Transplant/weeping dead?

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Mar 30, 2007
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I transplanted out of a small half gallon pot, and put it into the ground a day and a half ago. I visited it a couple hours ago and the thing was weeping!! incredibly sad. It like fell over the stalk is getting 'soggy' losing strength. Im pretty sure she died, advice? is weeping after a transplant natural? or did i kill her in the process...? thx

day 14.jpg
Give it a couple of days the shock of transplanting could have caused that, also you could tie it to something to hold it upright until your stem is strong enough to hold it up on it's own.
i'm assuming that during the transplant the earth in the container was disturbed and could have cased the root system to break down? in any case, give it some TLC and water, if you show it love, she will love you back
are you talkin somewhat apples to apples??? did you transplant from pot in sunlight to ground in sunlight?

or pot under artificial light to ground in sunlight?

your plant may not live through the "hardening period" especially if the latter.

hit it with some super thrive mist couple times a day as well as some fish emulsion at watering. you may want to water more often but not in large quantity.

hope she makes it, i have some outdoor plants that don't look so hot but making a STRONG comeback. took from inside (artificial light) to outside as well. lost their bottom leaves to yellowing but new growth is nice color and strong health. i would suggest cutting yellow'd foilage after most of leaf has turned yellow. i think the plants feed off those leafs first?

Just keep a keen eye on them and keep them moist. best of luck
it was in a pot outside, and its about to start vegetating, and I did not want to become root bound in the pot, and when i seen it, i took my camera string and tied up against a thin stick Im going to go check on it in a couple minutes

also, does she look like shes already dead? or could she make a comeback?
UPDATE!! well it looks like shes recovering from the transplant, but it seems as if she cant hold herself, and having trouble finding her gravity... heres pics

edit: and it rained today, so it got lots of water, it wasnt a heavy poor, but more of a heavy drizzle, she may be a bit heavier with all the water on her

does it look like a recovery? (fingers crossed)

day15 -recovery.JPG

Just keep an eye on it. It takes up to a week for it to fully recover. Transplanting is a shock and adds stress, the rain prolly did it some good. ;)
yeah it's doing better just look at the before and after pic...

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