I like the widow. Fairly easy to grow. You can go a little skiddish on the ferts. mine flowers for just over 8 weeks. Very Nice Smoke. 1 hit stuff for sure. Buds are covered in crystals.
how long should I veg it? I'm growing 2 under 400watt system gonna go MH&HPS. I know what you talkin about weeddog I smoked widow before, it sure is something else.
after you get 3 or 4 sets of leaves, pinch the grow shoot out of the middle and it will split into two branches. do this again to the new branches when they get 3 or 4 set of leaves on them. twice should be good enuf.
let the new shoots grow a little before you put into flower.
yes my wwf-3s smell real pugnent medicinal to me in vegetative stage . the smell is like if you touch it with your tounge it would be numb for a week .