Old Hippies New Grow

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Well I started cuttin today. got half a plant done almost.:farm:

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Sept 18, 2007 018 (Small).jpg

wow. (Small).jpg

Sept 18, 2007 021 (Small).jpg

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trimmed buds 9.17.07 012 (Small).jpg

trimmed buds 9.17.07 011 (Small).jpg

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Hey Old Hippy just checkin in on your beutiful ladys i love your pictures the best pics are #10 post and #17 post P.S they look yummy lol :D
Hey Hippie Great goin on your grow, now send me a sample LOL. i see you got a scale there what the wet weight you got??? Will be waiting on a smoke report and again Good Growing
Yeah I decieded to harvest the bush girl only done the top colas so far. wet weight so far is 3 & 1/2 LBS! all hanging in the shed. Gonna Be SWEET!:ccc:

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Me holding bud up 9.19.07 (Small).jpg

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Still have this much to go to get her all, might let it grow till.... whenever.the **** is sweet! AND STICKY! KILLER HIGH!:shocked: Cut a bud a week ago and started smokin it today.

Bud sept 19, 07 004 (Small).jpg
i had a guy tell me today that if u cut the top center cola a lil earlier than the rest and leave the others grow for another week they'll almost double in size. u ever done that or would be willing to if u haven't chopped them all down.

EDIT: nice harvest, thats alot of dank. great job. don't forget the smoke report and dry weight.

Fire it up

Man o man, that is a site to behold, so wet weight was 3.5lbs, damn and that is only half. It's been 5 minutes since i read the beginning posts and i thought i saw that this was bag seed?, if so, then i would name her according to taste, effect, and bag looks. great grow bro, i'm jealous
Old Hippie said:
these are 5th generation bag seed plants:watchplant:

When you say that, do you mean you seed a batch every year, or have a mother and clone every year?

what i mean by 5th gen bag seed, but I was tryin to say wuz, I bought a bag of some good shiit, and save the seeds, with me so far, ok, then I planted some of them there little seeds. and then evry year i have used the seeds from my grow to grow next year, got it? this is the 5th year from that bag seed. but desided sence i have 5 lbs of seeds from the last four years, i took the males out real early this year so far no seed have been seen. hope to find a few. thnaks for enjoyin my grow.

Looks like another great harvest Old Hippie. ;) Don't think your gonna have to worry about weed this winter. Great job as always mang. :aok:
Old Hippie said:
what i mean by 5th gen bag seed, but I was tryin to say wuz, I bought a bag of some good shiit, and save the seeds, with me so far, ok, then I planted some of them there little seeds. and then evry year i have used the seeds from my grow to grow next year, got it? this is the 5th year from that bag seed. but desided sence i have 5 lbs of seeds from the last four years, i took the males out real early this year so far no seed have been seen. hope to find a few. thnaks for enjoyin my grow.


You answered my question. 5 lbs of seeds? Wow! Bet you're glad you got no de-seedin to do this year. Yummy looking buds........

Hey guys, Heres some pics i took this mornin. They just seem to get more beautiful every day. wish i knew what I have?:watchplant:eek:ne is all red and **** and the rest are white and clear. anyway done smoked a bud off all of um, and it all gets ya stoned. and taste so good compared to the commercail junk I have had to smoke this year waitin. any idea's on stain would be amussing.

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Damn OH them colors on that lady are just breath taking. Looks like some under water sea plant or something. Was it just some random bagseed?
They are some beauties! ya know i have never bought seeds without the weed. so i guess ill never know what i have, BUT on the other hand I never know what I'll get. this year is a super year, I have three different strians at least! anyway I love the mystry of wondering how good its gonna be and what kind of high. but ide still like to know WHAT THE F*CK IT IS! LOL

13sept 21 07 048 (Small).jpg

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hey Hippie i know what you got........A lovely looking strain. what ever it is its shole is nice to see them colors great growing, and waiting on my sample LOL. i think im gonna gone and germ my purple buds.