Peakseeds Grow Journal

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Another Female Grower
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Conneaut Ohio
:ciao:OK folks ... I got my beans and I'm germinating now. I will keep record on what is happening and put up pictures when I have the time.:stoned: These are the mixed seeds that are offered by Peakseeds. I am on a budget so the mixed pack was the best I could afford.:confused2: I hope there are some good strains in this unknown mix.:watchplant:

I put them in some distilled water, and put a lit over them to keep the light out. The room temp varies between 69 and 78 degrees through out the day and night depending on the temp outside.

So it begins ... plan to put the ones that turn out to be ladies outside when the time is right as I did last year:icon_smile:. That worked out quite well and I am hoping for a repeat this year:giggle::hubba:.


Okay ... some of the seeds are opening ... as you can see in the picture... so far so good ... hopefully I will see the long tails from the seeds indicating they are healthy....

:ciao: Well sir ... another 19 or so hours have passed and as you can see there isn't much growth of the tap root.:confused2: This is what happened with the last beans I got from Peakseeds.:cry:

I will put the ones that have opened into soil and see what happens:watchplant: ... I don't expect fast growth considering the lack of development of the tap root.:baby: Hopefully I will get lucky and get some seedlings.:farm:

I will update when I have more info.

I would stick them in dirt so they can get some oxygen.
With the ones that you can see the tap root I will use 2 sterilized pins and pry the seed open carefully then stick them in seed starter mix. I have saved many seeds this way.
Oh dang ... I put them in soil already ... not like to be able to recover them. I will do that with the remaining 12 that have not open yet ... hopefully they will in a few days ... :icon_smile: :watchplant: :ciao:
:ciao: Well sir ... as you can see after so many days the sprouting is pretty slow ... we all know with good strong seeds they sprout and grow within hours, but this isn't the case with the Peakseed mixed beans. :confused2: Okay ... so those that have opened a little I will put them in soil.:watchplant: The others I will wait until they open ... if they open:doh: :huh: ... I am changing the water every day or so.:banana:

I will update again when there is more information to give.

Have ya tried the Paper Towel method? I have never used anything but the PT method or putting them straight into the soil. Eather way,,if the seeds were good,,THEY POPPED,,if the seeds were bad,,THEY Didnt.
Only ones I ever had Problems with was some very very small seeds,,the others pretty much always popped.
:ciao: Well sir ... yes ... yes I have used the paper towel method before ... I found with the seeds that spouted and grew quickly it was a bit difficult to remove the tab root from the paper towel without the possibility of damage:eek: :shocked: :doh: ... with the water method I don't have to worry about that.:hubba:
Never let my seeds set that long without checking them,,for them to grow INTO the PT. Besides ifen that had happen to me,,the seed and that part of the PT would have been planted.
:ciao:Well sir ... I check the seeds every other day and change the water when I check them ...

As you can see I got a few sprouts going:banana: ... one of the sprout is all twisted and doesn't know which way it's suppose to grow:huh: ... don't know about that one:watchplant: ... in the second picture you can see another plant growing with the seedling that is already up ... must be a seed from the first batch ... there are a couple of more seeds that have opened in the water that will be put in the soil.:farm:

I will update the thread again when I have more information to give.:fly:




:ciao:Well sir ... out of 60 peakseeds ... I got 12 to actually grow.:watchplant: One plant lost due to my own neglect by not watering in time.:hairpull: These are ready to transplant now. I'll be doing that today. They like a lot of food, as you can see they are still hungry.:shocked: Hopefully more than half will be females.:farm:

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Look pretty good. Maybe a little hungry but hard to tell with that lighting. Green Mojo.
I say its time to transplant them up to 4 - 6" pot

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