can get them to say anything you want for a price and thats a fact! they will sell there soles for money power and greed it's the American way! Viper1951
RE : viper1951
Everything you just said is exactly what I have found to be true with myself !
I have done a complete 180 in my life when it comes to all of the above, My brain is like a thinking machine on nitriceoxide, millions of great ideas just at a million miles per hr. My focus on things has improved by.. wow I couldnt even begin to tell you ! I can read and take in knowledge like never before, my problem solving skills have become amazing ! Its almost like whenever I smoke some bomb, every thing comes completely into focus, if that makes any sence. I cant even begin to explain the changes in my life for the better from the day I started to enjoy the gift we call Marijuana ! Once Again my theory that MJ has wonderful powers is confirmed !
It sure has helped me out . I can do things now, and enjoy them instead of being frustrated by them . a Great Big Bonus for sure, It's nice to slow down and see the World differently. It has made me a better father to my kids with a whole lot more understanding of them. I can't see how anyone can say that it's bad for you. When it offers so much to you, it's like being reborn, and starting a whole new life , well guys and gals enjoy. love the chat will drop in later Viper1951
The New Girl said:
I just found this hot news article:

AP NEWS: New Marijuana test procedure has been found to be fatal to lab rats. A 20 pound brick of marijuana was dropped from 20 feet on top of lab rats and after removing the brick an hour later in each instance it was fatal. :p

I think the test was flawed because they waited an hour to remove the brick. The rats could have died from suffocation and not brain damage. But the test does prove that marijuana is dangerous!:D

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