Ph drifting silly crazy...

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yeah once them babies root and are given what the need the explode.
BuddyLuv said:
yeah once them babies root and are given what the need the explode.
NO KIDDING! I have to raise my lights every two or three days.
My PH is also drifting up. I have changed and cleaned my res and used 3/4 strength nutes (FF grow big) with Mad Farmer Get Down to adjust the PH but still it rises. I have used so much Get Down that now the PPH is over 1300. Can I use lemon/lime juice or maybe even a lemon wedge in the RES to buffer?
tankdogster said:
My PH is also drifting up. I have changed and cleaned my res and used 3/4 strength nutes (FF grow big) with Mad Farmer Get Down to adjust the PH but still it rises. I have used so much Get Down that now the PPH is over 1300. Can I use lemon/lime juice or maybe even a lemon wedge in the RES to buffer?

I dont know about puttin fruit in the res bro, The distilled H20 really cut down on my drift.. I still have to adjust it 3 or 4 points every few days though, they dont seem to mind a little drift...
Here they are 20 days from the day I cut 'em.. I have to say, There is a BIG difference (for me atleast) between soil and hydro..
The name of this thread could mislead you..:cool:

Whata ya think?




stinkin male!:eek: heres a momento I took just after takin' the hatchet to a freakin male... Hate for that bastard to pollenate my clones...

He was a giant though.

NOTE: Mr. Washington is frowning:p

BuddyLuv said:
good call, you won't be disappointed.

Muddy Paws the RO water here from our local grocery is only 22 cents a gallon for refill bottles. I had to do it for about 6 weeks, cost me all but 30 bucks in water.

My mistake, BuddyLuv..I hadn't ever looked to see how cheap that really is!

I appreciate the tip! :)
Muddy Paws said:
My mistake, BuddyLuv..I hadn't ever looked to see how cheap that really is!

I appreciate the tip! :)

its not the price, its the hassle that is the problem.

There will be a point when your plants are DRINKING alot of water.
couple of gallons a day, depending how big, how many plants you are
growing in a resevoir. and believe me going to the store, buying
gallons of water, carring it to the car, in to the house, down the steps.
true, that is why a RO system pays for itself in just time, and not so much the money you save.
Turkey make sure you watch your height. I say flower them a week before you think they are the right size. This will help make up for the growth rate they go through. I thought that if I flowered mine right at 18 inches I would end up with 3 ft plants. Wrong Now I have a room filled with 4 1/2-5 1/2 ft plants. Next time I will flower them at 12 inches.
BuddyLuv said:
Turkey make sure you watch your height. I say flower them a week before you think they are the right size. This will help make up for the growth rate they go through. I thought that if I flowered mine right at 18 inches I would end up with 3 ft plants. Wrong Now I have a room filled with 4 1/2-5 1/2 ft plants. Next time I will flower them at 12 inches.

I know dude, Im LST'n e'm like crazy trying to buys some time, yesterday I had new windows put in my house, and this week Im having new carpet put in.. so this is a STRESSFULL time fore me, as soon as the work is done I can RE-setup my ebb&flow system and flower these babies..
they're at 9" right now and they grow SOOO fast it's worrying me that Im ganna have height problems if this crap doesnt get done like...last week! haha

I WONDER if there is a way I can SLOW the growth for a week untill the carpet is in and I can trim out the windows and setup my flower room.
IS THAT POSSIBLE? (without stressing the clones) I'll bet thats a question you dont hear often! lol
just bend em over. I really couldn't do that because I had 24 plants in a 48 square foot area. I would have had no room to work around the aeroponic tables. If you only have 6-8 plants and enough space I would just LST them for the week.
BuddyLuv said:
just bend em over. I really couldn't do that because I had 24 plants in a 48 square foot area. I would have had no room to work around the aeroponic tables. If you only have 6-8 plants and enough space I would just LST them for the week.

Thats the plan, Ive got room for six "bushes";)
again..these are bagseed clones, "momma" is flowering outdoors right now(since aug.15ish)
This is just a trial run,.. My first try with hydro:D

Beats soil IMO..

It is not as hard as people think. I do not understand why anyone would want all that dirt in their grow room? Oh and if you want to see pics of my room just click the link in my sig.
i agree buddy,i am thru with dirt.too messy and stinky.wish i ahd of gone this way from the get-go.looks super turkey
Drop your PPM to about 200ppm 400ec.

starve them girls and put them on a diet.

200ppm should be enough to sustain them.
They'll go lime green on you. But will dark green
easily when you go back full strength.

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