2nd grow, need help after killing the first plant!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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Ok so my plants recently died simply due to the fact that it was my first grow and as a newbie i made the mistake of watering too much (in my head i convinced myself if i watered it heavy once a day it would grow faster). i just ordered a new hps assembly and a 150 watt hps bulb and it will arive on thursday. i plan on planting the seed tomorrow into my two 2-gallon pots and using the lighting i used before to hold me off until the arival oif my new assembly. so anyways, below is a series of questions i really hope you bas a$$ experienced growers can help me with and i would appreciate it so much! thank you for your help!

How deep should i plant the seeds?
how far away should my hps be from the 2 plants?
what are the best nutrients someone can get living in the middle of nowhere?
how often and how much should i water the plants?

thank you all for your help! i will keep you updated...
ar'right, man...

here's what u do...

USE SMALL POTS TO START... like, the 2-3" pots... s'all u need for the first month... then step up, and get to your final pot depending on how big the plant is suppose to get....

trust me... the less medium you have to worry about... the less you have to control.

just... trust me.

transplanting does not stunt/shock the plant as much as some would have you believe...

I'm tell'n ya.. I'm an idiot... but I can grow anything and manipulate it to get exactly what I want.

wanna see some pics? ? ?... and I haven't even really STARTED up again....
Fox Farms Ocean forest will make your plants grow crazy healthy. Good luck.
Lets see here, If i were you id go to walmart and grab some Jiffy-7 pellet's. The things where you add water and they expand! Grab those, grab some 16oz party cups "cut 3 little holes in the bottom for drainage", and grab a couple 2 gallon pots "If your going to veg longer than a month id go with 5 gallon as your final pot"... So what you do is first germ your seeds inside a damp paper-towel in between 2 plates on top of your fridge. Once you see the tap root, expand the jiffy-7 pellet's and with a pencil poke a hole about 1/4 the way down thin place the seed with the tap root facing down. And just water the pellet whenever it feels dry and light.. And whenever the roots start to come out of the pellet, peal off the outer skin and place into your 16 oz cup with drainage holes. Leave in these cups for say a week or 2 or whenever you start to see roots come out of the drainage holes. Make sure when you water just water very slowly until you get a run off thin stop. Make sure to only water when it need it. Stick your finger under neath the top layer of soil. If its got a dark brown color and sordof damp than wait a lil longer. And when you first start your seedlings don't give them any nutrients for at least 3 weeks. And every time you transplant hold of on nuts for a few days.. And depending on what size light your using will depend on how high it should be. You want the light as close as possible with out getting them too hot. Use your hand to determine how high your light should be. Place your hand a few inches above your plants, if you feel the top of your hand starting to burn thin your too close. You want it to be warm but not hot.. If your using florescent you can have them almost touching the plants with No problem. And as far as nutrients go i would really sagest you buying them online, you could most likely find some kind of nuts where you live but you will have trouble with thim most likely. If its your first time with nutrients i would go with something simple like Fox Farms 3 part.. Heres a link to a good hydroponic web site with good prices..

good luck bro.

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