The beer thread!!

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bud not much of a beer person i prefer a few shots of 151 or this drink called a wet willy.
Long Trail Blackbeary Wheat. A wheat beer (obviously :rolleyes:) with a slight hint of blackberry. This is nothing sweet tasting at all. It's beer, but with a 4% alcohol count. In one night it is very feasible to finish a full case youself... Good thing i get them at the wholesale amount of $9 a case (retails at $27 at the brewery :eek:).
Mr.Wakenbake said:
yuengling is my new favorite.......

The only beer to own the name lager... I miss home! My new community has given me a taste for the wheat beers, ok I'm almost used to them! Overall I'd have to say Magic Hat # 9, good taste, lots o'alcohol but expensive out here in the middle of the country!
i like a san miguel: san_miguel_1ltr.jpg or a leffe:leffe.jpg or a desperado:desperado.jpg
In that order lol

I love European brew lol, such choice
I gotta give props to smokinmom for bringing up Fat Tire.....thats one of my favorite beers of all time....unfortunately it isnt distributed in my home state nor by any nearby neighboring states.....
some other favorite beers(not really in any particular order, just as they come to mind).
1.Duvel-had it in belgium and it rocks
2.Arrogant bastard-for the sheer "in-your-face" brand image and unique taste
3.Left Hand Brewery's Milk Stout-for its uniquely delicious taste
4.Moose Drool-because its as thick as molasses and very tasty
5.Terrapin Golden Ale-its my favorite that I can find locally
6.Chimay blue-another I had overseas and absolutely loved
budweiser , michelob , milwaukees best .. lol , kinda like the bite from the beast, but really its all good :clap: .. like a big fatty:tokie: all carry on now
OK here are some of CA's micro brews!! Very good, very strong!!

Micro Beers.jpg

micro per.jpg
J.W. Dundee's Honey Brown
or Heineken
I don't do beer, I'm more of a vodka person, Vodka or Jack Daniels.
I like fat tire, Highlife or pabst blue ribbon. I know, I know, the latter 2 are kinda ghetto, but that's how I roll. Gotta think economically when feeding many mouths =)

Some of my other favorites are Guiness, Killian's Irish Red, and Foster's in the big oil can, and Anchor's Steam. Mmmm Mmmm. Delicious

I tried that new Miller "Chill" the other night, and it's pretty good too.

I love beer- but then again, I'm an alcoholic, and that's just fine with me =)
I'm not big on beer, more of a vodka (Chopin potato vodka...yum) or tequila (Milagro) girl myself :p ,
BUT... I did recently discover a beer that I like called Blue Moon...MMMmmmm...very nice!!! :D
Okay it may be only 3 PM but I just cracked my first beer of the day. Heineken. I got a 6 pack of that and a 6 pack of Tiger. Most will be gone by tonight. :D

Hubby is out of town til Friday. It's party time!!!
HUMMM:rolleyes: Should I do it? Maybe a Stone IPA.:hubba: BevMo is too far and the guy at the corner has it.
Rolling Rock is good stuff.......

Also like Icehouse. Not too much into beer or ale..........

I go for vodka and tonic on the rocks, or vodka shots with Sunkist chaser, or Crown with a touch of water - no ice when I'm sippin'.;) .
Batch 420 IPA out of Maine is another cold weather favorite :aok:
Never heard of it DL but BevMo will order anything I can find. I'll be on the look out.;) Thanks.
Pot Belly said:
Rolling Rock is good stuff.......

Also like Icehouse. Not too much into beer or ale..........

I go for vodka and tonic on the rocks, or vodka shots with Sunkist chaser, or Crown with a touch of water - no ice when I'm sippin'.;) .

Ah. Im yet to meet anyone who enjoys vodka as much as me, stand up and be counted!

up for a shot pot belly? :D
the_riz said:
Ah. Im yet to meet anyone who enjoys vodka as much as me, stand up and be counted!

up for a shot pot belly? :D

Got 3 shotsa Vodka, straight out of the freezer and 3 good bong tokes. Here's to ya bro'.:48:


Corona, Heinekin, and Budweiser i used to take tours over at the brewery in St.Louis try so many samples

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