baby clones

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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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Howdy folks. this question has probably been asked many times but here goes, I clone under small floros, when the time comes I put them under 1000 watt hid, how do I keep them from burning? Screens, shade, what? Help quick. Thanks

I would either keep them under the fluoros longer or put your 1000W higher. There is no reason to even put them under the 1000W (and waste the electricity) if you are going to shade them. How large are they when you are putting under the HID?
Howdy folks. this question has probably been asked many times but here goes, I clone under small floros, when the time comes I put them under 1000 watt hid, how do I keep them from burning? Screens, shade, what? Help quick. Thanks


Don't put anything between your plants and the lights.

Just keep them an appropriate height above and keep the temps at <28C.

If you see light burn, move the lights higher.

A 1000w should be kept high above newly transplated clones. I have 5' tall plants that get burned by my 1000w HPS at 3 feet.