VHC: Vaporizer Hitters Club

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How do you smoke most?

  • I vape

  • I smoke

  • I vape and smoke

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Don’t eat that pancake.
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
I am a convert. I quit smoking cigarettes about 2 weeks ago and never looked back. Smoked for over 10 years...

I really truly do not like to smoke anymore. It feels so unhealthy coughing up all that tar.

So I broke down and bought a digital vapor box (VP-902) it was 48$ with tax. I loved it so much I bought Volcano knockoff. A digital Fuji Vape. It works awesome. I couldnt be happier with the high, and I have been having some quite "vivid" dreams :hubba: again.

SO...Be it a heat gun, magnifying glass, whip, or bag post up what you got!

VHC Club Numbers :rofl:
OGKushman # 007
Smokey Mcpotster # 0014
tcbud # 3
Dr. Manny Bowles # 6,513,524
the chef # 17
mojavemama # 420
Hamster Lewis # 69
2Dog # #59860
astrobud # 5150
cmd420....# pending
ozzydiodude #10800
SicSativa # 13
JustAnotherAntMarching # 869


I have never had the chance to try a vaporizer...:eek: One of these days though, I will have to give it a shot.
I got my purple days vape in May, haven't "smoked" since. Best money I ever spent. I want to quit smoking as well, using a vape has made it easier. I was going to start a vape club thread a few months ago, but didn't see many people saying much about them. Their loss.

i have da buddah, i think its prolly the best for the money, i know of two more people on this site that have them as well and i also know they love thiers as much as i do. as like smokey im trying to quit the cigs and it does seem to help:) DSCF0408-2.JPG
thats dabuddah.com
I am sooo in love with my DaBuddha! Thanks for starting this thread!
I'm lovin' it. :headbang2: :bump:

hey momama i see you use it a lot, how long have you had it. edit;or is that a colored glass peice?
I'm a long-time bong smoker, but have been noticing I'm getting shorter on breath in the past few years. I got a Volcano a while back but have just recently started using it more and more as my 'weapon of choice'. I still take a b-rip or two a day just because I can't completely put the bong away yet, but I gotta say the Volcano kicks my behind and is alot nicer on the lungs.
Do we get some cool #'s like the Bong-hitters club gets?

Dr. Manny Bowles said:
I'm a long-time bong smoker, but have been noticing I'm getting shorter on breath in the past few years. I got a Volcano a while back but have just recently started using it more and more as my 'weapon of choice'. I still take a b-rip or two a day just because I can't completely put the bong away yet, but I gotta say the Volcano kicks my behind and is alot nicer on the lungs.
Do we get some cool #'s like the Bong-hitters club gets?
Hell yes!

Good Idea! I call VHC member # 007!:D
I smoke but not no tabacco just the wacky weed. I have not got a vape yet. Might be my Christmas present to myself.
My Vaporite when it was new last December. I dont use it much, but I have put the bong away, and am now smoking joints. I will prolly try the vape agian....I too notice a shortness of breath at times.

Great on the Quitting smoking OG....Excellent choice for life.

number....can I have 3?

I smoke Cigarettes when I drink. Only drink about once every two weeks. I had not smoked weed in about 12 years. Went to a friend's house in sonoma. He had a Volcano. nobody likes a quitter.
DaaaaaaBudda! Im in vhc#17. I'm vapin. I enjoy my glass pipe and rolling a spliff. But i love my vapor and use it more than anything, pertty much cut out blunts alltogether.


yes, my DaBuddha came with a colored mouthpiece. ROFl...honestly, I DO know how to clean the glass! ROFLMAO!!!

And I'd like to be VHC#420 since no one has claimed that yet!! Great thread, much needed.
Hell I am in....VHC # 69 Please....:hubba:

And my pic IMG_0095.jpg

I love my vape but I do go back to the bong every now and then...
Here is my vapor and its case....and a jar of low ryder 2....#59860 please~:D

112309 autos 001.jpg

112309 autos 004.jpg
Ooooh, finally a vape club....I'm SO lovin' it....
