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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2014
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Got yellowing on top,as you see in pics.Last grow same did not get to firgue it out.They look just find in veg 1st pic below ,put them into flower 3rd week it starts.But l also found out my ph pen went on the blink it could have been on the blink last grow! Was not checking runoff. This grow temps 70 to 72,extraction fine r/h 62,64 First couple of feedings 5 ml a.b.Bloom 5 ml. Got nute burn,also discovered ph pen no good
Got new ph pen,did a flush got readings of 5.6 to 5.7 waited 3 days soil was moist so gave them 5 ml. Cal & mag 2.5 a.b.&2.5 bloom.waited a few days so l gave them folier feed 5.8 e.s.They are in pro mix by the way.
So after flush on 1 plant feed til run off got 6.3 did not check rest of the other plants.Last night did check the run off on all,5.6 to 5.7. Why o why??is this happening?When they were potted dolmite lime added into pro mix worm casing on top.oh!oh!oh!Thanks for taking a peek!!

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Well until ya get the PH up to 6.5-6.8 your gonna have a problem with Nute Uptake. Are you PHing your water and nutes before ya feed? I use to Get my Solution ready and bubble for 24 hrs,,adjust PH,,and then I water/fed my plants in soil.
Course I love DWC,,so I didnt do as many Soil grows as DWC.
Thanks for taking a peek!I am ph my water always have!But!!not with the nutes added going to have to check it out!Thanks Again
Yes you will need to adjust with your nutes,,because the nutes will bring the PH down below what it needs to be in soil. I always had to adjust my PH down when adding nutes to my water before i used it.