The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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true every eveing before lights out lol

the person below me has just ate breakfast
True...pancakes, marijuana/blueberry syrup and elk sausages....yum yum yum!!! :woohoo:

The person below me is going to smoke something good today!!!!:D
I don't mind getting the day going so long as there is coffee on the horizon

The person below me has owned a mid-mount bus/van such as VW bus, Toyota Van etc....
False...I did own a Beetle once tho. ;)

The person below me just had lunch.
Yes I did home for lunch salad sloppy joe's 2 and ice water its back to work

The person below me just got a Pepsi
dam it! thought i was fit to say true but no it had to be pepsi:fid: and not piss:giggle: similar though!

the person below me has a rash there afraid to show there doctor and hasn't been layed in a month because of it!:D

The person below me got high earlier and lost their motivation.
False i never loose my motivation after smoking. I get motivated. :p

The person below me has never done a shotgun before?
are you talking shotgun shot gun or like a shotgun from a joint because if thats the case i used to have this bottle that you stuck the joint in and squeezed and it would burn half the j
so false i think

the person below me is in a band
false, but i'm trying to be in the music industry

the person below me is wearing jeans
False - I have two chinese and one japanese restaraunt across the street and even I am not that lazy :)

The person below me has skipped the light fandango.
now that you bring it up yes i do have the munchies thanks....

the person below me cant sleep
true i cant sleep its kinda hard to sleep with a newborn

the person below me eats to much candy
false - not got a sweet tooth
but i do love chips tho (fries to those in the USA)

the person below me needs a shave
false well at least i hope its false :rofl:

the person below me is now thinking of another bowl

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