what gives them the right?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
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okay i didnt know what forum to put this in, but im paranoid as hell and wondering somethings..

What gives cops the right to come into your house to look for what your doing?

How can a narc get you caught, can cops come into your house just because someone said you were doing it? Wouldnt they have to smell it in your house before they could come in?

As far as electricty, running one 400w shouldnt be a problem correct, it shouldnt make it look odd running it, say they thought someething was odd, can a cop search your home just because the electric company said something was going on?

on what boudaries does a cop have the right to enter your home?

reason im freakin out is, because a couple of houses down a dude was talking to my uncle and he told him that there was 2500 dollar reward out to bust growers this being all from word of mouth, so question is say i called in to the police and said "bob" was growing in his house, could the cops just raid his house with just this reason?
well the cops would ask you, what proof do you have, and then you gotta make something up, and if it sounds believable than yeah, because the right to search the house is by an anomynous tip
I think an experimental testing is in order.....usually seems to be the best method to solve problems.

Let's say you live near "bob" and maybe you don't like "bob" all that much, that little daushund of his keeps leaving presents in your lawn, and he never returned that hedge trimmer of yours he borrowed. It's time for Robert to get his. Let's say some anonymous person were to call the proper authourity figures and suggest that bob was doing some indoor gardening that was reeking up the neighborhood.

Now comes the fun part, observation. All you have to do is sit back and watch and see what happens to "bob.'' Just make sure you make the phone call from a payphone or something.

yeah, so that was pretty much a joke, but I think cops have to establish "reasonable suspicion" and an anonymous tip may be enough to prompt a search. At the very least I'm sure a visit by some beat cops knockin at your door and grilling you. For example in "bob's" case, if he was growing and the cops knocked on his door due to the "anonymous tip" he would be sweating bullets, probably shaking, and the cops then may be able to press inside his house. If "bob" wasn't growing, then the cops questions would be answered promptly and reasonable doubt may be established in which case the police may determine that a search of the residence may be unfruitful.

just my 2 cents sprinkled with the small bit of legal knowledge I have
well.....if you have nothing to hide than you wont mind us taking a quick walk around then...........says the promotion hungry drug buster cop

your screwed either way if they show..........

my gut tells me you've told other people about your grow LOL otherwise....how would anyone be able to accuse you by "word of mouth"???
Don't Call The Cops, Bad Karma! Do no Evil to Others! It comes Back to you. Maybe you Don't Know "Bob" That Well, "Bob" Could be NUTS. Maybe He's an avid Hunter, Maybe He's Realy Somekind of Sick-sex Nut? Maybe He's a Disgruntaled Postal Worker, Or Maybe "Bob"s Just Waiting for ONE MORE THING to mess-up his Allready Fragile Life. Don't Play Headgames. Maybe "Bob" Is Smarter than you think, Figures out it was you, And drops the Dime Back on Ya? Or, Worst Case... Finds out it was you and thinks to himself" ...For the rest of my life, I Will make this Person Suffer, I Will do All that I Can to Get my own Brand of Revenge.. Whatever That May-be, However Long it Takes".. Bad JU-JU, Treat Others As You Would want to be Treated, Be Kind, And The World will Treat you the Same. CaptainViper.
Excellent advise CaptainViper. "What goes around, comes around", "Do to others..."

I'll give you guys a short law lesson. This is for the USA only. I don't have a clue how it works in other countries, but here in the USA, I do. This is Federal law. That's what covers marijuana being illegal even if you have a med licence. They can use the federal law to bust you any time they want to.

1. No cop can enter your property without a warrant unless he has knowledge of a crime in progress that involves the life of another human being. i.e. if he hears dying screams...then he can just kick the door in and come in. He'll have to support this later in front of a very curious Judge, and woe to him if he can't.

2. Getting a search warrant: A cop has to provide a Judge with something that will convince the Judge of a crime being committed. This Judge's decision can and will be challenged later in court, BEFORE, trial is set. If the Judge allowed an illegal search, the whole thing is thrown out.

3. So, NO, word of mouth isn't enough to bring a cop into your house unless there is enough information to fill in ALL the blanks and a Judge is convinced that it will hold up in court. Sorry folks, this type of tv cop crap just doesn't happen in real life.

4. Almost every time, it's someones mouth that provides the information necessary to watch and bust.

5. Remember that phrase: WATCH AND BUST.

6. If the cops get a tip, that's what they do. Then, if your putting plants outside on the porch, in a window, smoking a joint outside on your porch, or doing all of them at once, YES, they can come on in. YOU gave them enough so that they need no more information. They don't even need a search warrant because they observed a crime in progress and THEN YOU WENT INTO YOUR HOUSE.

Folks, don't take things for granted. I've heard a lot of people on this group say things like: "I go out on my porch and smoke a joint". If a cop has been told to watch you, and he sees and smells you having a joint on your porch and then go inside, you just gave him permission to come on in. It may or may not live through a initial hearing, but either way, you'll be in a jail cell while it's determined. NOT GOOD.

Watch your collective butts folks. Cops are not stupid. Tens of thousands of people just like us are busted each year.


Thank you, thank you, Stoney has now left the building....hehe
I was going to make a post like the above, but it has already been done. Just remember for any search in your house, they would need a search warrant. If you invite them in, even unintentionally, anything they can see or smell, they can legally peruse the place, just without opening anything. If your ever pressed by a cop at your house, i suggest being very polite and cooperative until they start threatening you with arrest and such. Then say nothing and call the cops on them. That will normally get them gone, or on the off chance they have been watching you(like above post mentioned) your screwed. Remember the property is yours, unless they have actually seen or heard a law being broke, they cannot go in, once you say no.


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