Smoking MJ Etiquette 101

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I just thought of something that REALLY pees me off when I'm smoking with a group...

Please please PLEASE inhale! There is nothing more crushing than watching someone take a massive hit, and just blow it right out. Its like taking a large swig of whisky and spitting it on the ground. For one thing, its just a waste, and also, its just plain rude to the person who brought the weed.

Well thats my thoughts.

Oh also..
Ask before you put out the end of a J... I had one person smoking with me who just tossed the end away, when there was at least enough for a good 4 tokes left! I was almost heartbroken, as for me, weed is hard to come by because I'm generally broke, and can't grow atm. I like to save as much as I can, because you know... every little helps.
When smoking with me you had better not WET the joint or bong because if it is my smoke and you do that you WILL NOT get another hit and where i am from that is our etiquette around here.But always be kind to each other no double hitting and always pass to the left....take care
Let's cover the basic California etiquette (That might have been covered already, but we'll go over them again in case any one needs a cali etiquette guide haha)

1.) When smoking out of a bong, most people I have ever smoked with in cali don't ever pass a cached hit to someone. If the bowl is cached, blow the thing out and then pass it to the bowl packer or pack a bowl yourself. (That's a hit that's dead or almost dead)
2.) When smoking any kind of paper (Blunts, jay papes, etc.) it's puff puff pass to the left, any kind of bong or pipe is always puff pass. The general amount packed in a bowl is just a snapper, so that it can be cleared it one hit. In my circle of friends if you can't clear a bong load in one hit, you're not considered a veteran smoker and are thusly not given full smokers rights. :hubba:
3.) DO NOT light a cigarette during the session, and especially during hotboxes. Additionally, getting out of said hotbox scenario early to get munchies is considered a party foul!
4.) Coughing is not considered weak, because it is general knowledge that coughing results in great mind masturbation and good feelings. Coughing and spitting up muccus into the bong or onto the floor is considered weak and fledgeling.
5.) As a general guideline, we Cali stoners tend to be laid back and mellow. Alot of loudness, twitching, moving around, hyperness, etc. is usually looked down upon. It's known to be a killer of buzzes and often enough can ruin good times. This is less of a guideline and more of a rule when entering other peoples houses that you may not know too well.

Well, this is about all I can think about for now. Now that I think about it, I may have covered a few things that haven't been covered yet. If you come to cali, follow this etiquette and for sure you'll be considered a veteran by the likes of even the most brutal ganga snob. ;)
Hiero_ said:
4.) Coughing is not considered weak, because it is general knowledge that coughing results in great mind masturbation and good feelings. Coughing and spitting up muccus into the bong or onto the floor is considered weak and fledgeling.
if they dont throw down they aint hittin my blunt, or joint... to many wanntin to go smoke... i mean listen to this i dont go out anymore, but when i was int that 6 year non stop party phase everym party i would show up with first thing i get asked by 50 people everytime smoke me out mann, sometime you just gottta keep it to your self, i hate being begged to smoke my weed from drunk idiots... if its family, or a real freind we stay smokin though....
here's one for the books,

when you visit a friend who smokes, and he smokes with ya, Don't get up and announce it's getting late and leave as soon as he is done smoking with ya!

we have a family member who does this to us. + he Never has any to smoke with us when he comes by.

he basically gets his high then scoots. so rude. but we still love him.

one time we even waited a couple of hours before we lit up, sure enough as soon as the jays where ash he hit the road.

it's kinda a family giggle now. if just a friend pulled that crap I'd call him on it.
i dont announce nothin.... i like to stay very private, but i know tons of people and im kinda known for smokin mj, i wouldent dare smoke at them partys if just you and a freind go to smoke in peace you rollitup turn around and see 5 people. i say no and go to the store and smoke on the way, but i dont go out to drunken college partys anymore kinda gets old... but i sure do love the good ganja..
Yeah T@S... That happened to me saturday night... I rolled up... Had my one lil Jay to keep me cool for the evening, and then as soon as I Whip out my lighter, theres 15 people wanting to have a few puffs.

Needless to say... I told em to **** off and get theyr own... And the guys that didnt ask, but i knew smoked, i went and offered it to them.. because they had the decency to keep away from my smoke.

I smoke with good guys, not mooches.
I have one and surprised no-one has said it, if your at work or talking on the phone and you and that person decided to smoke and your the one with the smoke why is it that, that person needs to bring a few friends along for a joint or two. WHY!!!!!!!! f-ker is all i have to say!!!!!! thats one reason i won't smoke with someone i work with right now. And he just don't get it.
Hiero_ said:
Yeah, I get the "Do you think I can get a bowl?" line alot, ESPECIALLY FROM FEMALES.

It's like, yeah your cute, but my herb is cuter. :ignore:

then you aren't getting the "cute" ones asking you.... ;)
Yeah, I get the "Do you think I can get a bowl?" line alot, ESPECIALLY FROM FEMALES.

The only person i do that for is my brother, but he dose it for me as well. We kinda look out for eachother like that.
Hiero_ said:
Yeah, I get the "Do you think I can get a bowl?" line alot, ESPECIALLY FROM FEMALES.

It's like, yeah your cute, but my herb is cuter. :ignore:

You gotta learn to reply to that with a straight face
"Only if I can get a blow!"

Ya never know!
Always load a bowl that fits the amount of people smoking. If it doesnt get all the way around it wasnt a bowl.
night501 said:
6) If i have smoked with you more than 3 times without having the gesture reciprocated ill still smoke with you but dont say sh*t when i give you the stink eye.

omg i am :rofl:
Rogue said:
You gotta learn to reply to that with a straight face
"Only if I can get a blow!"

Ya never know!
Of all the times ganga has gotten me laid, the game I laid down was nothing similar to that. ;)
"You can get a bowl if you come chill with me in my room, beautiful." Ya know? :hubba:
Dubbaman said:
Oh i thought of another good one. If you are fairly certain that the bong or bowl is about cashed dont pass it on with out warning the next in line that it may be the bitterbuttface toke

I so hate it when people pass the pipe it hashed man that
1. Do not slobber on the joint, blunt, pipe or bong! They are not lollipops.

2. If it needs it, flick the ash off the joint or blunt when you're done your hit.

3. Do not cough into the bong spraying bong water all over my carpet, at the same time soaking the precious herbs.

4. Do not come over just to use me for my herb. That's just plain rude.

5. If you need to cough, go ahead. Don't hold it in thinking you're more of a man by doing so. Coughing is good.

6. If you don't want to hold the hit in for a long time, that's ok. (I no longer do this as it now tends to give me headaches).

7. Finish what's left in the bong, empty the ash, then pass it on (some people don't know how to pack a bowl correctly, so I like to pack my own bowl).

8. If you're totally baked off your *** and loving it, that's great. Don't scream at the top of your lungs "I'm totally baked!! I love it!!" (I've actually had a person do this). I don't need the cops being called because of loudness.

9. If I smoke you up, don't tell me my weed sucks, especially if I don't even know you. If I think the weed sucks, I'll be sure to inform you before the session, since some people only like smoking the dank (and I don't blame them).

10. Don't pinch the joint or blunt between your lips so hard that it gets smushed.

11. Do not skip me in the rotation.

I think that's about it.

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