weird trip /anxiety attack?

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You just can't handle that much bro. Nothing to be alarmed about when i first started i thought i was a big baller and i would smoke whole blunts by myself and get like that. You just have to give your tolerance level a boost and try and smoke more.
i have anxiety attack type things every so often. i will go hrough phases where i cant get high enough, then the next day i take a rip from my bong and BAM im hit with a high almost cant handle. one time recently i started getting odd feelings all over me .. since then i havent smoked anything but my pipe when im alone. i find smoking with my mom and her bf calms me because i know they are in the same place i am.

most likely it was just some realy good weed that you didnt expect, once that happens your mind plays all kinds of nasty tricks on you. you just have to sit back take some deep breaths and realize in 15 to 20 minutes you will be back ....
sounds like pcp to me too. if the greenery smells like a magic marker than is bad news chief. unless you like it...........
Panic and anxiety are very common when you smoke weed as it directly impacts your nervous system and slows it down. Hence there is that feeling of nervousness and being still. Taking deep breath for few mins and spending sometime in open can surely get you over that.
mark23 said:
I don’t think this was any type of anxiety attack. As you told that you don’t smoke too often, so that can be a reason of your problem. You should stop smoking. If you think that you are going through any type of anxiety attack than you should consult with a doctor. There are many options available in the market to get rid of this but with doctor’s prescription. Xanax is one of the best medicines of this issue. You can find more information about xanax at Apart from all this you really need some great will power and self control to do it.

First post and promoting bloody xanax eh?
Shoot you guys, do you all forget that weed is a psychotrophic substance? It acts on the central nervous system and alters brain function, hello, hallucinations aren't out of the norm for some people who smoke. Yes, weed is a hallucinagin, a minor one, albiet, but a hallucinagin none the less. You ever wonder why more people don't smoke? It's because many have adverse reactions like this guy, weed is powerful stuff.

I doubt someone paid the extra dollar and went the extra mile to get PCP and give it to this guy (which has a street nickname of embalming fluid, embalming fluid is actually NEVER used to get anyone high, except maybe by the dumbest teenagers in the world who I bet won't make that mistake again)

Sounds like this guy just has some brain chemical issues that he should be concious of when smoking, and make sure he is always in a place where he can't hurt himself or others if a reaction like that happens again (not driving for example). Ya might want to stop holding in the smoke for such a long time man, not good for ya. I know when I started smoking after 4 years of not, weed was almost too intense and trippy for me to get back into. All you pothead out there, maybe you forget what that first bowl is like after your tolerance is completely gone. It's pretty crazy...
If you have had unlaced weed before then you would know if it has been laced. if it were laced with either pcp or cocaine then it would unmistakeably taste like straight chemical.
oh and fermaldhyde, or more commonly known as embalming fluid, can be used to get high and is often used with weed or tabacco to produce effects almost identical to PCP. street name is "love boat" so watch out for this, and STAY AWAY!
hippiehaze said:
oh and fermaldhyde, or more commonly known as embalming fluid, can be used to get high and is often used with weed or tabacco to produce effects almost identical to PCP. street name is "love boat" so watch out for this, and STAY AWAY!

Yo, there are no cases proving what you said. Basically all cases where they tried to find pure embalming fluid for sale on the street come up nil, as it is always cut with pcp. Also they found that individuals who ingested a combination of formaldhyde and pcp would often not test positive for pcp, though it was known the subject ingested it, so even if a person doesn't piss pcp for the test, they probably ingested it since it has been impossible to find embalming fluid on the street without pcp.

If everyone stopped propagating this myth about embalming fluid, it will probably save the health of many.

Check this link out. The first link under the "General Information" section is particularly relevant to what we're talking about.


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