Picture of a sativa?

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Rehab is for Quitters

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Does anyone have a picture of a sativa?

I have been smoking for years, but didn't realize there was all this variety. From the descriptions of the types of highs on this forum, I think I am partial to sativa (I prefer an 'up' buzz).

Right now I am growing white widow (indica if I read things correctly) plus some mystery seeds that I got 'free with my purchase' of the white widow seeds. Anyway, I am hoping that my mystery seeds are a sativa strain, but I'm not sure how to tell the difference. But I keep reading threads by people that say things like "your plant appears to be an indica".

Is there some obvious visual difference that someone can describe?


imdicas, "traditionaly" grow short, compact and have wide. thick leaf structure. Indicas flower to maturity in roughly 8 weeks.
Sativas predominately grow tall and spindely with very narrow leaves. Sat's can take up to 14 weeks to mature, after flowering is induced.
Hey thanks, Hick. I am pretty sure I am growing all indicas. This is my first grow, but from what I have read, I can get more of a 'sativa-like' buzz if I harvest on the early side. If I'm off base, please advise cause thats what I'm planning to do. Thanks,


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