a cool way to grow check it out

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Wow! it is different.

I'm really liking that....i could disguise that as a wood stove in my living room!

course then everyone would ask why i have a fireplace and weird looking wood stove in my living room...............
IMO i think i would put clones in there and let um do there thing. it's like you said different, thats the oly way to explain it. and it's very compact and stealthy. i would love to give it a try jus got to get the lights. might get great results from a lowrider.
A garbage can is more stealthy and easier to set up and seal off light leaks. A couple of them in a garage wouldn't cause any second looks.

I used a similar setup once for a stealth clone room. Using two 15 gallon planter pots with a cfl hanging from the top pot. Not enough room to grow well though. The garbage can would give more room to grow. Perfect for a dozen lowryders.

An old fridge shell in the garage is even better for stealth. It is supposed to be plugged in, make noise and have a lock on it for safety. Also light tight with cooling cores. I see a project in the works. Damn that was some good stuff I just smoked.
I think the biggest benefit to that setup is the mobility. If you built it right (strong base on caster/wheels), you could roll that setup out and anywhere. Sheet, my kids could roll that thing down the street and people would think they'r just building/playin around like kids do.

Seriously though.....that is perfect for renters....and the lowryder revolution!
hmm this really gets the wheels turning... old refridgerator shell seems like it would work wonders though too... hmmm. ohh the possibilities. im thinking aboutu take on the refridgerator though..
I'm actually seriously thinking of using this method now...Very cool way to grow. And this only being for personal use I don't need tons and tons of weed. I was looking at converting this pepsi fridge I picked up into a flower box...I wonder if I can use close to the same design with the central cool tube in the mini fridge. But instead of one...I could put 2 430w tubes in and add in the 6 T5 tube fluoros. I probably wouldn't even need those with the dual 430w, but I could add those in for more blue/red light. Maybe not even 6 of them. I could just put in 4 fixtures for the corners so those plants in the corners get enough light.

I picked this thing up outside of a gas station dumpster. It measures 54"H x 36"W x 27"D. That would give me a lot more vertical space than the barrel would. I'm pretty excited about this. Before I was just going to put a 600w w/ reflector at the top and I was worried about vertical space issues. This BOG method seems like it would work perfectly.

Here is a quick picture of what I'm thinking.

the blue things are the 39w T5 tubes. The yellow circles are the 430w tubes.

dude, thats a lot of light for that small of space!

Even with the cooling component of the fridge your still going to have a crap load of heat coming off those HIDs if you look at the BOG grow you'll see how damaged the plants were around the light.

I would keep the lights above the grow area, but then again your 54" hieght isn't all that tall....

Now with these cool to the touch HID's pictured (and i have no info or know where to buy) i would think it would be worth the while for that setup.

But then you really don't need the fridge or waste of cooling power do you?

actually I wasn't even going to be using the fridge for cooling. The cooling unit is busted which is why the gas station was throwing it out. I'm just going to gut the whole thing out so it's just a shell and lighten it up. I figure with some good ventilation it shouldn't be too terrible. The cab can be from 80-90 degrees. Just as long as the root zone stays cool at around 70-75 degrees is all that matters. And with the chicken wire keeping them from getting too close to the glass I think it should be alright.

One thing is for sure though...If I can manage to pull this off I'll definitely be growing some dense buds. There would be 860w inside that cab alone. I don't think I would even need the T5s in the corners.
naw u wont need all them lights. jus mylar the inside to reflect the hid and u should be good. put some on the bottum to bounce light up as well . you might need to really get the temps down in there
With no cooling your going to definitely want that light at the top of the box. heat rises......
I figure I'll have at least 2 maybe 3 intake fans bringing fresh air in from the bottom/mid point. At the top of the box I'll have another 2 exhaust fans ******* the hot air out. The lights will both have an isolated ventilation system. Probably squirrel cage fans blwoing air through the tubes and an exhaust fan on each of them to **** the hot air directly out. As long as the temps inside stay around 80-85 that's fine. I can always use the wet paper towel method to cool the roots down to 70-75.
hey laser do u really think it's nesscery to put 2 of them lights i think it would be to much heat build up even with the fans. put a 600w in there instead of 2 400w but if u think it'll work go for it. ill still love to see it
I was thinking that. But my concern is that the plants towards the far sides of the box won't get enough light. That's why I was looking at the double tube setup to overlap the light. I have no idea how hot a single 400w will get let alone 2. I would rather have the 860w of light though as opposed to the single 600w. It's just a question of how well the ventilation will work. I seriously feel like I'll be able to ventilate the box well enough with isolated ventilation to the tubes and then a system of ventilation for the box. In total I'm looking at around 10 fans. Four fans for the two light tubes....And 6 for the box.
Hi, thanks for all of the interest in my Barrel of green grow system.

I go by the handle of Dr Pot. I am the inventer of the barrel of green system. If you folks have any questions at all, feel free to post them here and I will check in from time to time.

Dr Pot /aka BOG
how bout get the 600w and 4 flurs to put in each corner. then you jus have to jus worry about the heat from the 600w cause little heat come frome the flurs. and jus think of it youll be filling the whole bottom part with light exclent for the the buds thats at the bottom of the plant + less money spent= other things you might need

Dr Pot thats a great idea u did with the BOG. Can u do a grow jurnol with you setup
hmmm that's not a bad idea actually. I actually like that idea more than the double tubes. It would make working in there a lot easier too because it would give me more room. Good thinking dude. That didn't even occur to me. And I think instead of using the 6500k tubes I would just put all 2700k-3000k tubes in. Very cool. And you're right, that single 600w will probably be easier to manage as far as heat goes.

Think a 265cfm squirrel cage fan would be enough to cool down the 600w tube?
it may i dont knoe much about fans but i would think so. use to fans 1 to blow fresh air in, u should hook it up to the vents in there. and this part may be a job for you but i will make a vent over the 600w and hook a another squirrel cage fan there to take most of the heat from the light
I was thinking of having a squirrely blowing air into the tube and then having a computer fan exhausting air out of the tube. Not sure if I need a stronger exhaust than the intake though. I'm trying to keep it as quiet as possible and I don't know how loud those squirrel cage fans are.

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