Welcome Erok,
We are always happy to welcome new folks here to our Living Library. Please do peruse the site rules, you will find them few and easy to abide with.
We like to recommend that you find a good comfy chair, set yourself up with something refreshing, and start reading.
Try to keep in mind that many questions have been posed over the years and most have been addressed. Thus we might say, "You can read the inputs in such and such a section".
Were not trying to dis anyone, but writing it out ad-infinitum can get tedious.
We would also like to read what you might have to say about your own experiences, so do feel free to share.
Be aware that there are some common sense rules to follow in this adventure of yours,
1. Tell No One. (of coarse that would certainly depend on where you live).
2. Posting pics should be observed closely so you don't accidentally tell the world who you are, i.e. like your auto license plate that you nailed to a wall, you know, hanging on to memorabilia. So grab that seat, and your refreshment, and
Oh-Yeah, here hold this--->:48:
smoke in peace