what is chronic pains?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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what is chronic pains? I would like learn it from anyone of ya who have it, and explain to me what it is? I might have it or not I do not know but would like to understand it if I do have it, I will pay doc a visit, and poke him for goverment mj supplment,

myself I dont like to be pill popper, I did see white thc pills from gov and health care etc, i tried it, its nice but smoking is good excrise for my lungs

cigarattes is far bad than joints

I comsumes cigaratte more than ever when I drinks beers jeez
but when it comes to joint, its all good
just look up the word Chronic... it means "marked by long duration or frequent recurrence" also "always present or encountered" and "constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling"

so Chronic Pain means constant, reacuring, long lasting pain
This is something that you would know if you had, if you are speaking of chronic Pain syndrome, it is something that your doctor would diagnose based on lab reports, specialists, physical examinations and medical history.

Medically problems usually come in two forms: Acute, meaning that it is temporary and will normally go away, and chronic meaning that it is reoccuring or not going away when it should have. Most if not all chronic pain starts with acute symptoms or an acute injury.

What type of problems are you having?
I deal with chronic pain daily.

It's a pain that never leaves fully but can be dulled enough to work in my case.Normally when i get home from work i spend my time off my feet as my ankle swells to the point it won't pivot anymore. Then i normally limp, or hop or hobble for what i need for the rest of the evening. Oh , i spend alot of time in the whirlpool to help me too.

The pain never leaves.... it intensifies sometimes, and sometimes it lets off enough to feel almost normal. So what does a person do? They grow their own medicine in a state that don't allow. I live in the shadows and smoke my weed because the narcotics make me someone i am not.

I can't afford docs or insurance as rates are now skyrocketing and i can't afford $10K a year for health insurance for the fam. It takes 1/4 of my income yearly to fill my tank and the wifes once a week.

I grow my own medicine, because it's my right to do so.Whether the government says so or not. Why ....?Because with a pain level like mine at the end of the day after working 10 hrs at a job my body is screaming for me to quit.... but i can't becuase well hell how else do you feed a fam of 4? Well hell.... you NEED .... SOMETHING to help. Otherwise, you agonize, lose sleep, take it out on others around you.... ect.

Chronic pain not only affects you physically but mentally as well and normally go hand in hand.

I couldn't run for my life if i had to do so to see the following day...... wouldn't that mess with you?

Cannabis is the only analgesic medicine that i found that helps me but still allows me to function and still be me. If i ever get thrown in jail for it, well..... lets hope that never happens.

Chronic pain is real , whether from an auto accident, back problems, hereditary, ect ect... What it is .... is a constant reminder that you are no longer "normal".
Hey.. Papa you can have my chronic pain... Want it..... It never goes away. Always bothers you like a Ex.lol... Trust me you would know if you had it because it really sucks.... Don't break major bones
i too deal with chronic pain in my right ankle on a daily basis.i broke my ankle taking out the trash at taco bell back in march of 2005 and have not been able to be on my feet for more than four hours without my ankle giving me a sharp aching pain since.after i sit down and go to get back up,its worst.my ankle gets all stiff and locks up.ive been to many md's,ankle specialist,physical therapists,a mri,and 3 cat scans.still i have no answers/recommendations to a surgury i could get,and or anything else to explain what it is i have going on.Theyre all clueless as too what it is.I'm goin to see a lawyor in a couple weeks about my case.Its like a living hell having to go through this chronic pain on a daily basis.its one of the many reasons why i smoke herb.herb helps me with my pain more than any pill on the market (besides percocet) but i cant even get any more scripts of percocet.its hard to get a script on them around here. medical marijuana will be on the ballat in november.you already know who will be voting to legalize it.-peace
thank you everyone, now I understand the chronic pains, I guess I do have some of chronic pains, on my left wrist... couldnt do right jobs on my right wrist it hurts so bad when rains comes.. that sux also I have bipolar syndrome, wish women do not mess with men over children even though I could handle my emotions though family abuse, until I have my own family, my first ex left with my 2 boys, that really sux
Chronic pain is in the Liver and I have Chronic Hep C that almost into cirrhosis from Doing to much drugs through the needle and sharing needles and then drinking didn't help it out either and taking Vicodin for over 9 yr and have gone through the treatment 2 for my liver and didn't do any good soo life is short and I Bet, I Won't see age 60 yr of age and I am 44 now.
Chronic pain, you would know it, and knowing it for yrs..
I deal with chronic pain as well I suffered a 2 1/2 story fall that shattered my right foot in 18 places and never did heal properly. Surgery is out of the question because I regained about 80 percent of my mobility and strength back in that foot but now it hurts... everyday.... all day... sometimes to the point that I want to cry simply out of frustration.

Oh and smoking joints to "exercise" your lungs is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If you are smoking plant matter no matter what plant matter it WILL have negative effects on your health.
Sad to heart Tater... Vaporizer!!! lol
Tater u fell 2 1/2 storys what u hit ! was it cement or hard dirt ?
That a painfull thing to go through.. I wouldn't ever want to go through anymore Hip surgery that some pain there and now since I have this Sainless steel in my bone, so I am hope the winter won't be a painfull one like I have heard from others.....
I used to own a siding company and my plank system failed on me when I was at the peak of a house hence the 1/2 story. I landed on unlandscaped land, mostly hard clay, no top soil or grass. When I hit the ground I took the entire impact through my right leg and it jared me so hard it dislocated my collar bone which is still messed up to this day. I came inches away from landing on a gas line that had been capped off but not installed into the house yet so it was just a pipe sticking out of the ground. I must have went into shock because my helped said I started to climb the ladder again mumbling something about fixing my stupid planks but my foot gave out half way up and I fell again. The doctor that I was seeing also ended up losing his liscence to practice medicine so that never instills a lot of confidence in a person lol but its to late now to do anything about it.

KGB: Ordered one 2 days ago should be here next week.
tater, I feel bad to hear about this one, does the pains still with you today, from these of that day?
Wow Tater now that a fall that could of Ended ur life if u hit that gas pipe, lucky U, and once u brake a bone it Never the same anyway and the cold is Just right around the corner.. I am Not Looking forward to the winter time due to my hip replacement either ! I got this Stainless Steel bar in my bone that going to Be COLD to the Bone and there No Meds that can take the away nor will MMJ do it either.. :holysheep: I better make sure I stay nice a Warm for winter...
Ouch that sounds pretty bad. Well here's to trying to numb the pain lol.

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