Drug Problem

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That shit is nasty. Been there done that. Thank God I didn't do it very long.
Same here. And it was back when the chemicals were readily available, none of this cold cook mess. Like running a car with no oil. Generally speaking, speed freaks are messed up. The crap getting cooked here is poison. Mexico actually produces some pretty refined stuff, or can.
Same here. And it was back when the chemicals were readily available, none of this cold cook mess. Like running a car with no oil. Generally speaking, speed freaks are messed up. The crap getting cooked here is poison. Mexico actually produces some pretty refined stuff, or can.
Yeah the stuff we were getting was made by a certain chemical and i cant remember the name of it but it wasn't this bathtub shit they make now.
Yep it was Ephedrine
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A Japanese chemist first synthesized methamphetamine—also called meth, crank, crystal meth or speed—from another stimulant in 1893. Methamphetamine was used early on as a medical treatment for narcolepsy, asthma and as a weight-loss drug. During World War II, the Allies and Axis powers both used the drug to keep troops awake. After the war, meth use increased dramatically, even after it was outlawed by the United States in 1970.

Scientists first developed amphetamine-type stimulants—including methamphetamine—as a manmade alternative to the ephedra plant.

Ephedra is a type of shrub whose extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 5,000 years. In 1885, Nagai Nagayoshi—a Japanese chemist studying in Germany—identified the active chemical in ephedra, a stimulant called ephedrine.

Methamphetamine was difficult to make until 1919, when another Japanese chemist—Akira Ogata—streamlined the process. He used phosphorus and iodine to reduce the ephedrine into a crystallized form, creating the world’s first crystal meth.
In the 1980s, the United States began to tighten regulations around the sale and use of the ephedrine–a pharmaceutical precursor used to make crystal meth. As a result, illegal meth labs turned to an easier to obtain precursor—pseudoephedrine—a chemical found in many cold medicines.

Use of crystal meth in the United States exploded in the early 1990s. Between 1994 and 2004, methamphetamine use rose from just under two percent of the U.S. adult population to approximately five percent.

In 2006, the United Nations World Drug Report called meth the most abused hard drug on Earth.

Meth use has declined over the past decade, possibly as a result of limits put on the sale of pseudoephedrine in many countries. In the United States, in 2012, roughly 1.2 million people (about 0.4 percent of the U.S. population) reported using meth in the past year.
In the 1980s, the United States began to tighten regulations around the sale and use of the ephedrine–a pharmaceutical precursor used to make crystal meth. As a result, illegal meth labs turned to an easier to obtain precursor—pseudoephedrine—a chemical found in many cold medicines.

Use of crystal meth in the United States exploded in the early 1990s. Between 1994 and 2004, methamphetamine use rose from just under two percent of the U.S. adult population to approximately five percent.

In 2006, the United Nations World Drug Report called meth the most abused hard drug on Earth.

Meth use has declined over the past decade, possibly as a result of limits put on the sale of pseudoephedrine in many countries. In the United States, in 2012, roughly 1.2 million people (about 0.4 percent of the U.S. population) reported using meth in the past year.
Thanks for that info. It interesting to know. Now we have drug that is decimating our country. I just cant remember the name cause I just woke up. Brain isn't firing fully yet. It rarely is....
If you had seen the pile of morphine patches, fentanyl patches, oxydrops, piles of hydrocodone when my Father died, holy cow. I had my totally straight sister take the whole lot for disposal or whatever. I loved that sort of thing and new it best to walk away from it.

Kept telling myself, well, a stash of hydro would be handy for sore back days...maybe a couple bottles of these oxydrops, and so forth. My brain was wanting that stuff ! I don't know why. I find narcotics to be a very boring high by itself. Opium more enjoyable, mixed with plenty of cannabis.
I've never gotten high on pain pills. All they do for me is take the pain away temporarily and block up my bowel tract.
So Kaiser my medical provider was concerned with my oxy usage. Twenty four 5mg pills a month. They decided I needed to fill out a contract to make sure I was being responsible user. So in the appointment my doc asked me how many I take a day. I said one or two. Which may have been a little exaggeration but they made the contract for me to sign. They decided I needed 56 pills a month. I was like I should have done that a long time ago. So the pain in my shoulder has decreased a lot with the use of the CBD I make. I started to stock pile the pills and after two years I have about 15 hundred pills. So I went in to my new doctor and told her I don't need anything that strong anymore. Not there giving me hydrocodone and still way too many. So now I have a couple hundred extra so I told her she could cut back on the amount. So now I'm just saving a small amount. I am a preparer so I like having them for when our country falls into chaos. Well It already is but I mean even worse. No If I could faind a way to stock pile some antibiotic I would have it made.
Colloidal silver is a good antibiotic and you make it as you need it. Just need a generator, batteries for the generator, Silver rods and water.
Yeah I had a science teacher next door and he was getting traces of gold and other minerals this way from leaf's. That was in the 70's I didn't know that's how you got colloidal silver also. I know you can buy it. Or use silver dimes and a 9 volt battery in water. Cant you also use it to turn plants to female. I also didn't know it was antibiotic either. Thanks for the tip.
Yes for fem seeds when you do that you should not smoke the buds. If you force the female plant to pollinate itself you get fem seeds.
Good point. I don't think you can really prepare 100%. I even have 60 gallons of gas and I start my generator every month and run it a bit. But prepping isn't about lasting forever. But If you can have enough for a month you wont be out with all the crazies' and it bye you time to figure out a plan. I've never been much into guns either but several years ago I built a AR 223 and two 9mm AR style guns one with a 4" barrel and on with a 16" barrel. I just bought me a semi auto shotgun a few months ago. And lots of ammo. But I am really a very passive type of person so I really don't think it would be easy for me to shoot anyone. But if someone was trying to harm my family I wouldn't hesitate.
I'm pretty passive myself. Prone to be "considerate-to-others-to-a-fault", so I've been told.

However - knowing how much pure evil exists, I have zero doubt about my willingness to do whatever I have to in order to protect my family and myself - or other friendlies - should we all come under attack.

I can only pray that my ability would come close to my willingness, should either be sadly required.

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