Which soil and pot sizes to start with?

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Apr 6, 2008
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I have ordered some fox farms ocean forest potting mix. Is this good growing to start with or will it cause nute burn??

Also does someone have some advice for what pot size progression to use? I went to a wall mart and they didn't have very good pot selections
i've heard it's really great soil, but never tried it myself so i don't know.

I think they say the safe rule is 1 gallon per month you plan on having it in there?? correct if i'm wrong i dunno. But i'd try to keep it to 2-3 transplants to avoid too much stress.
Hi there walker. I have used pro mix for years and would never use anything else. I have had nothing but great results with it. You will find that many members on here recommend pro mix. Great choice. Are you going to be doing these indoor or outdoor? I assume indoor since you posted this in the indoor growing forum but you never know sometimes...Anyways, the size of the containers you will want to use depends on how much space you have to work with and how big you want the plants to be. I would go at least 2 or 3 gallon for a 3 foot plant. I start my seedlings in dixie cups and then place them in their 2 gallon pots after about two weeks of growth. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe. Hope this helps.
Indoor.....if I just use the fox farms from seeds up, will that be too much fert for them to start with?

I have seen posts where people say don't start with pre-fert soils but I have yet to find a post where it says what to use instead?

My plan is to use the fox farms ocean and then just not give them any extra nutes till 4 weeks in???
I start mine in the 4" pots, till the roots start coming out of the bottom, then graduate to a 1 gallon. And when they start to show sex, ditch the males, move the females to 5 gallon pots, and into the flowering room they go (but I give them a little time to recoup between transplant and the flip). Go to a garden store for pots. Walmart and Canadian Tire have a terrible selection (around here anyways).
Fox farms is organic,the other prefertilized soils people talk about are chemical. Never delt with FF, but I'm sure u will be ok starting seedlings in their soil.
I've used it for years and never had any problems with burn but it's organic, not nutes. I usually start nutes at 1/4 strength at about week 3 of growth, usually after their first transplant. What are the dimensions of your grow area? That will help us and you in determining how big your containers should be. 5 gallon containers are much much better than the 2 gallon ones I am using right now but I wouldn't have room for them in my area so I opted for the 2 gallon. Anyways, hope this helps. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.

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