will any of it pass?

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Sep 27, 2012
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i just dont see us winning the war of cannibis against the federal goverment..i mean the dept of justice and the dea are always winning the battle and the war all at once..its like what we say does not matter..and they say cannibis should stay classified as a class 1 drug?..that groups it with heroin..lsd..cocain and other harmful drugs..but why is it that a lot of people who know this plant say it is NOT BAD AT ALL?...i really dont think even if we have our day in court that it is going to do any good...when you fight the federal goverment..you NEVER WIN...we are just lowly citizens who"s opinion does not count....that is just my two cents worth...as you can plainly see...obama said very clearly that as long as you had a med card for cannibis..you were in compliance...well...on fox news, attorny general Eric Holder said quite a while back when it was passed by obama that ..IT DOES NOT MATTER. "we will prosecute anyways cause it is a illegal drug and yes i heard that and seen it with my own eyes...so like i said..WE WILL never win....at least i dont think so...UNLESS SOMETHING VERY SIGNIFICANT TAKES PLACE

And with ALL that said....What significant would you consider????


edit: .....be carefull ....this may fall on political.....and may be against the rules.....and well...I dont part--take..in that:p
tokeup.....there's a sliver lining you haven't considered. with every passing year the population gets a little younger...or at least "younger minded".
i can remember (dating myself here) when Jane Russell wore a turtle neck sweater UNDER a bra in commercials. now days the models are darn near nude in them. there was a time when NOTHING was open on sunday...then came the 12:00pm opening, followed by 1:00, then the "business as usual" openings.
things do change and no, it's not always quick and/or easy. we just have to be patient and do our part....VOTE!
Like fumek said...as these old ignorant asshats die off and younger people who have actual experience using MJ take office the tide will turn. I think 1 or 2 states will legalize this year and that should force the Feds hand. Biggest court case right now is to get MJ removed from schedule 1 which it should never have been classified as. I think in the next 5 years we should see some major progress. Jmo
In my lifetime, I have seen the MJ laws change for the better across the board. I remember, when an arrest for sale of less an oz was a felony. I have also seen, a lot of young people go away for 2 to 4 years for selling or sharing small amounts, not to mention the legal fees and the hardships caused by being a convicted felon.

But times are a changing. We the people are the government and we elect the lawmakers who can change these federal out of date laws. Someday, I hope in my lifetime, we will be able to enjoy our herb without having to hide and feel guilty.

Stay safe my friends..............
Hide-yes I do.....Feel guilty-NO WAY!!!
I have seen things slowly changing in the 40+ years I've been around. I remember hearing about the first states legalizing medical and then we didnt hear much for a while-then it seemed like forever there were 13 states-just like the early United States of America.
The medicinal business are building in strength-the fed puts the kabosh on any institution who loans money to them.
Sooner or later(probably later), the federal government will be given an ultamatum-undo it or arrest everyone-and they dont have the manpower to do it right now.
I hope Im around when it is legalized-or decrimilized to the extent of practically nonexistent-like brewing beer was actually illegal for years but people did it-companies making supplies sprang up-provided jobs and made money.
So to all that say it wont happen, or it has to be "something significant" for it to happen-IT IS HAPPENING-IT IS EVOLVING.
Oh well-thats my insight-now Ima gonna go burn one.


The more states that pass mmj laws, the more the federal government is going to have to listen. If Colorado, Washington, and/or Oregon legalize by ballot this election, it is also going to be something significant. I am 60 years old. There has been a tremendous change in the attitude of the majority. I personally am quite hopeful that the tide is turning. At some point, the federal government does have to bend to the will of the people.
old ignorant asshats die off

Now thats funny,,And True. Im just afraid to say it cause I use to get in trouble for my views.:D
WeedHopper said:

Now thats funny,,And True. Im just afraid to say it cause I use to get in trouble for my views.:D

Lol...they have really come out of the wood work lately. Knuckle dragging Teanderthal's I like to call them. :p
tokeup1 said:
none of it WILL PASS

Hmmm, tokeup1, you started this thread with the question, will any of this pass?
Now, after several educated responses as to why it might pass, you state the above. Perhaps you know something we don't about the way things get done in this country.
I just found out just started giving tickets to folks with 50 grams or less.Out of 46 possible votes there were 43 yeas and 3 nays.10 years ago it would have been the other way around.I think it would be major progress to have just one of those states pass it.