Signs Your Neighbor Is Running A Marijuana Grow Operation

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jomchimpo said:
I just find it hard to fathom that the citizens of the U.S.A. pay taxes so that their government can effectively spy on them and infringe upon their rights.

Well fathom up because that is exactly what happens. Thank you US Patriot Act. Hate to sound like a jerk but............since 911 it has really taken a spin in the wrong direction. Our government took that tragedy as the perfect way to push the Patriot act through. With all the "green, red, amber, yellow, aqua"...and all the other idiotic terrorist alerts and "fear mongering" tactics the general population stood right in line and let it happen. It hurts me to see where we are today.
There is an interesting pdf document available upon searching for "percentage of Americans read".
It's not exactly going to cheer you up. But I guess the issue is what is on the flipside - what arepeople doing? Zen meditation? TV hypnosis of CSI and reality shows? Not everyone grooves on books, I don't know if much has changed about that over the last 50 years, except that the books have become even more widely available. It's kind of like exercise. Everybody knows its good for you, but only certain people do it.
But I do think it a question of the quality of one's non-survival oriented time, be it reading philosophy, or auto mechanics, or marijuana growing, or doing something. Or if its a kid with a video game, making sure its a really good one and setting time limits. I'm a believer in the potential of video games for mind expansion, to a certain point. In a way a lot of the games are similar to books, in that they are often a solitary activity, which is then discussed in groups. But games can also have a social element. And then there are crossovers from gaming to reading like Dungeons & Dragons - which I think is a much underrated and needlessly slandered hobby.
Bottom line I guess is, are we cultivating open, questioning minds?
GreenMan74 said:
There is an interesting pdf document available upon searching for "percentage of Americans read".
It's not exactly going to cheer you up. But I guess the issue is what is on the flipside - what arepeople doing? Zen meditation? TV hypnosis of CSI and reality shows? Not everyone grooves on books, I don't know if much has changed about that over the last 50 years, except that the books have become even more widely available. It's kind of like exercise. Everybody knows its good for you, but only certain people do it.
But I do think it a question of the quality of one's non-survival oriented time, be it reading philosophy, or auto mechanics, or marijuana growing, or doing something. Or if its a kid with a video game, making sure its a really good one and setting time limits. I'm a believer in the potential of video games for mind expansion, to a certain point. In a way a lot of the games are similar to books, in that they are often a solitary activity, which is then discussed in groups. But games can also have a social element. And then there are crossovers from gaming to reading like Dungeons & Dragons - which I think is a much underrated and needlessly slandered hobby.
Bottom line I guess is, are we cultivating open, questioning minds?

Nice post, I am also a huge gamer LOL, been playing since 80 and still going. I agree with you and I like the reading is like exercise analogy LOL.
POTUS said:
You have no idea how much I care what you think about my posts.

Secondly, if you want to speak your feelings about anything you wish, start your own site. This one USED to not allow political crap. If it continues to, I'll leave it as will others. Some already have.

It's starting to turn into a site JUST like that other ones.

What a shame.

Wow, someone who can't have a discussion without invoking the "site Rules" and threating the others with "his absence!" Thank you so much for this peeing contest. I said myself that my facts weren't accurate, just exaggerating to make a point. ("They cant be too far off!") No, I dont spend time in various places, keeping tabs on humanity.

So you win, I am stupid. God Bless America! I want to ride a unicorn of flags up to a pedistal of democracy, where truth, and honor and justice are pure, and untainted with humanity.

And yes, I am being way overdramtic because I am high right now, but you're a little crybaby, and if you can't defend yourself reasonably, then you should just cry yourself to sleep, cause no one cares.
Fadeux said:
you're a little crybaby, and if you can't defend yourself reasonably, then you should just cry yourself to sleep, cause no one cares.

Dude, I'm 74 years old. I've seen immature people like you be born and die hundreds of times. Some start acting like adults, some never do.

You need to grow up and start speaking like an adult.

If you can't handle criticism of your opinion, then stop giving it. If your only resort to criticism is to call people childish names, then, like I said above, you need to mature and also learn some manners.

Secondly, you act as though the USA was the only country on the planet. I have news for you, American, it isn't. There are at least 15 other countries represented on this group, so take your American platitudes and put em somewhere the sun don't shine.

Americans like you give the country a bad name.

You should be quite now.

Lastly, my original name on this group was "StoneyBud". YOU look up MY posts and you'll see that I only react to people like this when they act like A-Holes, as you are.

As an ex-Mod of the group, I can see now that you won't be here very long.

I'll watch you leave.
Hey Potus, firstly I would like to say thanks for this thread. You posted here with everybodies safety in mind.Appreciated.

Anybody ever see those United Colours of Bennetton Ads. On this forum we got black people, white people, yellow people, christians, buddhists, muslims, atheists, doctors, lawyers, construction workers, unemployed, rich and poor.

The one thing that we have in common is that we are all "green people".

With so many different cultures and backgrounds represented here, it is impossible for people to agree on everything. It's for this reason that politics is not discussed here. I agree with that

I learned the hard way ... I got into a dispute with Hick about guns quite some time ago ... not pretty. We're cool now though. Ever hear the phrase "it just aint worth it"

I'd just like to say that I respect you a lot Stoney (can't get my head around this Potus thing) You've contributed a hell of a lot to this forum and there's a lot of peole growing good weed ... because of you. Give yourself a slap on the back man.

I cringe whenever you mention "leaving". You, Hick, HGB, Mutt, TBG, Smokin Mom and others (too many to mention) are MP IMHO.

Hope you'll be around for a long time ... peace RBH

PS. I luv buk reedin :D
I plan to buy actual flowers from local shop, throw some of them out and plant cannabis instead. With ****-chat and even showing them my flowers would take all suspicion away I believe in addition make my purchases more legiminate...
Runbyhemp said:
I'd just like to say that I respect you a lot Stoney (can't get my head around this Potus thing) You've contributed a hell of a lot to this forum and there's a lot of people growing good weed ... because of you. Give yourself a slap on the back man.

Thanks man! No kiddin. Don't pay attention to me about the leaving thing. I just get pissed when people who should be quiet start making a bunch of noise. The amount of misinformation that is started and spread from other groups is astounding to me. I used to try to explain the real way it happens, but after the tenth time, I figure it's pointless. Those who really want to know can read the back posts from all the people you mention and find the truth if they really want to know.

Thanks again man, and please know that YOU are on that list of helpful people who have a lot of knowledge and don't mind sharing it.

POTUS said:
I think so too. Using children for that type of thing is absolute evil.

The person who thought of it should be put into a cell with Hannibil and a sharp knife. <Yum-Yum, eat em up!>

I agree too about the dare program they used and still do use these kids to bust people on it and the kids have no idea why or whats going on all they know is that mom and dad told them that the :cop: is "supposed" to be a good guy and all i did was tell him that mommy and daddy have some stuff in their dreser that looks like that, Hello 6 o'clock news and child services, oh and jail. As for the Hannibil comment i doubt if even he would want to eat on stringy old Nancy Regan :D
DARE is going to be or already did lose some funding. The reason: DARE is ineffective LOL, gee really. I don't understand why so many parents look the other way when it comes to these "use" the kids anti drug programs...yet they want to complain about what they teach when it comes to evolution, health and safe sex, etc. etc. Most parents don't even think about it, but in reality you are asking a child to do something they do not completely understand yet and it's not a small thing IMO. Sure if a child is living with 2 heroin addicts for parents chances are they don't need DARE to figure it out. Kids are kids and should be taught the dangers of drugs and I'm all for it but do it right and tell the truth. Kids grow up and then realize they were lied to, be honest with them, they can handle it the truth that is. My sister is already fearing this, she has a almost 2 year old and a husband that grows so it came up recently, my brother in law told my sister the baby would not be participating in DARE LOL. I also had a friend pull her son out of an assembly, she said it didn't look to good for her LOL. Same women could have pulled her child out of health class, or a class teaching evolution and no one would judge her like they do when she pulls her kid out of a DARE program. Good for her though, IMO the War is wrong and evil not the drugs...drugs have been around as long as man has why did it become such a problem all the sudden in the late 60's early 70's....

One last thing, anyone who rats on their neighbors should feel guilty and rat like....too many rats already. Rats are bad people, they show a lack of control, loyalty, and respect that many of us ask for. It's my "private" life and if I'm not hurting anyone then MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!
Dubbaman said:
As for the Hannibil comment i doubt if even he would want to eat on stringy old Nancy Regan :D

HAHAAHAHAHA, as with any cheap piece of meat, it all depends on how you cook it!
Push comes to shove, no country is perfect....we make the best with what we got! The DEA, IMO needs to start worrying about the legal Oxy-Cotton's, Methadone, Morphine, Vicodins, Zanex, etc. They are legal and you can get them just about anywhere. Leave the harmless tokers alone, we dont hurt anybody, in fact, the exact opposite. I keep my yard looking great, my lawn is greener than the amazon, all because i read up on some plant biology and a few HOW-TO's. Once you start taking pride in your grow, you take pride in everything else that grows. My yard is some of the best manicured and most colorful in the neighborhood. FoxFarm Growth works excellent on lawns, lol! :hubba:

Let's all go have some frozen yogurt, it's frickin HOT!




Potus, did i ever tell ya thanks man!
Or better yet lets get rid of the DEA take the extra money and expand the FDA so they can stop all the lead from China...on second thought maybe the FDA is just as corrupt.

The DEA should not exist, we don't need it....I know it would lead to job loses but boo hoo, I'm tired of that excuse. Does anyone care that my livlihood is being affected cause my work can get outsourced to India? Nope so why should I care if some LEO/DEA type has a family to feed, so did all the parents you put in prison. The DEA is unAmerican and has no place in this country IMO. Leads to social and economic problems not to mention corruption and lies/deceptions/propaganda etc. As a young lady on the forums once said "it's just another war on intangibles", she's a smart girl and a good friend of mine too.

And even though we get a little off subject and rant at each other a bit I don't think it's a bad shows some passion and that means you care. I think everyone has some good points even if we squabble a bit here and there.

Hey Nova I FF outside quite a bit, but am not a big indoors guy with it. I use it on the lawn, flowers, veggies and a couple different products I agree with you, it does wonders for the outside stuff.

I am so down for a 4:21.....the time when the world consumes their favorite flavor of frozen yogurt, after that first initial toke.

Im for a live and let live kind of thing! So, the guy that lives next door is a crack head, if he wasnt on some kind of dope he's a weird guy. Id rather him ride the white train than be a reject from society! Thats a much harder drug no doubt, but it can compare to us hobby smokers.

I have alot of friends, who if werent under the influence of some herb would be some wierd nut balls. That only thing that keeps them goin is the sanity of what they inhale. Crucify me for advocating peace for a reasonable cost! If it costs my neighbor to be a stoner for him to be normal, then im all for it!

Oh wait...i just formed this new religion....everday at 4:20 it against my religion to not take a toke and thank the man up above for providing me with this miracle plant. It solves temperment issues, personality disorders, appetite disorders, hyper-tension, ADD, pain-tolerance rehabilitation, Insomnia, etc...Its side effects are increased appetite and slight sense of euphoria, but contributes to slightly decreased respiratory volume. lets look at some counterparts of this miracle plant that do alot of the same things....

Zanex (Anti-Anxiety/Stress) - Fatigue and tiredness, memory problems, and drowsiness. In most cases, side effects are minor and don't require treatment. It is possible, however, to develop serious side effects that require immediate medical attention.

Vicodin (Pain Reliever) - Drowsiness, mental clouding, lethargy, impairment of mental and physical performance, anxiety, fear, dysphoria, psychic dependence, mood changes. Ureteral spasm, spasm of vesical sphincters and urinary retention have been reported with opiates.Hydrocodone bitartrate may produce dose-related respiratory depression by acting directly on the brain stem respiratory center. ases of hearing impairment or permanent loss have been reported predominantly in patients with chronic overdose.

Megestrol (Appetite Stimulant) - Diarrhea, constipation, frequent urination, swelling of ankles or feet, increased rate or difficulty breathing or some loss of scalp hair. Changes in vaginal bleeding or discharge, severe or sudden vision changes, headache, loss of coordination, slurred speech, trouble breathing, weakness or numbness in arms or legs, skin rash or itching.

Temazepam (Sleep Aid) - hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. May be habit-forming.....

To name a let's weight which really is a more desperate threat to national security. Let's put aside our differences and look at the facts. The reason the U.S. Government deems marijuana to be illegal is because that law was founded on information pre-dating the 80's. The document clearly states that unless a more viable and safe means of transportation into the body was developed it was a very promising drug. Since during those days the general way of administering marijuana was through inhalation of smoke. Well smoke, lets welcome the smart bunch, we now have vaporizers that totally eliminate the harmful effects of inhalation of marijuana vapor. I will look for the link to the document, but just look at what the drug does for you and weight the pros and cons. Then compare it to the drug cocktails listed above and weight the beneficial differences for yourself. The DEA needs to be run by scientists not jerks out for a vendetta because the prom queen dated the cool stoner and didnt even give the brainless chump a second look.

Im done!

I have yet to see some smoke too much pot and develop a serious medical condition that would require immeadiate medical attention.....

I have seen some get retarded and fall asleep and wake up. Ive never had to drive someone to the Er for it tho.

I have had to drive friends to the ER over overdosing on Methadone and Oxy-Cottons....alcohol poisoning.....hmmmmm

Nova said:
I have yet to see some smoke too much pot and develop a serious medical condition that would require immeadiate medical attention.....

I have seen some get retarded and fall asleep and wake up. Ive never had to drive someone to the Er for it tho.

I have had to drive friends to the ER over overdosing on Methadone and Oxy-Cottons....alcohol poisoning.....hmmmmm


You and I will get along just fine. And I am one of those guys Nova, I'm an alkie sober 2.5 years and without MJ I don't know that I could say that. I believe in a harm reduction policy I do not believe in beating everything with a baseball bat which is the American way LOL. Life is long and it scares me to think I'm only 34 and I can NEVER have another drink, just last night I had a dream that I drank and it's Friday so I'm glad I have some medicine to help me if I get the itch....thank the lord. If I didn't have it I wouldn't be sober and if it is ever not available I hope I have the willpower to remain sober. Do I need it no, but I choose it over the other "wonder" drugs, plus I've been a frequent user since 19 so I had experience with it. I don't want to be a drunk anymore ever!!! And if I need some help so be it, HARM REDUCTION.
Come on guys, big hug... Lets just sit in a circle and pass this peace pipe....
Timmyjg6 said:
Come on guys, big hug... Lets just sit in a circle and pass this peace pipe....

peace......what's that?

Nova said:
peace......what's that?


It's what I have on my fenced, gated property. I'm the President, King and the entire ruling government on my piece of earth.

No one enters without my permission, no one stays, once there, without my approval.

No one fights, no one argues, everyone likes each other.

Almost all in my Kingdom smoke pot.

Every day is a celebration of life.

Peace. You don't have to go outside to have it.

BTW Nova, thanks for the kind words in your other post! I'm glad I could help.

Stoned Stoney Potus

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