Started from the bottom now I’m… progressing

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2020
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I love futbol and I love fresh buds grown by myself. I am a previous bud of month winner despite me not being listed that way 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂ Allll good as I’m growing Bob Marleys favorite. Pull up a chair. I’m a super small timer, I don’t even grow enough for my own consumption but I’m a pot head so…


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“Lambs bread” has arrived and is in germination in a paper towel in my cabinet. Now for the deets:
I am using fox farm nutes.
I have spider 1000 plus a supplement 60w ufo light
I have larger carbon filter than I need for my small tent. I max out at 2 plants.
THIS TIME I am doing a few things differently. Got a 27 gal tote subbing for two 5 gallon buckets. Got an aquarium water chiller bc water temp really f’n matters evidently when it comes to yield. Holding at 20-21c.
Nute strength will remain same as I’ve had good luck w/plants liking my recipe but I have to be careful on the uptick as I HAVE killed plants being to ambitious. I start with basically neutral water. Ph’d to 6.0 bc my tap runs 7.5ish, and I add hydrogaurd and calmag initially (I’ll get into amounts later)


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They are off! Starting w/ph in low 6 range, water temp 20c, neutral tap water except ph down, hydrogaurd (20ml in essentially 20 gal), Calmag (50ml to start).

My question to my viewers is… when growing hydro, when and how quickly do you add your nutes. From my past, you can see I HAVE been starting neutral, going to 50% strength recipe, then 100% at flip to flower 12/12. I am open to advice!


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Unfortunately one took a 💩 so I am germinating another but other is doing just fine. Sucks I didn’t have a back up going, I know better that not all will “take” now I am 2+ weeks behind on one… we’ll see what transpires I suppose 🤷‍♂️


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My backup is coming along fine but now the original has yellow spotty leaves. I’m only at roughly 20% nutes so my first instinct is to add more nutes but that could kill it… advice please 🙏🏻


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I have never grown with hydro, but when I zoom in on your pic, I can see water standing in between the clay pebbles.
Does it always stand in there like that, or does it drain out?
The sick one looks over watered to me.
Can you tell us a little more about your flood and drain schedule?
So… this is my first attempt using a tote. I was using individual 5 gal buckets but I added aquarium chiller this go bc water temp has been my biggest headache in past. Either way, my clay pebbles w/rock wool cube that sprout is initially put in STAY submerged at root level. The only time they see drainage at all is when they are thirsty and drinking up to 2 gallons per plant daily. I add water twice a day to ensure about the same level. I have read about other methods but as you can see in my previous journals it works out fine. I think the issue here is my recipe for nutes in water but that’s what’s “fun” about experimenting 🤷
I used to grow in bubbler tubs. Had good results years ago in my basement. Tried it again in a apt and found I need a chiller for sure. Res temps were to hard to control so I abandon the grow for promix.

Once your dialed in the growth rate with these is fast. Someday when I'm bored of promix I'll buy a chiller and give this a go again.
I used to grow in bubbler tubs. Had good results years ago in my basement. Tried it again in a apt and found I need a chiller for sure. Res temps were to hard to control so I abandon the grow for promix.

Once your dialed in the growth rate with these is fast. Someday when I'm bored of promix I'll buy a chiller and give this a go again. View attachment 356005View attachment 356006
Can you give me a recipe for nutes in water and how it changed through out? I realize you may not want to give exact details but steer me in right direction because I thought I had it right in buckets and I’m failing back to back in tub w/same ratio

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