Guptilla kush bagseed

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Coming up on week 6, starting to smell up the apartment a little lol good thing I'm moving. I also found some seeds in some store weed (Dark Rainbow Belts, Strawberry Bubbles). Just gotta get some cbd seeds now. Starting to get a few orange hairs. Also got some 🍄 I started yesterday in a bag. 😉 things are looking up I think
Nice garden top notch buds
Milky with sprinkles of amber is good for me. I don't like to let them go to deep into amber. They tend to loose their odor and if ya wait to long potency.
These look great. Your good to think the weekend for harvest. Congrats
I agree. 10-20% amber is as far as I like to go. I prefer to keep the high in my head instead of a big body buzz. Better taste also. It's better for me than chasing a little more weight. So, once the clear trichomes are gone, it's just about time imo.
Why thanks, what's your take on cloudy VS amber trichomes? Which do you prefer?
I like cloudy with about 25% amber. I dont like more than that because couch loc and sleepy. Id I have a strain that I like the high but not the taste I let them go to about 50% amber. That only does into oil for cookies and salve. Got to mske more salve today down to 3 tins
Chopped down and hung up to dry, I think it hermied on me and these shriveled up old pollen sacks are the yellow things in 1st couple of pics. I'll take a few fem seeds please. Not as heavy as I'd like but overall not disappointed. Time to begin again!


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I don't worry about a few beans either. I got one from my DP I just grew. Prob find a few more as we consume it. I'm growing it's clone anyways.

Ya got some nice bud.
Chopped down and hung up to dry, I think it hermied on me and these shriveled up old pollen sacks are the yellow things in 1st couple of pics. I'll take a few fem seeds please. Not as heavy as I'd like but overall not disappointed. Time to begin again!
Love the pics nice buds
Yeah ive got 1 more seed of this I'm going to save until I get caloidial silver to make feminized seeds. It was a nice one
When you make fem seeds how often do you spray the colloidal silver and how may times a day. There are so many conflicting directions. Last time I killed the plant.
I e got one from the Durban Poison so far. Prob find a few more. It was a easy, frosty, n potent plant. If this clone doesn't take off I'll plant them sometime.

If ya remember the snap crackle pop dope from the 70s a few seeds don't bother ya at all.
My res temps kept creeping into the 70s. Before long I had slimy pale brown roots. I had to rip them from the netpots and plant in promix. Damaged roots caused a stunted growth but they turned out delicious.
I thought I could get away with slightly higher temps but not so..they warned

If ya can handle frequently watering plants coco is a awesome road to go. I think growth in coco is very similar to hydro without having to deal with res temps.

It's pretty easy to hit that 35w per sqft in a small space. I'm running a 480w in a 4x4. That only gives me 30 per sqft but it's doing the job. I got nice solid bud last grow. I really need to add more power to my setup but for now I'm growing my ass
Have you ever considered organic growing? I started in a 50/50 blend of Peat and Vermiculite amended with dolomitic lime and gypsum. But that requires the following work almost daily:
1) pH the R.O. water you're using to between 5.8 and 6.5
2) Mix liquid nutes into the water according to mfr.'s recipe - consider reducing to 40% strength to start. Adjust strength as needed moving forward.
3) Water to a 10% runoff amd test the EC a pH of that runoff and keep a log of all the data you collect.
4) Fertigate the peat - water daily and to a runoff to avoid salt buildup, which could result in nute lock.

I did all this for 3 grows starting in a 5 gallon pot and eventually moving up to a 7gallon. TH.en I learned that cannabis and virtually all plants are classified as "autotrophs", meaning they feed themselves. "Wait just one stinkin' minute", I said.... if they feed themselves why the heck am I the waiter, chef and busboy to an autotroph? It was at this point that I began studying organic growing and had the good luck to find Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend Grower's Mix, which is specifically designed for cannabis.

I use Stonington exclusively in a 10 gallon pot and one seed now yields 19 ozs of primo dried and cured flower and all I do is water and only occasionally top-dress in a few amendments when the nutes begin to run low.

A 10 gallon pot filled with Stonington is good for 2 months of veg without any amendments needed. At the beginning a grow, the pot will show a 6,000ppm runoff reading. But most of those nutes are not plant available. It's the bacteria, protozoans and fungi that do all the hard work by breaking down the organic material into the proper ionic form that's plant available. I've also read that glomus interacides the endo-michorizal fungi that's added to Stonington is the only endo that pairs with cannabis inside its roots and it specializes in breaking down phosphorous for the plant.

Stonington costs about $35 per bag. It actually changed my life and made it so much easier. I uploaded a pic of my newest seedling: Skywalker OG which germinated 10 days ago. I do not use solo cups...I strongly believe in allowing the tap root to seek out the deepest part of the pot as that will help to develop the biggest root ball possible in a 10 gallon container.

Whatever you're using to grow, I wish you the best of luck for the greatest harvest ever.


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Have you ever considered organic growing? I started in a 50/50 blend of Peat and Vermiculite amended with dolomitic lime and gypsum. But that requires the following work almost daily:
1) pH the R.O. water you're using to between 5.8 and 6.5
2) Mix liquid nutes into the water according to mfr.'s recipe - consider reducing to 40% strength to start. Adjust strength as needed moving forward.
3) Water to a 10% runoff amd test the EC a pH of that runoff and keep a log of all the data you collect.
4) Fertigate the peat - water daily and to a runoff to avoid salt buildup, which could result in nute lock.

I did all this for 3 grows starting in a 5 gallon pot and eventually moving up to a 7gallon. TH.en I learned that cannabis and virtually all plants are classified as "autotrophs", meaning they feed themselves. "Wait just one stinkin' minute", I said.... if they feed themselves why the heck am I the waiter, chef and busboy to an autotroph? It was at this point that I began studying organic growing and had the good luck to find Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend Grower's Mix, which is specifically designed for cannabis.

I use Stonington exclusively in a 10 gallon pot and one seed now yields 19 ozs of primo dried and cured flower and all I do is water and only occasionally top-dress in a few amendments when the nutes begin to run low.

A 10 gallon pot filled with Stonington is good for 2 months of veg without any amendments needed. At the beginning a grow, the pot will show a 6,000ppm runoff reading. But most of those nutes are not plant available. It's the bacteria, protozoans and fungi that do all the hard work by breaking down the organic material into the proper ionic form that's plant available. I've also read that glomus interacides the endo-michorizal fungi that's added to Stonington is the only endo that pairs with cannabis inside its roots and it specializes in breaking down phosphorous for the plant.

Stonington costs about $35 per bag. It actually changed my life and made it so much easier. I uploaded a pic of my newest seedling: Skywalker OG which germinated 10 days ago. I do not use solo cups...I strongly believe in allowing the tap root to seek out the deepest part of the pot as that will help to develop the biggest root ball possible in a 10 gallon container.

Whatever you're using to grow, I wish you the best of luck for the greatest harvest ever.
Thanks for the info but I'm doing okay in my promix and Jack's. Only thing I'm doing different is moving up to 7gal pots. Prob about all this old back can handle moving around.

If I had an outdoor area to grow I'd play with organics a little more. I've grown in soils, coco, promix, and hydro. I pretty pleased with the ease of promix indoors. Pulled almost 4lbs out of my last grow and it was a very easy grow with said combination.

We all get it done...our own way.
Thanks for the info but I'm doing okay in my promix and Jack's. Only thing I'm doing different is moving up to 7gal pots. Prob about all this old back can handle moving around.

If I had an outdoor area to grow I'd play with organics a little more. I've grown in soils, coco, promix, and hydro. I pretty pleased with the ease of promix indoors. Pulled almost 4lbs out of my last grow and it was a very easy grow with said combination.

We all get it done...our own way.
Your way is obviously working well for you. My personal goal is to grow once for an entire year - one seed is all I need in a 10 gallon pot to yield about 19 ozs or so and organics specifically got me there. I pop another seed about 5 months before I run out and I'm good to go. Have a good week!
Your way is obviously working well for you. My personal goal is to grow once for an entire year - one seed is all I need in a 10 gallon pot to yield about 19 ozs or so and organics specifically got me there. I pop another seed about 5 months before I run out and I'm good to go. Have a good week!
Ya should start a journal Dave. Take us along on this one plant journey. I would love to see it. I'm currently doing a similar grow. I have a single clone I'm going to throw under a 4x4 screen. 19zips is a lot for one plant. Now ya have given me a

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