Some kind of deficiency?

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Apr 12, 2011
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Here is one plant I've been looking after, I have been feeding it with earth juice line and a flowering nute. This just recently started happening to the leaves, what is this?

Picture 039.jpg

Picture 040.jpg

Picture 026.jpg

Picture 027.jpg
Check your ph level. Looks like too much limestone or something that is washing away it's color. (IDK) I recently have been spraying mine with cool refrigerator water with a teaspoon of milk. They seem to love it! Stop when flowering bc mold will set in.
Whenever I see any deficiency, Just give a good flush next watering and lightly re-nute.

Unless you got Powdery Mold, diluted milk water is not necessary. Spoiled milk can smell pretty bad.
Spraying plants with water does nothing to help them and can encourage mold and mildew.
I have a kush that has that same "withered leaf issue" I never figured out what it was and it definitely stunted the plant. Make sure you aren't under watering or overwatering and check the ph of your nute could try googling it too. :)
and spraying with milk will not get rid of powdery mildew, it may delay its advance slightly, but only for it to return.

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