Seeds suck

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im pretty extreme wit my mom stoney.
before and after.

she seems to actually love it when i trim her this skinny. better than when im tryi to be cautious. since i just dig into her and start snippin liek nuts she seems to dig it more :confused2:
i gues my mom likes gettin her hairpulled... :rofl: wait that didnt come out right. LOL

but shes is literally one tough moma thats for sure all the crap i put her thru the last half a year
Hey Zip, ya gotta document how you did that, bro. That's cool. Yours turned out much better than my first bonzai attempt...

I'll put up some pics later and show you what I mean.
i keep a seperate journal for my bonzai moms in my signature below.
pretty much all details in there from the day after i harvested and started my first reveg ever.
it was all really in the root trim mainly and keepin her trimed down low on top.
after i revegged her an she was shootin grwth new everywhere i just kept takin a lil here a lil there one day then coupel days later not to shock her in takin teh whoel wig at once. and wat ya see now is a revegged hashberry mom from seed which was born in march if i remember right
and so far she's gven me plenty clones to boot.
that thread stoney put up bout the loophoel in legal plant count, this is the girl i was referrin to in that thread.

but trust me it gets easier as i lern form her. no diff than a new Girlfriend. ya gotta sometimes push some buttons intentionally to test teh waters and threshold etc..
how else us boys gonna lern LOL :rofl:
but i also did a clone up the same exact way pretty much teh 4way branch spit like above in pic. all i did was kept topping lower an lower til teh lower 4 branches i wanted were left and just bent her sideways and repotted her and staked her branches down and just have been toppin her til she gets to wher i want her shape wise. think of it as a time consuming sculpture, idk LOL
idk but i like it tho. its peaceful when i sit down wit her and trim ehr up. takes me bout a good hour to get her perfect where i like anyway. im one them people whos a perfectonist when it comes to weird stuff liek this. always tryin to be precise and "oops i took too much off over here" so i got take more off over thee to make it even. LOL
i guess i look at this whole growing thing as more than supplyin myself wit meds and also liek a major hoby which i enjoy oh so much NV :hubba:

but hey if any questions at all feel free to shoot man. im all ears bro.
ya gotta put up some pix tho cuz i think i get aroused oggling bonsai mj for some reason LOL JK :rofl:
i do dig the whole bonsai thing very much tho.
zipflip said:
im pretty extreme wit my mom stoney.
before and after. but shes is literally one tough moma thats for sure all the crap i put her thru the last half a year
Some strains will allow more abuse than others. Some, if treated the way you describe, will give you nothing but hermaphrodites for the rest of their lives.

Some will alter their own characteristics and become a different plant than you started with.

Using the 30% rule isn't difficult and will assure you of a solid host plant for as long as it survives.
Some, if treated the way you describe, will give you nothing but hermaphrodites for the rest of their lives.

haven't had a naner pop yet in bonsai. if one did, i would chuck the plant and all the seeds that were in the bag...light stress will pop a hermie in a sec, but moderate enviro stresses i beleive a mom plant should be able to withstand. If it doesn't tells me right off the bat that the seeds were bred with the hermie trait in there and easily triggered. I would kill the mother plant and burn all the seeds if one naner shows up in grow...(certain sativas would be excluded as just some are just that way at the very end of flower).
Over sensitivity tells me a whole lot about how the seeds were made. and when i read descriptions on mjp about some that they call "extreme sensitivity to hermaphrodites) tells me they knew it was there and let em go out the door anyway.

Sensitivity i classify as ok it doesn't like having its roots locked up, or go easy with ferts. hermies does not go into my class of sensitivity when doing selection. Light leaks, extreme nutrient stresses will pop the naners, but some root binding and pruning shouldn't make it herm. If it was the case, then every re-veg i ever seen would herm. on a reveg, not uncommon to take 80%+ of the plant and trim 50%+ of the roots. Then the stress of reveg. done it numerous times, but never a naner.

bonsai i do not consider a stress. unless you abuse it. bonsais take care and patience, but if you can bonsai a redwood...a weed isn't that hard.

Just my opinion on plants that are easily hermied. easily hermied = bad seed run or bad parents.

Great lookin bonsai Zip. :aok:

but as a rule of thumb stoney's 1/3 rule is spot on if wanting to maintain great health. ;)
thanks mutt.
i havent spotted one single nanner as of yet on any the clones of her yet either (knock on wood :)

but yeah obviously shes a gal taht can take a lickin and keep on tickin :hubba:
First off, my HATS off to all you folks who start with seed. What a pain.

Many of you know a bit about me and the area in which I live. With that said, yes, I am spoiled BAD. I am fortunate in the folks that I know and the relationships I have deveoloped with Dispensaries.
I am lucky in the fact that I can usually get "elite" cuts from hard to reach folks.

Even with that said, there are more and more clone stock being pushed into the Med scene. I must say that most of them are really not what the lable says, that is a fact.

One thing you have to understand is that with the exception of Blue Sky, all clubs get thier Clone Stock from thier membership. What this means is that any yahoo can go into a club and sell clones and tell the dispensary owner whatever they like as far as what strain it is.

Now, back to seeds. I can't say enough how much respect I have for you all that start from Seed. I fully understand that is the only way most of you are going to be able to grow because of the State/Area in which u live. You have to roll the dice every grow.

You have a geographical ego problem :)

I always thought similar things about club clones as you seem to think about seeds; That clone I just bought could be just about anything but the name that's one it; I just bought one for the price of ten beans; clones don't come in 'male' so I can't mix them with my clones and find a better one; they usually have either rot, mold, webs or bugs on them; the soil or plug is moldy, rotten, buggy or smelly; it might be carrying pollen from someone's hermie that i am now wearing; did someone screw with it's lighting last week that could affect this week; I'll stick with 85% beans, known people clones, and my mixes and clones.
My first bonzai moms.. Don't really like the way it went, but learned tons! I am going to start over with fresh stock and see what happens.. 9 all together...




they lok pretty darn slick to me NV :hubba: :48: thanks for sharin pix man.
im throwin some up of my newly trimmed and sculpted revegged from im mommin up bonzai style too in my bonzai mommy journal below too after this if wana check her out . if ya missed the round whenr i grew her out flowered her an all that. i did it all in the biggest plant of the year contest LOL of course purely fr the grins ann giggles of it tho. no real competition here if ya ask me haha
Great info.

I love those bonzai moms...nice.
I have abused my moms now and again, with no "nanner" issues whatsoever.
But I do follow the 30% rule pretty much with moms.

I love the different takes on the seeds. Very interesting.
i'm quite pissed at seeds today.
last week a buddy got some atomic northern lights seeds gifted to him as a tip for a tattoo he did, still in their pack, unopened with the $90 tag on.
the only ones we've tried to crack were the few he gave me.. and it doesn't look like anything will take.
i'm so pissed right now. was so looking forward to these.

what a crock.. $100 for 10 seeds, and the first few don't even do F all? are you kidding me?
the ones i got gifted from a friend last season that he made, i've had over 99% success with (1 failure from about 30 seeds)

and these ones are supposed to be from a reputable seedbank/breeder? what a joke.
why do people bonsai the plants may I ask? is it only when you reveg and does it encourage growth or something like that?
the purpose is to keep a mother plant in a small space. right now my mother box is only 1' x 2' by 15 inches high. and so far thats been my all in one veg cab tahts been doin all my beutiful work taht in flower. i am able to keep 3 bonzai moms and one bonzai backup test pilot gunea pig i use to test various thing on before doin to my original HB mom i pix'd above.
taht pot its in is only a 5"square pot 5.5 inches high and she never gets over 6 inches from soil. thats kinda her breakin point for that small a pot to handle that much top growth or support it i mean feed wise etc. so when she gets bout 4-5 inches i start procrastinating trimming her and by time i finally do usually she starts to go for a concoction of many def's etc but immediately after i trim her down agai she goes right back to norm .
and this gives me anywhere from 10-20 clones every 2.5 weeks even less 2 weks some times if i wanna keep em all . and taht justfrom the one bonzai mom i been using so far.
i am also capable of keepin rooting clones as well as just rooted clones in starter pots for bout week or two veg in them tehn tehy too big and i usually short veg an flower almost immediately after my clones root.
its kinda cute tho. my clones are usually very small. but i have so far had a 100% success rate to date. an i aint doin nothin special but teh same ol same ol each round of new ones. so..
heres all the clones i took or actually kept. coulda prolly kept bout 7 or 8 more but too many.
i knwo ya may think there alot there but if ya see my journl teh way i take multiple clones.2,3 4, even 5 clones per container to give the lil big plant look. a big plant wit lil to no veg time. just takes more clones is all. :hubba:
works for me anyway
thanks zip very nice..almost look like chocolate cupcapes with a pot plant on the top..maybe I have the munchies lol..
almost looks like it huh? :rofl:
they still work and do their purpose. and tehy look no diff tahn all others ive done so far so...
great looking starts Zip, and thanks for the Bonzai info.
thanks and no prob. but hey im still in my infancy wit the art of bonzai myself norcal. so dont hold me to any of my practices or techniques just yet. also thsi te only strain ive attempted root trimming on. actually i tried to reveg one other strain from my first grow indoors but she didnt take well to the root trimming tho an got all wierd on me and started to bud up again even under veg lighting 24hrs :confused2:
but im diggin the whoel deal tho. :hubba:

they do look liek lil choc cupcakes wit pot leafs on the tops tho LOL
You are indeed spoiled NCH-
Seeds are the only way for me and for many of us. I don't always have something growing so keeping a mom for me just doesn't work (in fact I've just done my first experiment with clones so I'm a noob at it at best).
Sure would love to be able to take a trip downtown and grab a few clones when my stash starts running low.
Though really, can't complain- I enjoy seeing the seeds do their thing, it's part of the process for me.
now that ive moved onto clonin myself i too have this urge to start a seed. but from the odds of the fate of my last grow from the small jar of seeds i got from a friend i doubt i'll be sewing any more them seeds. as matter fact i should go throw em out or flushem let them hermies grow in the sewer lagons idont care LOL.

but i do have beans i saved few from the buds off last grow. tho odds ore bout 99% that its hermie pollen that knocked em up but idk.
any you ever take a chance on a seed you absolutely knew no doubt in your mind was from hermie polen? is it 100% chance it will produce hermie or coudl it stil yet produce a viable normal female or even a strait male even? :confused2:
just curious is all
zipflip said:
now that ive moved onto clonin myself i too have this urge to start a seed. but from the odds of the fate of my last grow from the small jar of seeds i got from a friend i doubt i'll be sewing any more them seeds. as matter fact i should go throw em out or flushem let them hermies grow in the sewer lagons idont care LOL.

but i do have beans i saved few from the buds off last grow. tho odds ore bout 99% that its hermie pollen that knocked em up but idk.
any you ever take a chance on a seed you absolutely knew no doubt in your mind was from hermie polen? is it 100% chance it will produce hermie or coudl it stil yet produce a viable normal female or even a strait male even? :confused2:
just curious is all

Hey Zip-
Actually IMHO a majority of the plants we grow have the hermie trait already in it. If we can avoid stressing the plant, the hermi trait won't show. But, if we screw up the photoperiod or induce some other environmental stress, the plant will hermi. Genetically speaking, if you start with a true female, it won't hermi no matter what you do to it. Aplaisa posted some good links in his bio thread about the genetics of a true female. Interesting stuff.