White widow and her crosses

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Weed guru in training😜😜😜
Staff member
Bud of the Month Winner
Aug 29, 2023
Reaction score
Chaparral, New Mexico
Got white widows soaking in a few days I will plant them in soil. I am going to try autos Carty’s way. I am doing a test for JCS checking on viability, plant size, growth rate and everything you would look for in a quality seed that will give awesome buds. Since I will be doing a seed run I will not be checking for how it smokes. The seeds producing will take away from quality smoke. I will do a second room for buds and their quality. I am starting with 20 seeds. The males will be separated until I found my biggest best male. Depending on females I would like 5 with pollen and 5 without pollen. I hope I am up yo the task. I will start them outside. Our first frost date is Nov 21 here although last year it was Dec 21. I will keep a close watch on our weather and bring them inside when temps get too cool at night. Usually when we have a super hot summer we have a mild winter. I hope that is the case. I got this. This is a great opportunity for me. I will be adding updates as they come in. Feel free to comment and suggest things I can do better. I love this forum and have learned so much.
Seeded buds are no less potent than unseeded buds.........
Thank you. I read somewhere when the plant goes into seed production it takes away ftom the buds. Maybe I misunderstood what I read. Maybe the beds are just smaller. I hope this run goes goes better than last time. Last time I killed the plant.
Seeded buds are no less potent than unseeded buds.........
This is from the article I read, but just because it’s on the internet does not make it so.

Pollination causes seeds to grow. It lowers your overall yield when the plant focuses on seeds instead of buds, and seeds can be a pain to pick out of buds. A few seeds here and there won’t really make much difference, but pollination also reduces the potency if buds get heavily seeded.
Most people harvest too early unless they are making seeds then they often let the plant go a little longer and learn about how a plant ripens.
Less bud yes less potent bud no.
I want mature seeds so I plan on letting them go as long as possible. Will 5 plants give me a lot of seeds?
Tens of thousands off 5 3' tall plants.
I suggest you do it however beware.......... this rabbit holes very dark and deep and surely leads to madness.
A seed bank offered me a deal so I want to try. I am also going to follow instructions very closely. The sb liked the pics I posted thanking them for good seeds with my review. The many 5 ft plants I had in 7 and 10 gal grow bags, along with the massive bud pics and good haul from those plants. Too bad the dog got the 3 biggest ones they were 6 ft in early July. I can only imagine how big they wuold have gotten.
Tens of thousands off 5 3' tall plants.
I suggest you do it however beware.......... this rabbit holes very dark and deep and surely leads to madness.
maybe I will only Do 2 with seeds
A seed bank offered me a deal so I want to try. I am also going to follow instructions very closely. The sb liked the pics I posted thanking them for good seeds with my review. The many 5 ft plants I had in 7 and 10 gal grow bags, along with the massive bud pics and good haul from those plants. Too bad the dog got the 3 biggest ones they were 6 ft in early July. I can only imagine how big they wuold have gotten.

maybe I will only Do 2 with seeds
May be easier to deal with the volume that way.
I hate having seeds just sit and never get grown thinking about that is kind of depressing to me.
Pots are ready for my 2 in tap roots. Just starting to peek this morning only been 24 hours. I will be patient and let thing happen. I do not want to rush this process. The soil I repurposed by adding a full bag of compost, half bag of worm castings, a cup of seabird guano and 1 cup blood meal and some perlite. I use a kiddie pool to mix everything well. The pool was full to the top. I watered them enough to wet the soil . It will be at least 24 hours before I plant. I am starting them outside as my weather it still great. 90 in the daytime and 60s at night. When the temps drop in the night I will bring them in.That usually does not happen until after thanksgiving. I will keep an eye out.


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Tens of thousands off 5 3' tall plants.
I suggest you do it however beware.......... this rabbit holes very dark and deep and surely leads to madness.
Yeah I do not need thousands.
Got white widows soaking in a few days I will plant them in soil. I am going to try autos Carty’s way. I am doing a test for JCS checking on viability, plant size, growth rate and everything you would look for in a quality seed that will give awesome buds. Since I will be doing a seed run I will not be checking for how it smokes. The seeds producing will take away from quality smoke. I will do a second room for buds and their quality. I am starting with 20 seeds. The males will be separated until I found my biggest best male. Depending on females I would like 5 with pollen and 5 without pollen. I hope I am up yo the task. I will start them outside. Our first frost date is Nov 21 here although last year it was Dec 21. I will keep a close watch on our weather and bring them inside when temps get too cool at night. Usually when we have a super hot summer we have a mild winter. I hope that is the case. I got this. This is a great opportunity for me. I will be adding updates as they come in. Feel free to comment and suggest things I can do better. I love this forum and have learned so much.
day 2 of tap roots not quite there one more day.
A seed bank offered me a deal so I want to try. I am also going to follow instructions very closely. The sb liked the pics I posted thanking them for good seeds with my review. The many 5 ft plants I had in 7 and 10 gal grow bags, along with the massive bud pics and good haul from those plants. Too bad the dog got the 3 biggest ones they were 6 ft in early July. I can only imagine how big they wuold have gotten.

maybe I will only Do 2 with seeds
so I do not need to make seeds but I will do one since I already said seed run,I will do 1 seeded. The others I am checking to make sure they are quality seeds that make quality smoke.


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The more plants you use the wider range of offspring you'll see.
Cannabis isn't like tomatoes or roses no two plants will be alike.
I have grown thousands of plants from seed and never seen the same plant twice........similar sure but never the same.
The more plants you use the wider range of offspring you'll see.
Cannabis isn't like tomatoes or roses no two plants will be alike.
I have grown thousands of plants from seed and never seen the same plant twice........similar sure but never the same.
Yes, but I misunderstood my offer from the seed bank. I am testing the new seeds he just got in. Making sure they are not duds. JCS only wants to sell the best seeds. If they are not up to par he will give them as free seeds with any purchase. I thought he wanted seeds.
He wanted me to test the seeds. I thought he said make seeds. I already called it a seed run so I am going to do one. I will document everything.
Yes, but I misunderstood my offer from the seed bank. I am testing the new seeds he just got in. Making sure they are not duds. JCS only wants to sell the best seeds. If they are not up to par he will give them as free seeds with any purchase. I thought he wanted seeds.
He wanted me to test the seeds. I thought he said make seeds. I already called it a seed run so I am going to do one. I will document everything.
Yes, make seeds. I am a big believer in stepping out of your comfort zone.
May be easier to deal with the volume that way.
I hate having seeds just sit and never get grown thinking about that is kind of depressing to me.

my plan is to pass my seeds on to the next generation and they will need all the seeds they can get their hands on cause the shit is gonna hit the fan , soon

but yeah , like others have said , seeds do NOT reduce potency , hear me now believe me later

what would be a cool experiment would be to grow two identical clones , seed one only , then send samples to a lab for testing

otherwise , I have smoked the same plants , seeded and unseeded , both got me stoned to the bone

we pollinated 6 plants this year with pollen from 5 studly males and we will have thousands of seeds this harvest

a few of the plants have been cannibalized by grasshoppers and the seeds may not mature
I do not even know anything about cloning. It is on my to learn list though. I really like learning and doing new things. Maybe I will try the clone thing on some of the things I am getting in trade. Thank you for taking time yo explain things. I really appreciate it. This is your lively hood so I do believe you. I want to learn everything I can about cannabis. It is my favorite plant. So versatile you can make so many things from it. I want to try it all. Thanks again.
All I will say, is that when these old guys on here state their opinion, I pretty much take it as gospel.
If Big says seeded, and unseeded weed gives you the same high……well, experience goes a long way.
And yes, Big always gets his 10%.

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