Try this idea to pay for your puff!

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New Member
Feb 17, 2008
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If you do a search on the internet using the following keywords $6 Investment with Paypal, you will find links to message boards, newsgroups, on-line forums and discussion groups. All display roughly the same information in regards to this Investment offer, and say this has being tested and approved by Oprah Winfrey and 20/ 20 magazine in the U.S.
There are 2 draw-back’s, firstly – Paypal does not allow this, if you do this via Paypal, (even though the message boards and forums etc will state that they received an email from Paypal stating that they do accept this) – this is NOT the case and if you decide to use this via Paypal then expect to get your account frozen and any money that is in there will be ‘locked’. You will need to prove that the service you sold is one that they accept which after reading through these articles on this web site _*****[/URL] seems almost impossible to do.
I sent an email to Paypal and they came back eventually in a very vague manner and said that they were unaware of this Investment opportunity etc etc (but if you read between the lines, they are aware of it and based on all the horror stories that some people have had when dealing with Paypal they are on the look out for accounts that get large sums of money deposited into them, in a short space of time and will lock these accounts down) Oh Yes 1 more thing you have to physically prove that you sold a service (and they wont always agree that you did) and what happens to the money in your account…. Well it looks like they keep it !!!!!!
Secondly – the amount, if you send only $1.00 by the time Paypal / Alertpay have taken their fee (per transaction) you end up with nothing and that’s why this $6 investment is not worth doing.
So to make it work, I did the following- instead of using Paypal, I used Alert pay and I increased the amount to £2.00 per person, to allow for fee payment. Alert pay works in the same manner as Paypal except they do except this type of opportunity and you can see for yourself if you log onto Alert pay’s web page – and click on learn more about Alertpay Business Accounts, then read through Premium Account and Secured Account. Alertpay operates in all major countries and deals in US Dollars, Pounds and Euro’s. Your account will be opened in your own currency but you have the ability to send and receive payments in other currencies. There is an added bonus to using this opportunity via Alertpay and it’s their Referral Program. After you join Alertpay though my Referral Link, you are then able to get your own Referral link which others will use to Join Alertpay after they receive this information from you. For every Referral Friend that joins, Alertpay will pay you $5.00 then on the 11th person joining, using your link they will pay you $10.00 per Referral. The ‘catch’ as such is that there must be $250.00 worth of sending or receiving transactions going through your account, which will be so easy if you follow the Investment Opportunity correctly and Honestly.
As with many services, there are fees for using Alertpay but the fees will be lower than those at Paypal. Also, at some point you may wish to get your account verified but you wont need to do this initially to send or receive funds. Alertpay is 100% secure and is used by millions of people worldwide.
So now its time to explain the Investment Opportunity.
As the Internet has become more popular, the word ‘Scam’ has become a daily term. Having even tried a few of these and yes they were scams, I was wary when I first read this Investment opportunity, so having researched the Paypal option and found it to be a risk not worth taking, I decided to look for an alternative and I found one… Alertpay
There are reports floating around on the validity and reputation of this system (as seen on Oprah, CNN 20/20 and other media forums) I decided that I would give this a go, beside the most I could loose would be £10.00
After a few days I started to see some results. I couldn’t believe it – I had finally found a way of helping my financial situation which not only benefited me but all the others that joined the program. The idea of the system is that it takes advantage of the power of the ‘compounding’ (the concept of adding accumulated ‘interest’ back to the principal, so that ‘interest’ is earned on ‘interest’ from that moment on). Now there are countless spin-offs of this system that try and make a ‘quick buck’ off of people, these have long lists with only the 1st name getting paid and so reaping the rewards, there are also $10 and ‘Birthday systems’ but these do not use the compounding advantage and so rarely work. This system is THE legit and profitable one when played Honestly. The reason that I keep going on about the Honestly of this system, is that we can all benefit from this which in turn can help thousands get themselves out of debt, rather than just a few dishonest folk.
This is how it Works:
There is a list of Email addresses (you will see them as you read further). Each of these people has already taken part in this system. When someone new comes along (such as yourself) you will remove the first name off the list then move all the other names up one place and add your own email address in position 5. There is a step you need to read first before you amend the names list, see point 3
This system has being raved about in media reports because people who have used it so far have done so with Integrity and have not tried to ‘alter’ the order of names listed below, hence creating a weak result. The legality of this system is that you are creating a Mailing List Service and the users that sign up are ‘paying’ for a legal ‘service’.
Instructions now on how to set this up:
1. Logon onto web page – [ Sign up for a Premium account or Secured account (its free to do this).
2. Highlight and then Copy and Paste this entire post into Notepad or Word, and Save it on your computer so you can refer to it later on.
3. Transfer funds into your account. (I started with £15 - you need to have enough in the account to cover the £10.00 and the transaction fee). You then make a payment of £2.00 to each of the 5 email names on the current list; to do this successfully you must follow these steps.
a. Logon onto your account
b. In the Recipients email field, enter the first email address
c. In the Purchase Type field select ‘Services’ (keeping this legal)
d. In the Note field, type ‘ Debt Free Email List - Please add me onto your email list’
BY doing this you are creating a Service and maintaining the legality of the system by ‘paying’ for this Service.
4. Click on the Continue button and complete the payment.
Repeat these actions for each 5 email addresses and that’s it. By sending payment to all on the list rather than the first name, you are implementing the compounding Power of the system.
Here is the current Email List:

5. Now remove the 1st name off your copy of this post and move all the names up by one position, then add your email address to the 5th position (this MUST be the one that you used when registering your account with Alertpay). This is the only part of the document that you should amend, and of course add you Alertpay referral link above
6. This is the LAST step to follow: - there are hundreds and thousands of online groups; all you need to do is submit this post to 200 or more if possible. Now I know 200 sounds like a lot but it’s not really especially when you see what returns you get back and remember if you do more than 200, the more money you will make and the others on the list too. So start adding this post to as many groups as you can. You can use various search engineers like Google. MSN, AOL , ASK.COM etc to search for message boards, bulletin boards, chats sites, discussion groups, forums and on-line communities etc, using keywords like millionaire message board, making money discussions, money making forums, debt forums, iva and bankruptcy forums etc,
7. Click on them one by one and add your post. Make sure the Subject as this will be the header that will be displayed when people are browsing through the list of postings. All you need to do now is post away at all the numerous message boards. Don’t be alarmed at the volume of $6 paypal posts – remember the risks associated with using Paypal. When I started posting I used a Subject line of ‘£10 investment works with Alertpay not Paypal’
When you add 200 posts onto various pages etc, it’s estimated that at least 15 people will respond to this opportunity and send you the £2.00 = £30.00. Those 15 will then post 200 messages each and 225 people will send you £2.00 = £450.00 etc – through the 5 levels of the email address so:-
**Please note that i recently spoke to 3 people who have used this system, All with varying results. The first person only posted on a handful of message boards/chat rooms and only made a very small amount. The second posted to about 200 boards and made about $13000/£6500, and the third posted to approximately 750 boards over a period of 3-4 months and made $55000/£27000!! Obviously, the more you put in to this, the more you get out of it!

EDITED out ALL links and emails..
Got scam wrote all over it.
sombody kick this fool off the forum please.
nxxus.. please read our site rules and user policy..
Spamming and scamming are strictly forbidden.

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