Take a look at this. this looks bad!!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2007
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Man. I have been having a real problem with mold. I have stopped watering for going on my 3rd day. I am going to buy neem extract today.

but look at these pics. is this coming or is it way over the top bad. pics are of mold ( I think ). I found these in my soil. solid... plus, they are bright green

you thoughts would great be appreciated

mold 11.8 001.jpg

mold 11.8 002.jpg
I also have mold problems in my system. I use a sulfur burner to combat it - moving the box upstairs out of the basement after this crop, as well.

now those pictures you show... beats me... is that a chunk of soil with some kinda mold on it? - if that's the case, I'd just scrap all that junk off and throw my sulfur burner in there for an hour a day for 3 days, and that's taken care of my problem always.
no.. it is 1 large chunk of bright green mold.
well... I've never heard of this neem stuff, so I can't comment on it. like I said, I use my home-made sulfur burner on mold problems.

and like I said, I'd just scrap all that crap out of the dirt - replacing with fresh stuff.

while using the sulfur burner, all ventilation is turned off, of course, so I do the sulfur burner either the hour before the lights come on, or right when the lights go off - if done after, the fans are utilized to clean out the sulfur for a short bit once the hour is up, otherwise you will suffocate the plants if the sulfur is left in there overnight.

here's some pictures of my burner... I just use the heating element from a coffee maker. the sulfur pellets burn in a tuna/salmon fish can.
i think you need to rethink you're lighting to something that will heat your area and dry it out. also get another fan in there
Try the neem extract and replace as much soil as possible, dont use outdoor soil, buy some from a store like MG organic. Neem extract takes care of alot of stuff including molds and pests!
thank you. I actually am using mg orangic choice soil. I have been think. this might be the problem with my mold and moist. I planted my clones in their own pots BUt the soil only comes to about 1/4 - 1/2 in the pot.

my plants are 11 days into flower and about 12" tall but only about 6-7 inches are out of the pot.

I think I started them to low in the soil. I should have put soil up to about 2 inches from the top then place them in the soil. my fan only blows on the top half of the plants.

could this be why? if so, should I replant them in some fox farm and comtinue. the guy at the hydroponics store say I could just continually take out the mold here and there and finish them. transfering them in flower could shock them.

is that correct?
Yeah, don't go moving blooming plants dude, that's a recipie for hermies.
so I should just keep cleaning out the mold?
regardless of the method you use to rid yourself of the mold, fundamentally, you need to restructure your airflow situation.

what you want is to have an airflow encompassing the entire plant, as well as the soil it is rooted in. AS WELL, I recommend that you airate the top of the soil on a regular basis. - sorry for not mentioning this earlier, but... I smoke a lot of weed... ;) ... anyways... what I do is use a garden fork to "rough up" the top inch or two of the soil in my pots - this helps or air out the soil (preventing mold buildup) and let's the roots "breath". you just have to be careful you don't break any of the roots that have migrated up to the surface over time. if that happens, just add a little more dirt :)

all righty, then...


smoke 'em if ya got 'em :smoke1: :joint:
I'm following your grow. Here is your problem

Too cold not enough airflow for the amount of water your plants need. It's the combination of you're very low heat lighting and cool area. It's winter man, get something to warm ur babies up.:D
Unless it looks like it is physically attacking your plants, I wouldn't worry so much. I routinely use one particular soil mix that from time to time shows up with a brown powdery mold which can cover the entire soil surface at times, but goes away eventually and is completely harmless. The most likely culprit is improperly composted soil but it really isn't a big deal. As was suggested already, try roughing up the surface of the soil if the appearance bothers you. But what you will probably just have to wait it out and let it dry out or exhaust the supply of whatever it is feeding on. Just relax and let nature take its course.
thanks neon black. my plants are looking healthy. this is their 12th day into flower and they look great. a lot of white pistels and little buds starting

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