Where did the components come from?

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MJ Passion

Staff member
Jul 29, 2016
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Okay - someone on a YouTube mentioned God and Aliens and belief in each. Got my mind going off in a few directions. This is something that I just cannot figure out an answer.

First thought. There is a God by whatever name you call it. And that's where this world and other worlds came from. Okay, Where did He/She come from? Where did the components for planets, stars, and space dust come from?

And of you don't believe in an entity, there is evidence that we are here, so even if earth was out there and floating around and became what it is now, and people came from little bacteria, etc. Where did that come from?

Also, if we were created/evolved here, why would there be only us on the planets we know of? And what about on the planets and galaxies we don't know of? What's there and were did the components come from for that?

Yes, I think aliens could be possible. (The old "The Day the Earth Stood Still") and why not "War of the Worlds".

So, do you have any theories where the components came from?

Yes, I ponder strange and wonderful things.
I've had those same thoughts most my life.
I don't believe in the man made God nor their bullshit bible which by the way I have read twice. Have even read the 13 chapters the assholes left out of the Bible.
To me it's nothing but a story book written by many men to gain control over the masses.
And it worked pretty good for many years. Still has control over many thank goodness. Because without religion to help control evil men and women,this world would be even more fked up and more chaotic.
I personally think we came from stardust. Have no fking idea where the stars and planets came from or why the fk I'm even here. Have pondered on it many times. Don't believe in a God nor Creator because how the fk did they get created. I've died twice according to doctors and been brought back. Never seen shit except a bright light in my fking face in the emergency operation room before I was put to sleep after being shot.
It's a mystery we will never have an answer too unless it happens when your energy leaves your body for the last time and possibly goes somewhere else but in in no hurry to find that out.
The big bang makes no more sense than a God popping out of nowhere. We are the only living beings with brains big enough and the intelligence to even ask those questions or give a shit.
We as humans will continue to ask those questions and make up shit like religion to make us feel better about our existence as we have for thousands of yrs.
Me,,I just want HIPPIE to stop trying to spoon with me.😁
Read " A universe from nothing"
By Lawrence Krause
No gods or aliens necessary. Leaves only a question of why there is a plane of existence rather than not.
The answer "I don't know" is very troubling for humans to accept. I believe that religions, gods, aliens, etc are just banal and childish attempts to attach agency to the unknown.
Okay - someone on a YouTube mentioned God and Aliens and belief in each. Got my mind going off in a few directions. This is something that I just cannot figure out an answer.

First thought. There is a God by whatever name you call it. And that's where this world and other worlds came from. Okay, Where did He/She come from? Where did the components for planets, stars, and space dust come from?

And of you don't believe in an entity, there is evidence that we are here, so even if earth was out there and floating around and became what it is now, and people came from little bacteria, etc. Where did that come from?

Also, if we were created/evolved here, why would there be only us on the planets we know of? And what about on the planets and galaxies we don't know of? What's there and were did the components come from for that?

Yes, I think aliens could be possible. (The old "The Day the Earth Stood Still") and why not "War of the Worlds".

So, do you have any theories where the components came from?

Yes, I ponder strange and wonderful things.

Now a fun version
I've had those same thoughts most my life.
I don't believe in the man made God nor their bullshit bible which by the way I have read twice. Have even read the 13 chapters the assholes left out of the Bible.
To me it's nothing but a story book written by many men to gain control over the masses.
And it worked pretty good for many years. Still has control over many thank goodness. Because without religion to help control evil men and women,this world would be even more fked up and more chaotic.
I personally think we came from stardust. Have no fking idea where the stars and planets came from or why the fk I'm even here. Have pondered on it many times. Don't believe in a God nor Creator because how the fk did they get created. I've died twice according to doctors and been brought back. Never seen shit except a bright light in my fking face in the emergency operation room before I was put to sleep after being shot.
It's a mystery we will never have an answer too unless it happens when your energy leaves your body for the last time and possibly goes somewhere else but in in no hurry to find that out.
The big bang makes no more sense than a God popping out of nowhere. We are the only living beings with brains big enough and the intelligence to even ask those questions or give a shit.
We as humans will continue to ask those questions and make up shit like religion to make us feel better about our existence as we have for thousands of yrs.
Me,,I just want HIPPIE to stop trying to spoon with me.😁
I died in the ambulance (funny it was my own that night)
My crew was working their balls off to save me, I do remember weeks later when i woke up asking for my Grandmother who had passed on already. I saw her and she was holding my hand saying not time yet.
My crew on the bus said I went out no pulse, no EKG readings at all. Then all of a sudden, I opened my eyes and started speaking in Czech asking for my Grandmother, I did not speak Chech but one of the AMTs did.
So, I believe there is something out there. .....................Maybe.
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there is a Creator

the Ways of our Creator are beyond our human comprehension

it is not for us to know why , at least not now

one day we will all find out who , what , when , where , and why

but until then , we keep seeking

anyone do any tripping on DMT?
The ways of your creator? Where did your creator come from and who created your creator? Just saying it's not for us to know makes no sense brother. In other words, shut up and believe what you are told,, right? I've never seen God,, have you?
That's what religion and religious ppl have been telling us for thousands of years. Just believe there is a God/Creator regardless of whether there is proof or not. In other words, just do what I say, and believe what I tell you sheeple. Sounds familiar. Kinda like what's going on today. Someone telling us the economy is great. Just because you are broke and struggling doesn't mean anything. Just get in line sheeple and listen to me. Same shit in Religion. No proof just words from men, telling you they know it's so because they read it in a book written by men they never met talking about a God they have never seen..
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Religion believes in a creator and calls him God. The Bible actually calls him God and or Creator. So what is the Distinct difference you are referring to KGB?


Data from Oxford Languages


  1. a person or thing that brings something into existence:
    "James Bond's creator Ian Fleming" · "water—the creator of climate and weather"
      used as a name for God.
      the Almighty
      the Lord
      the Master of the Universe
      one's Maker
Project Genesis was a theoretical process to terraform dead planets by means of a genetic explosion that would reduce the surface of a planet to its elementary particles.

According to NOMAD KIRK is the Creator.............................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Religion believes in a creator and calls him God. The Bible actually calls him God and or Creator. So what is the Distinct difference you are referring to KGB?


Data from Oxford Languages


  1. a person or thing that brings something into existence:
    "James Bond's creator Ian Fleming" · "water—the creator of climate and weather"
      used as a name for God.
      the Almighty
      the Lord
      the Master of the Universe
      one's Maker

my Man , try and get past the Religion

the Almighty was before religion
Religion believes in a creator and calls him God. The Bible actually calls him God and or Creator. So what is the Distinct difference you are referring to KGB?


Data from Oxford Languages


  1. a person or thing that brings something into existence:
    "James Bond's creator Ian Fleming" · "water—the creator of climate and weather"
      used as a name for God.
      the Almighty
      the Lord
      the Master of the Universe
      one's Maker
Religion is nothing more than wanting to believe and needing a reason to

Believing in a creator is actually supported by science

The theory of evolution would never pass muster in a court today…because of what science has discovered just in the last 20 years

However if you combine a creator with evolution….you have a working theory

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