Never smoked any Thai stick but once, in the late seventies, I was partying with friends and I asked a young woman that I was well acquainted with if she had a joint. She told me that she had some she was holding for someone and that she would give me a joint. I declined and told her that if she was holding smoke for me I wouldn't want her giving it away. She said the guy had told her she could smoke some but that she hadn't and would give me a joint instead.
A short time later she came up and handed me the J and I actually laughed at her. It was tiny. I told her there would be two people smoking and that joint didn't look as if it would get an infant high. She said, "This is called Maui Waui. It's from Hiwaii and it's supposed to be very good."
I skeptically took the joint, thanked her, and me and the friend I was with headed out. We lit the doob as we left the parking lot of the club and headed for home (approximately 90 miles away). We got maybe two hits each off the J and, to this day, I could not tell you anything of that drive home.
I might possibly have smoked better smoke since then but that incident was sort of like my first sex-- it might have been better at other times but that once will always remain strongly embedded in my mind.